Humor Poetry posted February 6, 2022

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Who would you trust?

by Tom Horonzy

Can you argue a dog isn't man's best friend
who'll stay beside them until one life ends?
Yet if given a cat
with the mind of a gnat,
which of the two would you choose to depend?

A Limerick writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a Limerick that is humorous or thought provoking
A 5-line poem, rhyming scheme is AABBA
See for further description.

For a year and a half, I released to Facebook a limerick of the day to my friends. That ended the last day of last year and I replaced it with FanStory where an author pays to have their writings noticed... if they expect the chance to win. Maybe I am doing something wrong, yet the two free reviews seemingly are well accepted and I don't get the sense in paying for a number of pumps I notice having but with a price beside it asking for $2.95. Why?
Picture posted was done by yours truly.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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