Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 1, 2022

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too much coffee

Too Much coffee

by jake cosmos aller


I had too much coffee
This morning
Three cups
Pure coffee

Not the usual heavily loaded cup
Part decaf, part herbal tea
Concoction with turmeric,
cinnamon and nutmeg
My usual go-to cup of divine bliss,

I feel the jitteriness
The talkativeness
The beginning perhaps
Of a migraine attack,

I keep telling myself
My limit is two cups
Half decaf, half coffee
Half herbal tea mix,

More than that
I go up the highway
To incipient madness
And nightmares.
To haunt my dreams,

In short
I had just much

Start and Ends The Same writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem that begins and ends with the same word.

I usually drink two cups, perhaps three cups of coffee, half decaf, half herbal tea mixture with turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and milk. More than that or pure coffee unadulterated with decaf and I get into trouble, often though not always triggering migraine attacks with three nights of sleepless insomnia filled with nightmares and crippling anxiety. Please see my companion's poem on insomnia
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