General Poetry posted October 11, 2022 Chapters:  ...37 38 -39- 40... 

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Patch, the adorable standing cat belongs to Helen

A chapter in the book Birthdays

Happy Birthday Helen (lyenochka)

by Debi Pick Marquette


She's known as the birthday poet

Although she's not sure of the date

Her birthday's within 30 days

So it's a month long celebrate


Her mom studied to be a doctor

 Helen was born premature

In those times of  post war Korea

Times were rough; of that they're sure


She has a hubby who loves her dearly

Her two daughters are ten years apart

She has two granddaughters and a grandson

 She has such a loving, caring heart


An amazingly, wonderful woman

Who's respected by all she knows

In this world of so many thorns

She's such a beautiful rose

Her strong faith in God shines so bright

I feel blessed to be her friend

A kinder woman, you'll never find

 Loving wishes to her we send



I got such a kick out of her silly standing cat, that I almost wrote a Dr Seuss type one for it, but I think he covered that one already. Lol.

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