Self Improvement Fiction posted July 20, 2022 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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Mysteries Of Life Abound
A chapter in the book Dribbles And Drabbles


by Brett Matthew West

200 Word Flash Contest Winner 

A Nikon camera strapped around his neck, the ancient geezer didn't fit in our island getaway. He perched on the balcony, sipped coffee, and faked a glance at a colorful brochure. I could tell he couldn't care less about what he held in his hand. Fifteen minutes elapsed. He never once flipped the cover.

I brought him seafood bisque. We exchanged half-hearted pleasantries. I forced myself not to stare at the oblong scar on his cheek. I picked up my bus tub, but couldn't place him.

Then, it struck me. My car had crashed. This was the stranger who yanked me out just before the vehicle exploded. I raced back to his table.


I moved his bowl. There was his tip and this note:

"Forever indebted to you. I was headed to murder my invalid wife. Saving your life brought me back to a proper perspective. Thanks to you we celebrated our thirty-fifth anniversary together."

Chills raced down my spine. The night I wrecked, I was headed to pole dance in a strip joint. His heroic gesture turned my life around.

I unfolded his tip. Two singles wrapped another thousand bucks. I turned away. Tears flooded down my face.

Writing Prompt
Write a story on any topic. 200 Words Exactly! Title not included in count.

200 Word Flash
Contest Winner


Thanks avmurray for the use of your picture you called Hungry?

Because a reviewer did not know what these two terms mean:

-ancient geezer -- sometimes what younger people call older people

-bus tub -- a tub restaurant servers and bussers place dirty dishes in when they clear tables
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at

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