General Poetry posted March 25, 2022

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notes below / video a must see for thosethat seek the truth.

The Bible Says

by tempeste

in the name of peace is, in God's eyes, still

2-10-2 Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Please write three lines with a syllable count of 2, then 10, then 2.

This week Zelensky spoke to various European Prime Ministers separetely and while he stated that peace talks were progressing with Russia , he ask for more arms and planes.

Biden just arrived in Bruxelles to talk about WAR despite Zelensky only yesterday said the peace talks are progressing. If Putin said he will use nuclear weapons if Biden sends troop to Ukraine then why is Biden talking about war.

Zelensky went to power in 2019 also thanks to George Soros, who was behind the financing to overthrow the Ukrain's old government and install Zelensky.

Many will be asking: who is this George Soros ?

Fox did an investigation on the man. He works in the shadows ..he donated nearly 10 million to Hillary Clinton's election campaign in 2016. He is also responsible for having brought down 4 different governments around the globe in the last decades.

Here is the Fox's shock investigation .. George Soros wields tremendous power and is said to be the head of a group of 100 billionaires that have decided to reshape the world : The New World Order.
I know it sounds sci-fic but after you have watched the investigation you will understand why some people including ex Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York said George Soros is the Antichrist.

In the investigation there are also clips of George Soros explainig his vision for the NEW WORDLS ORDER.

I also found an article in which Soros says that Europe should not have border restrictions which stop illegal Muslims from entering if they don't have their documents in check.
He promised he will do everything he can to cause chaos and war so that Europe will be overtaken by illegals and refugees ... he wants to reshaped Europe entirely.

He also has plans for America too. Hungry where he was born , and Israel have banned him from entering their countries due to his radical idea.

So, Zelensky accepted money from corrupt, warmonger George Soros?? ... can't help thinking about the saying: Tell me who your friends are,and I'll tell you who you are.
But don't take me word ..just watch the video above and make your own conclusions.

This is a cnn article on Soros and Zelensky.
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