Horror and Thriller Fiction posted August 28, 2022 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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Modern Day Education
A chapter in the book Dribbles And Drabbles


by Brett Matthew West

Flash 100 Contest Winner 

Huddled together everyone knelt silently. A firm finger over our mouths reminded us to stay quiet. Collectively, we held our breaths.

I whispered, "Don't let it be our door!"

The nervous door handle jiggled.

Again, I whispered, "Not our door!"

Once more, the door handle moved. This time with gusto, then fell still. Eternal moments passed like seamless hours.

I murmured, "Someone has to halt this insanity!"

Shattering the eeriness, the announcement bell chimed, "ALL CLEAR! THE LOCKDOWN HAS ENDED!"

We breathed deep as I encouraged my young charges, "Okay, kids, everyone back to their desks. The drill is over."

Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. But you can only use 100 words. Exactly. Title does not count in the word count.

Flash 100
Contest Winner

Learning, by VMarguarite, complements my Flash Fiction piece.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by VMarguarite at FanArtReview.com

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