Romance Fiction posted March 13, 2022 | Chapters: |
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Katherine rejects Gabriel.
A chapter in the book Football - A Novel
Football Chapter 50
by barbara.wilkey
Background After Katherine's husband dies, she struggles raising her four sons by herself. Can Gabriel be the father figure the boys never had and the husband she deserves? |

Katherine and Gabriel have known each other for 75 days.
A few hours later they arrived home. Katherine attempted to go straight to her room, but Gabriel and Sarah convinced her to sit on the couch and wait for the boys. Gabriel held her hand. "The boys are worried. They need to see you're all right. Mom and Dad are picking up Jeremy and Joel. When Joshua finishes with practice, I'll get him. Bill will bring Jordan home after practice."
Chapter 50
Early Friday morning, Gabriel and Jordan arrived at the locker room and Gabriel opened his office door. "Come in for a minute. You've been silent. What's on your mind?"
Jordan glared at him and his jaw set.
"I get you're angry. Why?" When Jordan remained silent, Gabriel continued, "Say what's on your mind."
"Last night." Jordan took a deep breath. "I know Mom ignored you and refused to leave her room. Things are bad. All she's done is vomit. Her hair's mostly fallen out. It started Wednesday night." He bit his lower lip attempting to control threatening tears. "After you left, Grandma and Mom had a terrible fight. Grandma told her that she was wrong for not talking to you. Mom said horrible things to her." His chin quivered. "You tell us if we want something bad enough we'll fight for it. Is that just talk? Why'd you give up?"
"Your mom didn't want me there."
"Isn't Mom worth fighting for? You obviously don't think so. Maybe you haven't changed." Jordan left and muttered, "Maybe you're just a playboy jock."
After Jordan left, Bill stood in Gabriel's office doorway. "Want to talk?"
"You heard?" After his friend nodded, Gabriel shoved the desktop contents to the floor. "Jordan's right."
"Getting angry won't help." He waited a few moments before he asked, "What happened?"
"Last night Katherine locked herself in her room. She wouldn't acknowledge I knocked on her door. She wanted nothing to do with me. I got hurt and left."
"Did you get hurt or did your pride get in the way? This is probably the first time in your life a female turned you away."
Gabriel glared at him. "You're analyzing me?"
"I'm your friend. I know you're not a playboy jock. The best thing that's ever happened to you is slipping away. You love Katherine and she loves you. Don't allow cancer to cripple that love." Bill took a deep breath. "Poison's being injected in her veins. She's not herself. Jordan's right. Is everything you preach just empty words? When it gets hard, you can't handle it? She's worth fighting for. Why aren't you?"
Gabriel hung his head for a few moments, before his eyes met Bill's. "I promised I'd be there for them and the first time it got hard I left." He glanced at his watch. "It's too early. Katherine's sleeping. After practice, I'm fighting." He ran his hand through his short hair. "I'll call Paul and clear it. It'll probably take all day. You'll have to coach tonight's game." When Bill's eyes widened, he added, "I'll leave a game plan. Bring Jordan home too."
"You sure about the game?"
"This'll be hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"Harder than Katherine allowing you into her life?"
Nodding, Gabriel said, "Close. She'll say something like, 'You didn't sign up for this'."
While Gabriel finished the game plan, Paul walked into his office and shut the door.
Gabriel's eyes met his friend's. "We usually meet in your office. Why the special visit?"
"I'm worried about you. It's not like you to miss a game. What's going on with Katherine?"
"Why do you assume it's Katherine?"
"We've been friends since Junior High and you've never missed a game. I remember a game in high school you injured your knee and attempted to convince Coach Beck to allow you back in." Paul scanned the room. "Can you pour me a cup of coffee?" After he sipped the coffee, he continued, "Thank you." He hesitated. "I heard a rumor that young Riley raked you over the coals and you allowed it."
Gabriel scanned the room. "You have my office bugged?" He chuckled. "I'm not sure how you heard that. He did, and I deserved it. He wanted answers. I was wrong and am taking the day to correct it." He exhaled. "I'm guessing you want details."
"Only if you need to talk."
"I never realized how much you and Bill liked to talk." Gabriel avoided eye contact. "I was with Katherine Wednesday evening and some side effects were starting, but they weren't bad yet. I guess they got worse. According to Jordan she's had a lot of vomiting and her hair fell out. When I went there for lunch Thursday, Sarah said she was sleeping. When I returned after practice, she had locked herself in her room and refused to talk. I tried to convince her to let me in, but she wouldn't. I was hurt, maybe my pride got in the way, but I gave up and left."
"That's a tough call."
"Anyway, Jordan questioned my motive. He asked, why I didn't think she was worth fighting for." Gabriel refilled his coffee cup. "He's right. I didn't fight for her." After a long pause, he continued, "So now I need to make things right and pray Katherine will forgive me."
"You two belong together. I'm sure it will eventually work out. Chemo really messes with people."
"I went to the doctors' appointments with her plus researched the side effects. I knew them. I..." His hand hit the desk. "I messed up."
"Get going and correct the situation."
"I may have to break the door down, before we'll be able to talk face-to-face."
"I wouldn't advise that. It might make matters worse."
Gabriel chuckled. "You could be right. I'll rethink that option."
As Gabriel and Reggie climbed in his pick-up, he called Sarah. After she answered, he said, "I heard you and Katherine had words last night. I'm sorry I caused an argument." He listened. "So she hasn't spoken to you either. I'm on my way." Again, he was silent. "You may be right. It might be better if you're not there. You sure you don't mind?" He chuckled. "I bet your houseplants could use water, but I doubt it'll take all day." He listened. "All right, I'll stay in touch."
Gabriel used his key, unlocked the door, and held it open for Reggie. "Why don't you and Daisy take a nap?" He shook his head. "When have I ever had to tell you to nap? Go do your thing." He stood in the middle of the living room and stared at Katherine's bedroom door. Now what? I guess I push forward like I always do.
Knocking, he said, "Katherine, we need to talk."
He knocked again and then turned the knob. "Katherine, I'm not leaving until we talk."
Again silence.
Studying her door, he knocked. "I'm going to my truck to get tools. You leave me no option but to remove the door." He walked toward the front door. That's stupid. The hinges are on the inside, I can't remove it. Turning around, he considered the knob. It uses the old fashioned skeleton key. Maybe I can jimmy it. He removed his pocket knife, opened it, and inserted it in the key hole wiggling it. "Katherine, I'm unlocking the door."
Silence continued.
As he shook the door knob, a key fell from the top door jamb. Maybe I should've checked there first. He inserted the key. "Katherine, I have the key. I'm unlocking the door."
Once the door opened, Katherine stood in the center of the bedroom and glared at him. "You broke into my room. You need to leave."
"I used a key. I'm not sure it's illegal." Gabriel's eyes met hers. "I'm not leaving until we talk."
"There's nothing to talk about. Now leave." She headed toward the bathroom.
Gabriel sighed when he heard vomiting. Jordan wasn't exaggerating. Her eyes are hollow. She's probably dehydrated. I wonder how she's been sleeping.
A few moments later she returned. "I see you're still here. I guess I didn't make myself clear. I want you gone."
"There are a few problems with that. First, you're not doing well, and second, I'm not leaving until we talk." He teased, "I've been accused of being pushy and incorrigible. I'm living up to my reputation."
"There's nothing you can do."
"I can be by your side and support you." Gabriel stepped closer. "I love you. I'm not allowing you to go through this alone."
Katherine inhaled. "I'm giving you an out for everything you've said. You can leave."
He touched her arm. "I'm not leaving. I meant every word."
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she yanked off the scarf covering her bare head. "You didn't sign up for this. Look at me."
Gabriel took the scarf from her hand and replaced it. "I'm not in love with your hair."
"Chemo may make me sterile. I may not be able to give you children."
"If we have a child together, I'd be happy. If not, I'm satisfied." He paused. "I'm not George. I love you. Your ability to have my children has nothing to do with me wanting to marry you."
She swiped at her tear stained cheeks as she started to lift her T-shirt.
"Don't," he interrupted and touched her hand.
She raised it and revealed the almost six inches long surgical scar on her partial right breast. "Tell me you can spend the rest of your life making love to this!" She sobbed.
Putting his arms around her, Gabriel guided her head to his chest and held tight. "None of this matters. I love you. Not your hair or your breasts."
She mumbled through crying. "But you're used to models."
He kissed her forehead. "You haven't figured it out yet, if I wanted a model I'd be with a model. I want you, Katherine Sarah Beck Riley and your ready-made family." He used his hand to raise her chin and kissed her.
"Really. You're the one love of my life. You're stuck with me."
Drying her tears, she said, "I am, aren't I? I'm really stuck with you."
Gabriel chuckled. "You are, but please try to contain the enthusiasm."
"Sorry. I didn't mean it like it sounded. I just realized you're serious. I'm not going to wake up someday and you're gone."
Holding her as tight as he could, Gabriel kissed her. "I'm sorry you believed that. I thought you understood how much I love you."
"I do." Katherine glanced at a large envelope lying on her dresser. "I have something for you." She turned and rushed to the bathroom, but didn't make it. Leaning over the toilet her vomiting continued.
When she finished, Gabriel stood at the door and surveyed the damage. Vomit everywhere, the floor, rug, outside the toilet, and her T-shirt.
"Sorry, I didn't make it."
"Take off your clothes and get in the shower."
"Do it. I can honestly say the farthest thing from my mind is lusting after your naked body. I'll clean this up."
"You don't need to."
"Where would I find clean clothes?"
"In the second drawer."
"I'll pass them to you after I clean up the mess." He took her dirty clothes and the area rug to the laundry room and got cleaning supplies.
As he left, he heard her say, "You didn't sign up for this."
"Wantta bet?"
After the mess was cleaned and Katherine was resting, Gabriel asked, "Have you called Carol? I'm wondering if the anti-barf pills are working. Maybe a different medication would work better."
"I've wondered about that. I'll call in a few minutes." She glanced at the dresser. "First, I have something to talk to you about." She started to get up.
"Don't move," interrupted Gabriel. "What do you need?"
She pointed. "That envelope."
Gabriel picked it up. "This one?" After she nodded, he brought it to her.
"It has your name on it."
"I see that. Do you know what's in it?"
"Yes." Katherine hesitated. "Why don't you take it to another room and read? I want you to think about it before we discuss it."
His eyebrows rose. "Okay. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. I'll make some coffee."
"You don't need to make me any."
He glanced toward the bathroom. "I figured that."
When Gabriel returned to the bedroom, Katherine was asleep. He went back to the kitchen and called Troy Elder, his lawyer and friend.
Once the call was answered Gabriel said, "Thank you for asking. Her first round of chemo isn't going well." He listened. "Yes, she just gave me the will." Again he listened. "Of course, I'd be honored to raise the boys. You know her in-laws will contest this, don't you?" He tapped the table as he listened. "So she expected that, and had you write it in such a way they could never get or have access to them."
The anti-barf pills, is what I used to call them, were very expensive even a few years back. One pill cost $135. I'm sure the price only went up. Luckily my insurance paid everything. Chemo can really mess with your brain. One morning when I was going to work, I backed the car out of the garage, only I forgot to open the garage door. It's called 'chemo brain'. One of my sons' Andrew had given me a new garage door opener for Christmas, the previous one only worked when it felt like it. When I told him about my accident, he said, "Mom, if you didn't want a new garage door opener all you had to do was tell me." LOL Again, I attempted to describe the emotions of going through this. I hope I succeeded.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls' cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua: Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel: Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Angie Brooks: Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson: Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck: Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Bill Brooks: Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Troy Elder: Lawyer and friend of Gabriel from his pro-football days
A few hours later they arrived home. Katherine attempted to go straight to her room, but Gabriel and Sarah convinced her to sit on the couch and wait for the boys. Gabriel held her hand. "The boys are worried. They need to see you're all right. Mom and Dad are picking up Jeremy and Joel. When Joshua finishes with practice, I'll get him. Bill will bring Jordan home after practice."
Chapter 50
Early Friday morning, Gabriel and Jordan arrived at the locker room and Gabriel opened his office door. "Come in for a minute. You've been silent. What's on your mind?"
Jordan glared at him and his jaw set.
"I get you're angry. Why?" When Jordan remained silent, Gabriel continued, "Say what's on your mind."
"Last night." Jordan took a deep breath. "I know Mom ignored you and refused to leave her room. Things are bad. All she's done is vomit. Her hair's mostly fallen out. It started Wednesday night." He bit his lower lip attempting to control threatening tears. "After you left, Grandma and Mom had a terrible fight. Grandma told her that she was wrong for not talking to you. Mom said horrible things to her." His chin quivered. "You tell us if we want something bad enough we'll fight for it. Is that just talk? Why'd you give up?"
"Your mom didn't want me there."
"Isn't Mom worth fighting for? You obviously don't think so. Maybe you haven't changed." Jordan left and muttered, "Maybe you're just a playboy jock."
After Jordan left, Bill stood in Gabriel's office doorway. "Want to talk?"
"You heard?" After his friend nodded, Gabriel shoved the desktop contents to the floor. "Jordan's right."
"Getting angry won't help." He waited a few moments before he asked, "What happened?"
"Last night Katherine locked herself in her room. She wouldn't acknowledge I knocked on her door. She wanted nothing to do with me. I got hurt and left."
"Did you get hurt or did your pride get in the way? This is probably the first time in your life a female turned you away."
Gabriel glared at him. "You're analyzing me?"
"I'm your friend. I know you're not a playboy jock. The best thing that's ever happened to you is slipping away. You love Katherine and she loves you. Don't allow cancer to cripple that love." Bill took a deep breath. "Poison's being injected in her veins. She's not herself. Jordan's right. Is everything you preach just empty words? When it gets hard, you can't handle it? She's worth fighting for. Why aren't you?"
Gabriel hung his head for a few moments, before his eyes met Bill's. "I promised I'd be there for them and the first time it got hard I left." He glanced at his watch. "It's too early. Katherine's sleeping. After practice, I'm fighting." He ran his hand through his short hair. "I'll call Paul and clear it. It'll probably take all day. You'll have to coach tonight's game." When Bill's eyes widened, he added, "I'll leave a game plan. Bring Jordan home too."
"You sure about the game?"
"This'll be hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"Harder than Katherine allowing you into her life?"
Nodding, Gabriel said, "Close. She'll say something like, 'You didn't sign up for this'."
While Gabriel finished the game plan, Paul walked into his office and shut the door.
Gabriel's eyes met his friend's. "We usually meet in your office. Why the special visit?"
"I'm worried about you. It's not like you to miss a game. What's going on with Katherine?"
"Why do you assume it's Katherine?"
"We've been friends since Junior High and you've never missed a game. I remember a game in high school you injured your knee and attempted to convince Coach Beck to allow you back in." Paul scanned the room. "Can you pour me a cup of coffee?" After he sipped the coffee, he continued, "Thank you." He hesitated. "I heard a rumor that young Riley raked you over the coals and you allowed it."
Gabriel scanned the room. "You have my office bugged?" He chuckled. "I'm not sure how you heard that. He did, and I deserved it. He wanted answers. I was wrong and am taking the day to correct it." He exhaled. "I'm guessing you want details."
"Only if you need to talk."
"I never realized how much you and Bill liked to talk." Gabriel avoided eye contact. "I was with Katherine Wednesday evening and some side effects were starting, but they weren't bad yet. I guess they got worse. According to Jordan she's had a lot of vomiting and her hair fell out. When I went there for lunch Thursday, Sarah said she was sleeping. When I returned after practice, she had locked herself in her room and refused to talk. I tried to convince her to let me in, but she wouldn't. I was hurt, maybe my pride got in the way, but I gave up and left."
"That's a tough call."
"Anyway, Jordan questioned my motive. He asked, why I didn't think she was worth fighting for." Gabriel refilled his coffee cup. "He's right. I didn't fight for her." After a long pause, he continued, "So now I need to make things right and pray Katherine will forgive me."
"You two belong together. I'm sure it will eventually work out. Chemo really messes with people."
"I went to the doctors' appointments with her plus researched the side effects. I knew them. I..." His hand hit the desk. "I messed up."
"Get going and correct the situation."
"I may have to break the door down, before we'll be able to talk face-to-face."
"I wouldn't advise that. It might make matters worse."
Gabriel chuckled. "You could be right. I'll rethink that option."
As Gabriel and Reggie climbed in his pick-up, he called Sarah. After she answered, he said, "I heard you and Katherine had words last night. I'm sorry I caused an argument." He listened. "So she hasn't spoken to you either. I'm on my way." Again, he was silent. "You may be right. It might be better if you're not there. You sure you don't mind?" He chuckled. "I bet your houseplants could use water, but I doubt it'll take all day." He listened. "All right, I'll stay in touch."
Gabriel used his key, unlocked the door, and held it open for Reggie. "Why don't you and Daisy take a nap?" He shook his head. "When have I ever had to tell you to nap? Go do your thing." He stood in the middle of the living room and stared at Katherine's bedroom door. Now what? I guess I push forward like I always do.
Knocking, he said, "Katherine, we need to talk."
He knocked again and then turned the knob. "Katherine, I'm not leaving until we talk."
Again silence.
Studying her door, he knocked. "I'm going to my truck to get tools. You leave me no option but to remove the door." He walked toward the front door. That's stupid. The hinges are on the inside, I can't remove it. Turning around, he considered the knob. It uses the old fashioned skeleton key. Maybe I can jimmy it. He removed his pocket knife, opened it, and inserted it in the key hole wiggling it. "Katherine, I'm unlocking the door."
Silence continued.
As he shook the door knob, a key fell from the top door jamb. Maybe I should've checked there first. He inserted the key. "Katherine, I have the key. I'm unlocking the door."
Once the door opened, Katherine stood in the center of the bedroom and glared at him. "You broke into my room. You need to leave."
"I used a key. I'm not sure it's illegal." Gabriel's eyes met hers. "I'm not leaving until we talk."
"There's nothing to talk about. Now leave." She headed toward the bathroom.
Gabriel sighed when he heard vomiting. Jordan wasn't exaggerating. Her eyes are hollow. She's probably dehydrated. I wonder how she's been sleeping.
A few moments later she returned. "I see you're still here. I guess I didn't make myself clear. I want you gone."
"There are a few problems with that. First, you're not doing well, and second, I'm not leaving until we talk." He teased, "I've been accused of being pushy and incorrigible. I'm living up to my reputation."
"There's nothing you can do."
"I can be by your side and support you." Gabriel stepped closer. "I love you. I'm not allowing you to go through this alone."
Katherine inhaled. "I'm giving you an out for everything you've said. You can leave."
He touched her arm. "I'm not leaving. I meant every word."
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she yanked off the scarf covering her bare head. "You didn't sign up for this. Look at me."
Gabriel took the scarf from her hand and replaced it. "I'm not in love with your hair."
"Chemo may make me sterile. I may not be able to give you children."
"If we have a child together, I'd be happy. If not, I'm satisfied." He paused. "I'm not George. I love you. Your ability to have my children has nothing to do with me wanting to marry you."
She swiped at her tear stained cheeks as she started to lift her T-shirt.
"Don't," he interrupted and touched her hand.
She raised it and revealed the almost six inches long surgical scar on her partial right breast. "Tell me you can spend the rest of your life making love to this!" She sobbed.
Putting his arms around her, Gabriel guided her head to his chest and held tight. "None of this matters. I love you. Not your hair or your breasts."
She mumbled through crying. "But you're used to models."
He kissed her forehead. "You haven't figured it out yet, if I wanted a model I'd be with a model. I want you, Katherine Sarah Beck Riley and your ready-made family." He used his hand to raise her chin and kissed her.
"Really. You're the one love of my life. You're stuck with me."
Drying her tears, she said, "I am, aren't I? I'm really stuck with you."
Gabriel chuckled. "You are, but please try to contain the enthusiasm."
"Sorry. I didn't mean it like it sounded. I just realized you're serious. I'm not going to wake up someday and you're gone."
Holding her as tight as he could, Gabriel kissed her. "I'm sorry you believed that. I thought you understood how much I love you."
"I do." Katherine glanced at a large envelope lying on her dresser. "I have something for you." She turned and rushed to the bathroom, but didn't make it. Leaning over the toilet her vomiting continued.
When she finished, Gabriel stood at the door and surveyed the damage. Vomit everywhere, the floor, rug, outside the toilet, and her T-shirt.
"Sorry, I didn't make it."
"Take off your clothes and get in the shower."
"Do it. I can honestly say the farthest thing from my mind is lusting after your naked body. I'll clean this up."
"You don't need to."
"Where would I find clean clothes?"
"In the second drawer."
"I'll pass them to you after I clean up the mess." He took her dirty clothes and the area rug to the laundry room and got cleaning supplies.
As he left, he heard her say, "You didn't sign up for this."
"Wantta bet?"
After the mess was cleaned and Katherine was resting, Gabriel asked, "Have you called Carol? I'm wondering if the anti-barf pills are working. Maybe a different medication would work better."
"I've wondered about that. I'll call in a few minutes." She glanced at the dresser. "First, I have something to talk to you about." She started to get up.
"Don't move," interrupted Gabriel. "What do you need?"
She pointed. "That envelope."
Gabriel picked it up. "This one?" After she nodded, he brought it to her.
"It has your name on it."
"I see that. Do you know what's in it?"
"Yes." Katherine hesitated. "Why don't you take it to another room and read? I want you to think about it before we discuss it."
His eyebrows rose. "Okay. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. I'll make some coffee."
"You don't need to make me any."
He glanced toward the bathroom. "I figured that."
When Gabriel returned to the bedroom, Katherine was asleep. He went back to the kitchen and called Troy Elder, his lawyer and friend.
Once the call was answered Gabriel said, "Thank you for asking. Her first round of chemo isn't going well." He listened. "Yes, she just gave me the will." Again he listened. "Of course, I'd be honored to raise the boys. You know her in-laws will contest this, don't you?" He tapped the table as he listened. "So she expected that, and had you write it in such a way they could never get or have access to them."
The anti-barf pills, is what I used to call them, were very expensive even a few years back. One pill cost $135. I'm sure the price only went up. Luckily my insurance paid everything. Chemo can really mess with your brain. One morning when I was going to work, I backed the car out of the garage, only I forgot to open the garage door. It's called 'chemo brain'. One of my sons' Andrew had given me a new garage door opener for Christmas, the previous one only worked when it felt like it. When I told him about my accident, he said, "Mom, if you didn't want a new garage door opener all you had to do was tell me." LOL Again, I attempted to describe the emotions of going through this. I hope I succeeded.
Katherine Riley: age 33 - widowed: husband died 6 months ago. She moved to Texas from NYC with her four sons. She teaches high school math and also coaches girls' cross country.
Daisy: Katherine's yellow Labrador
Gabriel Hudson: High School football coach and former NFL defensive lineman
Reggie: a very large English Mastiff
Jeremy: Katherine's six year old son. He's in first grade.
Jordan: Katherine's fifteen year old son. He's a sophomore.
Joshua: Katherine's thirteen year old son. He's in 8th grade
Joel: Katherine's eleven year old son. He's in 6th grade.
Paul Edwards: High School principal and Gabriel's friend.
Angie Brooks: Math teacher and Katherine's friend.
Rebecca and Harold Hudson: Gabriel's parents
Sarah and Bob Beck: Katherine's parents, Bob is deceased
Bill Brooks: Assistant football coach, Gabriel's friend, and Angie's husband.
Troy Elder: Lawyer and friend of Gabriel from his pro-football days
Book of the Month contest entry
![]() Recognized |
Thank you Google images for the photo of a lady after she lost her hair. I also want to thank everybody for the helpful reviews. Again, thank you for catching those errors. There is 1 post left after this one. This novel is not actually about football but is part of the background. High football is a national pastime in Texas. This post is a little over 2100 words. I know it's short, but says all that needs to be said. LOL
one point
and 2 member cents. 

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