Supernatural Fiction posted November 28, 2022

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Short story/fiction/contest prompt

The Summerland

by BOO ghost

Show Me Contest Winner 

The frozen tundra is under an umbrella of ground-level clouds. Diamond dust swirls with the northern wind. My nostrils flare. I'm downwind of a Roe deer carcass. 

The alpha female returns my call. 
I'm the alpha male of a wolfpack. The alphas lead the pack during a hunt. Our pack numbers twelve. My long legs move forward with my nose to the wind. Scent molecules stick to my tongue.
This taiga marshy pine forest is dense with flora and fauna. My binocular vision zooms on a slaughtered Roe deer down a declivity. Four vicious wolverines are scavenging on a deer carcass.
Cautiously, I move forward, as the pack follows. We watch from a bluff twenty-five meters away. Using stealth, we circle the deer carcass and the wolverines. They snarl and tear at the carcass. Standing their ground. 
We move in closer. I sink my canine teeth into a hindquarters. Trying to steal a hunk of meat. The alpha female pulls with me. The wolverines show their teeth. Wolves are not welcome at this picnic. Blood drips from my nose and a wolverine's claw.
Another wolf joins in on the tug of war with the deer hamhock. We pull together. The hindquarters separate from the carcass, as we tumble backwards. It's a buffet. Nothing but the bone remains. 
My head swivels 360°.
The roar channels through the coniferous forest. 
Chuff! Prusten! Roar!
The roar is louder. My fur stands vertical. Cracking ice crystals frozen to my hair follicles. Meanwhile, a Siberian tiger stalks the wolf pack. She's returning to the kill after bringing the cubs deer venison.
Roar! Roar!
Lickity split, the wolverines cower and run. They're no match for a Siberian tiger. They will scavenge the leftovers. The big cat pays no mind to the wolves licking the deer ham hock and bone marrow.
Hunching their backs, the pack circles the tiger. A lone wolf gets too close, as the fierce tiger sends the wolf flying with her paw. 
The lone wolf whimpers in the snow. I flank the tiger as the pack distracts the cat. Gnashing teeth at the wind. This infuriates the tiger. Red polka dots paint the snow. Disturbing a tiger while it eats is a bad mistake. 
The white tiger lunges forward. Sinking its savage teeth into the throat of another wolf. Crushing his windpipe. 
The Siberian tiger shakes the wolf. He falls at her paws. Scarlett air bubbles plume from the wolf's torn jugular. Instinctively, the pack lunges at the tiger. I bite on the tiger's tail. Another wolf grapples the tiger's left hind leg. While the others attack from perpendicular angles. 
Without warning, the tiger kicks its hind leg. Sending a wolf airborne. He lands in a snowbank a few feet away. Catching his breath. 
Meanwhile, I tug on the tiger's tail. Spontaneously, the beast shifts his weight; turning his head toward his tail. Blood drips from the tiger's ear. Torn by the alpha female. 
It happens in a flash. The alpha female is somersaulted twelve feet. Simultaneously, I'm catapulted like a cat toy. Pinned in the snowbank, teeth lacerate my jugular. 
The pack hears my death call. They leapfrog onto the cat's back. Her jaws clinch tighter. 
Snap! Crackle! Pop!
That's the sound of my neck breaking. My windpipe has been crushed. There's nothing the pack can do but retreat. 
Chuff! Chuff!
She salivates, saliva drools and pools.
Roe deer and wolf burgers are on the blue plate special. No meat will rot. Suddenly, I see a black and white tunnel spinning counterclockwise. Flashbacks of my life funnel through this vortex. Like watching a movie projector from birth to death. 
A sphere of light appears at the core of this tunnel. At first, it resembles a faraway star. It grows, as I near the end of this wormhole. Becoming brighter and larger. The tunnel has vanished! 
Howl! Howl!
It's the call of wolves in the afterlife beckoning me. A metamorphosis occurs. Dark matter changes to azure skies. I see–fields of daisies, daylilies, tulips, poppies…dikes, rivers, houses, windmills, and piney forests. 
Sounds the crickets and birds. 
Squirrels, beavers, racoons, otters, and the mink play. I see a silhouette in the distance. 
"Greetings! Newcomer. Andrew Jackson David at your service. I'm the author of the 'Poughkeepsie Seer,' and the gatekeeper of the Summerland."
I'm spellbound. I rub my chin. 
He's a human. What is this place?
"Newcomer, I can hear your thoughts. Be patient while I indoctrinate you. You must have many questions like the other forsaken souls?" 
"This is the Summerland. It's a spiritualist realm and a paradisal after-death state," indoctrinates Andrew.
I rub my nose but feel nothing?
"Yes! You're a spirit. Until your soul is reincarnated into the next world. It's purgatory. What the Wicans believe." 
My reflection mirrors off a pond. 
Hum, all I see is a ball of energy. I'm a celestial orb.
"That's your soul. You will get a spiritual body after I lock the stargate."
I look at my reflection in the pond. Mesmerized. 
"The Summerland is the habitation of spirits of good will. It's a harmonious, quasi-physical life with beautiful houses, lecture halls, music, gardens, meadows, trees, lakes, streams, and animals." 
"Like other spheres, the Summerland is a product of the minds of its inhabitants. Like attracts like; thus deceased persons or animals who are attuned to beauty, love, and learning are drawn together, and create these delights which appear concrete," indoctrinates Andrew. 
I'm fascinated by Andrew's words of wisdom. A gold key and silver chain dangles around his brawny neck. 
"Fear not, the voices. Mediums from the physical world can communicate with souls. And vice versa. Likewise, living persons, while out-of-body, may cross over to the Summerland."
 "Err, I understand."
Andrew's eyes look like ice on fire. 
"It's time–you get a spiritual body. Before being reincarnated into the next realm."  
Andrew rubs his chin.  
"Hum, records show—you were a wolf. You will remember nothing of your last life when you're reincarnated. The shock of birth will make you forget." 
"Now, let's calculate the gold crown that you earned in your previous life, as a wolf." 
"Defending your wolf pack gets you 100 extra gold crowns. Being loyal to your soulmate earns you 33 more."
Andrew scratches his nose. 
"Ummm, give me a minute to tally the score. Oh, yes; it comes to a grand total of 263 points!"
Andrew stares at Mr. wolf. 
"Hum, you get to choose from this category."
Andrew reads from a list:
Ghost bird
Katana sword
Gila monster
"Err-um, Mr. Andrew. Could ya' give me a minute to choose?" I stutter.
Andrew cracks his knuckles. 
"Ummm, the rules state—you get five minutes. But I can bend the rules and allow eight minutes. Choose wisely."
Andrew stands close proximity to the Stargate portal.
"Hum, Mr. Andrew. Which one has the longest lifespan?"
My eyes rotate from left to right. Like a clock pendulum. Recanting the past as a wolf. 
Just reminiscing…it was a cold Siberian night and the stars were bright. A boy was roasting a rabbit over his campfire. My paw snaps a fallen twig incubated in an icicle. My amber eyes pierce the darkness. We make eye contact. 
"Hello, wolf. Don't be afraid," said the meek voice.  
A roasted rabbit thigh lands inches from my snout. It's a temptation. I was hesitant at first, but my hunger begat fear. The rabbit was tasty. 
I thought...maybe the boy saw my bony rib cage? 
My eyes zoom out; as I ponder the possibilities. 
Hum, elephants are poached for their ivory tusks. 
"Ok, Mr. Andrew. I pick–a boy," I slurred my words.
Andrew removes the silver chain and gold key lassoed around his neck. 
A miracle occurs as Andrew turns the tumblers to the lock mechanism. My eyes sparkle. 
Wow! Is that my reflection mirrored in the pond? I'm a boy. 
The gold gate has been locked. I marvel at my transformation. 
Andrew interrupts me. 
"Now, you're a spirit boy. You don't get your physical body until you're reincarnated into the next world, savvy?"
"You will get a name when the time comes. Be patient. Ummm, it takes 1000 gold crowns to get a boy name. You already earned 263 gold crowns."  
I listen to Andrew babble. 
"Oh, how long will that take, mister Andrew?"
I'm transfixed by Andrew's image. He wears a white cloak with a hood trimmed in gold tassels. His hood is down. Andrew sports a turquoise top hat and totes a gold staff. A gold amulet with the 'Eye Of The Tiger' ruby dangles around his neck.
The amulet looks Egyptian but displays Wican symbols. He totes a black book trimmed in gold leaf pages in a leather satchel thrown over his shoulder.
Andrew clears his froggy throat. 
"Always remember, boy. Do no harm to others or yourself. That's the Wican golden rule!" quotes Andrew, wearing suede hush puppy loafers. 
I nod. 
This Wican Garden Of Eden is paradise. Andrew waves goodbye. The north wind tickles my face, as I follow the cobblestone road. It's made of yellow-orange Quartzite, moissanite, sapphire, and specular hematite. Sparkles like glitter. 
Bark! Bark!
A squirrel chatters from a tree a few meters away. He sits outside his treehouse full of acorns. 
"Hello, mister squirrel!"
The squirrel chews on a nut. Acorn hulls are scattered below the whiteoak tree. 
"Hello, how are you?" chatters Mr. squirrel. 
I approach the tree that's fifteen feet off the cobblestone road. 
"Ummm, I'm new here. I have no name," I mumbled, staring at the furry critter. 
"Good to meet you! Boy. Isn't this a wonderful place? It's always summer in the Summerland," chatters the squirrel. 
I clear my throat from poppy pollen and honeydew melon.  
"Ummm, why did you pick a squirrel for your next life, Mr. squirrel?"
The squirrel stops chewing his acorn. 
Chatter! Chatter!
"Yes! Boy. I was given four choices. I didn't earn many gold crowns in my previous life as a tiger. I killed everything."
My jaw quivers. 
"You—mean, you were a tiger!" 
Mister squirrel nibbles on an acorn. He looks at boy.
"Yes, what were you?"
I stutter my words. 
"Oh, I was an alpha wolf, Mr. squirrel."
The squirrel swallows acorn bits. 
"Ummm, you seem skittish," chattered mister squirrel. 
I look at the white balls of cotton in the azure sky and birds soaring like kites.
"Err-um, I was killed by an albino Siberian tiger in my previous life, mister squirrel."
Acorn hulls fall from mister squirrels' jaws. Onto the forest canopy.   
"Now, I see why you are nervous, boy. You have not to worry. I'm a spirit squirrel."  
I twitch my translucent nose. 
"Ummm, what were your three other choices, mister squirrel?"
Mister squirrel cracks another nut from his hut cache. 
"Err-um, A skunk, a muskrat, a Mayberry bush or squirrel. I picked a squirrel." 
Nut shells drop from the birdwalk of the treehouse. 
"Hum, mister Andrew told me—I need 1000 gold crowns to cross over to the next world. Hmmm, how many do you need Mr. squirrel?"
Mister squirrel chuckles. 
"Gee whiz, you got ramrodded! That's a heap of crowns, boy. You may be here forever. Err-um, I only need 32."
"Why did I choose a boy?" I whispered. 
Mister squirrel gives boy an oddball look.
"What was that? Boy."
I scratch my nose.
"Oh, pay me no mind. I was thinking out loud, mister squirrel."
Mister squirrel chews on a summer acorn. It's a little bitter. 
"Well, I did a good deed today, chatting with you, boy."
Mister squirrel unravels a birchwood parchment paper scroll. 
"Hum, oh here it is! Helping a boy earns me—eight crowns." 
"Excuse me, Mr. squirrel. What did I earn?"
Mister squirrel unravels his scroll. 
"Oh, I found it! You earned three gold crowns. I suppose, chatting with a squirrel doesn't tally up much?"
Mister squirrel rolls up his scroll and places it in his treehouse made of gingerbread crisps. 
"Come back again! Boy. I need the crowns. Keep following the cobblestone road north."
Acorn hulls fall onto my transparent head. I'm only a ghost. 
I wave bye to mister squirrel. 
I put one step in front of the other. A hoot gets my attention. The noise came from a pecan grove; adjacent to a meadow of pretty poppies. My invisible forehead wrinkles crinkle. 
Maybe mister owl can give me some good advice? Ummm, maybe he's worth more than three crowns?
It's another beautiful summer day. The sun descends over the horizon. Mister owl is a nocturnal creature. I skip down the cobblestone road. Then come to a dead tree with a hole that a red-headed woodpecker hollowed out.
Hoot! Hoot!
I jump like a jumping bean.  
"Hoot goes there?"
Hum, where did that hoot come from?
Hoot! Hoot!
The hoots are above me this time. 
I crooked my neck, looking for Mr. owl. 
"Hoot goes there?"
Two eyes glow inside a tree knot hole. 
"Hum, there you are, mister owl. I'm a newcomer to this Summerland."
Hoot! Hoot!
"I'm your guide. Boy. I can never leave this forsaken place." 
Hoot! Hoot!
"Oh, I have a few questions, mister owl. How long does it take for a boy to earn 1,000 crowns?"
The wise owl pulls out a parchment scroll. 
"Hum, that depends on how many good deeds you do. Animals, amphibians, bees, birds, fish, flowers, humans, insects, plants, reptiles, and trees earn different amounts of crowns. Here, take this list!" 
"Thank you wise owl!"
The owl ruffled his feathers. He opens his yellow beak to speak. 
"Hum, the typical boy takes 365 earth days. Days are longer in the Summerland. You can earn 1,000 crowns in 348 days. Boys and girls take the longest, weren't you told?"
I gaze into mister owls' yellowish oval eyes. 
Hoot! Hoot!
"Err-um, mister Andrew didn't tell me. I would have chosen something else if I'd known humans took the longest to be reincarnated, Mr. owl."
Hoot! Hoot!
"That doesn't surprise me, boy. Mister Andrew earns crowns too! He needs 10,000 crowns to be reincarnated. Another gatekeeper will substitute him. The Wican goddess will name him in due time. He will relinquish his golden staff and gold amulet with the 'Eye Of The Tiger' ruby gemstone. And his gold key." 
The moon rays glisten off my spirit soul. 
"Ummm, where does the Wican goddess live? mister owl."
Mister Owl points with his feathered wing. 
"Just follow the cobblestone road north. Do not veer off the road when breaching the crossroads. The cobblestone road to the East is the Lost Forest. Full of lions, tigers and bears, and a wicked sorcerer." 
Hoot! Hoot! 
"The road to the West is the Turquoise Trail. It's full of cactus, canyons, high chapperels, sinkholes, and Indians. Souls that took that road never returned. You may encounter other souls along the trail, boy." 
Hoot! Hoot!
"They too, seek to see the Ruby City and the Wican goddess. The king and queen will drop crowns at your feet if you twirl ribbons for them. Or entertain like a court jester," explains mister owl.
Hoot! Hoot!
"The Queen rules this Summerland. The Ruby Palace is a temple of every crystal or gem you can imagine. It has crystal chandeliers, Cathedral glass, and marble floors. A waterfall fills a creek where lovers go.
Wiccans love crystal amulets. Crystals contain supernatural powers. Magick! Granite gargoyles watch on the castle roof with their emerald eyes. Demons disguised as Mediums come to the Summerland." 
Hoot! Hoot!
"They seek the key to the Ruby Palace. To vanquish the Wican Queen and bind her in chains for eternity. The Summerland will turn into darkness should that happen. A dark spell will curse this mystical kingdom. Summer will be never more. The Summerland will become frozen." 
Hoot! Hoot!
"Legions of demons and flying dinosaurs will come through the Stargate portal. The pterodactyl. Seven legions of the Goddesses soldiers will not stop them. That's 6,000 x 7 templar knights. The castle's trebuchet, mangonel, onager, and ballista will only slow them down."
Hoot! Hoot!
I stand petrified like stone. Looking into the eyes of Medusa. Well, Mr. owl. 
"How will I know if a spirit is a good spirit or demonic spirit, mister owl?"
"Even I have been tricked by these demons. Keep your guard up and don't trust anyone. For all you know, I could be a demon, boy."
"Err-um, you wouldn't tell me these secrets if you were a demon, Mr. owl."
The wise owl ruffled his feathers. 
Hoot! Hoot!
"How observant, boy. Only trust your sword. Here, wear this Saint Christopher. It was christened by the archangel Gabriel. I've been waiting for you! The Wican goddess speaks of a boy crusader that will save the Summerland from Lucifer and his fallen angels. Never take this trinket off your neck! Demons fear it."
Hoot! Hoot!
I bow my head. Mister owl lassos the Saint Christopher around my neck. He seals it with The Holy Trinity. 
Wise owl points north with his feathers. 
"Go, boy! You are the crusader that the Wican Goddess speaks of. You bear a birthmark of roses and thorns wrapped around a sword. It's over your heart. Did you not look into the pond and see it?"
I stutter, 
"No, I didn't notice it. I can't see my birthmark in the dark, mister owl."
Hoot! Hoot!
"You forget that owls have nocturnal vision. It's because owls have four cone genes instead of three. I can see a moth at 300' at pitch black. Trust me, you're the crusader the queen speaks of."
The wise owl ruffled his feathers.
"Now, follow the cobblestone road north. Do not take a detour. Demons will try to trick you using smoke and mirrors. Keep that St. Christopher close to your heart."
Hoot! Hoot!
"You will need a lantern to guide you through the Lost Forest. A templar knight has the Sword Of Destiny. He's in the Lost Forest. Here! Take this topological map of the Lost Forest. The magic Sword can vanquish Lucifer and his demon legions."
Hoot! Hoot!
"You must wait for the solar eclipse to cut out Lucifer's dark heart with the magic sword. Then offer his beating heart to the Sun God. Only then can the horned beast be killed. But his demons can be vanquished when the sword thrusts into their licorice-black hearts. Oh, take this golden compass. You will need it in the Lost Forest." 
I'm hypnotized by the owl's yellowish eyes. 
"Thank you! Owl. I got a long journey. The Sword Of Destiny awaits me in the Lost Forest."
I wave farewell to Mr. Owl and follow the cobblestone road. My gold compass points True North.
Hoot! Hoot!
What's this?
A Tin man chops wood in the forest. His axe is rusted and his joints need lubricating oil. He joins the boy on his quest to the Ruby City. To find the 'Sword Of Destiny'. 
They skip down the cobblestone road. 
"Who is that? Boy," tin man points with his axe.
"Ummm, it's a girl in a green dress, tin man."
"Hello, I'm a lost girl. May I follow yaw down the cobblestone road?"
Boy and tin man trade glances. 
"Sure, girl. We're on the way to the Ruby Palace. Tin Man needs an ax and oil. I must find the magic sword and save the Summerland from Lucifer."
Girl steps onto the cobblestone road. She clacks the heels of her emerald slippers three times. The north wind blows into her porcelain-white face. 
"OK, I'm ready," said the girl. 
They skip down the cobblestone road. 
"Hum, who is that?" questions tin man, his tin rattles like wind chimes. 
"Err-um, he looks like Robin Hood? Tin màn."
"Hello, Archer. We're on the way to the Ruby City. Would you like to join us?" speaks boy.
"Err-um, I need a new bow and fletched arrows. Do leprechauns make them in Ruby City?" replied Archer, adjusting the feather in his hat. 
"Ummm, surely they do," remarks the girl, admiring Archer's green leotards, silk socks and green feathered hat. 
Archer steps out of the woods. His feather blows south. They hopscotch down the cobblestone road. Toward the Ruby Castle. 
"Ummm, what's that?" questions Archer, brandishing his bow. 
Boy's eyes zoom in. He cups his hand over his forehead like a sun visor. 
"Ummm, it looks like a crow," answers boy. 
"What's that around his neck?" asks girl.
"It looks like a gold whistle," answered the boy.
"Hello, Mr. crow! We're on the way to the Ruby City. Do you want to join us?" asks boy. 
Caw! Caw!
"I need a new chain for my magical gold whistle. There are no scarecrows at Ruby City?"
Caw! Caw!
"Ummm, I'm sure Ruby City has whistle chains. We will protect you from scarecrows if there are any? Follow us down the cobblestone road. The Wican Queen awaits," babbles boy.
Crow joins them. They skip down the cobblestone road. 
They reach a crossroads. A road sign pointing east reads Lost Forest. A road sign pointing west reads Turquoise Trail. A road sign pointing north reads Ruby City. 
Caw! Caw!
Rattle! Rattle!
"Ummm, we must find the magic Sword first!" speaks boy, his voice sounding raspy. 
Tin man raises his axe. His armor rattles. Archer knocks an arrow onto his bowstring. Crow blows his gold whistle and becomes a tiger. Girl taps her emerald slippers three times. She becomes invisible. Boy follows the cobblestone road east. Toward the Lost Forest. 
They follow the cobblestone road. It's dark and spooky in this forest with lions, tigers and bears. And a wicked sorcerer. 
"Oh, my!"
Crow sees something leaning against a tree in the forest. He whistles and shape shifts back into a crow. 
 “caw” “kraa.”
Crow lands on the head of a skeleton propped against a tree.  
“caw” “kraa.”
Sounds the crow's raspy signature call. Again. 
The group arrives at the skeleton under the tree.
Girl points!
"Ummm, what's he holding?"
"Err-um, I think we found the Queen's royal knight of the roundtable," mumbles the boy in soprano. 
Boy removes the magic sword clasped around the Knight's bony fingers. And a golden fleece around his neck. Boy ties the golden fleece around his neck. Legend said, the fleece has supernatural powers! 
"Err-um, we found the Sword Of Destiny. Now, let's get outta here!"
Girl looks into the dark Lost Forest. Fear beguiles her. 
"I'm afraid of lions, tigers and bears!"
"Oh, my!"
The forest becomes darker. Roars, howls, and groans echo through the forest.
Crow blows his whistle. He shapeshifts into a tiger again. Girl is invisible. Boy carries the magic sword. Tin Man shakes holding his axe. Archer knocks an arrow. 
They follow the cobblestone road to the crossroads. Double time! 
A horse stands in the middle of the cobblestone road. Ahead. 
"Look! It's a purple horse. Wow! Now it's red—yellow—green," hollered the girl.
Boy looks at the horse. 
"Hum, it looks like a horse of another color? I thought it was a fairytale, like the unicorn," babbles boy.  
"Hello, Horse. We're going to the Ruby City. Do you want to join us?" asks boy. 
Neigh! Neigh!
"Ummm, I could use some new horseshoes and a rubdown. Maybe some oats, barley or wheat?"
Horse joins them! They skip and gallop down the cobblestone road. North. Archer, crow, boy, girl, and tin man follow. 
In the end, boy saves the Wican Goddess and the Summerland. He earns enough gold crowns to get a name. They get what they need. 
"Oh, look, Waverly. Isn't he cute?"
Gwendolyn cuddles the newborn boy. 
"Hum, what's that over his heart," says Waverly?
"Looks like a birthmark, Waverly."
"Hum, it looks like roses and thorns wrapped around a sword? Gwendolyn."
"Ummm, that's what I was thinking,  Waverly."
Tickle - tickle,
"Goo-goo-gah-gah. Welcome to this world! Sebastian Michaelis Chatham," whispers Gwendolyn, smiling. 

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