Writing Fiction posted December 26, 2022

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Frighten when there are too many people on an elevator.

Elevator Phobia

by HarryT

I'm frightened. The crowd in the hotel lobby for our convention is large. There's a presentation I must attend on the seventh floor. I hate elevators. I think the cables will break and the car will crash into the sub-basement. Sweat pops on my forehead as the elevator doors squish open. People rush in. I'm last on. As the door closes, it hits my foot and rolls open. A guy tries to squeeze in. "Too heavy!" I shout. Plant my hand on his chest and shove him back as the door closes. The elevator jerks, then rises to my relief.

100 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. 100 words exactly. Title not included in count.
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