General Fiction posted February 7, 2022

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It Was A Funny Date

Sheri and Jeff's Valentine Date

by pookietoo

Sheri and Jeff decided that they would go to eat at a new Mexican restaurant called LaTienda before they went to a see a romantic movie called "You've Got Mail" at the Movie-Vu movie theatre. They wanted to meet two friends of theirs named Julie and Carl after they had dinner and went to the movie.

When Jeff picked Sheri up, they discovered that they both wore their t-shirt inside out. Also both of them wore a red and blue shoe and red and blue sock to match. Their hair was a little bit tousled. When they saw each other though, they felt a little better knowing that each of them did not look their best. When they arrived at LaTienda Restaurant, at 8:00 pm, all the tables were full. They only had 45 minutes until the time their movie was going to start. They were in luck, though. When they arrived, a couple just left, and a table was open for them to sit at.

Both of them decided to order lasagna. The restaurant was short of help that night,They were short one waiter. They ordered coffee which the waiter brought within ten minutes. the waiter brought their orders of lasagna, he was a little careless and dropped the food all over Sheri's lap. What were they going to do? They had to wait for the waiter to bring another helping of lasagna which took twenty minutes because of the restaurant being short of help. They were going to be late for the movie. While they were talking, Jeff got careless and spilled his coffee on the table. They had to laugh at the two mishaps.

When they finished eating, it was 8:45. They were supposed to be at the Movie-Vu Theater in 15 minutes, and it was 15 minutes away. They decided they would go the nearest Cinemark movie theater and watch the movie "When Harry Met Sally," their second choice. This movie would start at 9:15 pm. When they arrived at the Cinemark Theatre, to their surprise, Julie and Carl were there. They laughed at the orange lasagna stains Sheri had on her bright pink pants. On top of that, Sheri did not see the step that was on the way to their seats and tripped and fell. She was embarrassed, but there was a very small crowd at the theatre to watch the movie. Besides Sheri and Jeff and Julie and Carl, there were only three other couples. All of them enjoyed "When Harry Met Sally." Sheri was conscious of her lasagna stains the whole time. She was able to laugh during the movie though.

After the movie, she had to hurry and go to the bathroom. However, she did not know which bathroom was the women's and girl's bathroom. She walked into the wrong bathroom. She knew it was the wrong bathroom because a boy was just coming out as she was going in. She had to use that bathroom anyway because she could not wait to go to the right one. When Sheri and Jeff got into Jeff's car, he started to back out and ran over rock. He got a flat tire. They happened to have a spare tire and got the flat tire fixed in no time. They arrived back home by midnight. They hoped their next date would go smoother.

My Funny Valentine writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a fictional, humorous story about a couple's date night on Valentine's day. 400 - 700 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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