Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 5, 2022

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Not All Secrets Stay Hidden


by Brett Matthew West

It was terrible to believe.

Little AJ may be deceased, but...if the lad had succumbed, at least the mysterious Olsen family secrets were secured and the hoity toity snobs of the Upper Crust echolon would not be ruined. Or, would they?

Dry martini in hand, complete with a spear of Manzanilla olives swimming in the liquid contained in the glass, Murphy Anderson swished the fruit around and pondered this question as he casually meandered unannounced through the living room door.

He was the one person who knew the unabashed truth. He kept the burning question for being where he was not welcome pressed tight to his button-down vest.

Upon noticing his presence, perplexed Olsen jaws sagged.

Hook Us writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write your best opening hook to a story. Write it so we crave more. It could be your next masterpiece. Hook us!

Unripe Olives, by avmurray, selected to complement my hook.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by avmurray at

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