Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction posted July 20, 2022

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What wouldn't we do for love?

The Name of Love

by Mia Twysted

Reaching her arms above her head, Racheal stretched her body awake. With a contented sigh, she rolled, intent on wiggling herself into her husband's arms, only to find herself alone.

"Mark, honey," Racheal said, opening her eyes.

Slipping into her robe, she couldn't shake the eerie feeling something wasn't right. The house was still, heavy, and barren. Hoping her husband was out doing the yard, she pulled on the front door discovering it was locked.

"Mark," Racheal yelled.

Running to the windows, Racheal bloodied her fingers, prying at the sealed locks. Pounding on the glass, she looked out, through the windowpanes, onto an empty world. A slow panic set in as she beat on the glass; it was her nightmare come to life.

"No, not yet," she shouted. "Please, not yet," tears streamed down her face.

Every exit had been sealed shut. Racheal's screams echoed back at her. This is where she would die. Alone in the home they had built together. Racheal had years of love and laughter with the man she would forever adore. Now, Mark would finally be free from her spell, and she would wither away to nothing as promised. All in the name of love.

200 Word Flash writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story on any topic. 200 Words Exactly! Title not included in count.

I used a prompt to inspire this piece. The prompt was: A woman wakes up to find her family gone and her doors and windows boarded up with no way to escape.
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