General Poetry posted February 4, 2022

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Love is forever

I Don't Think I Can't Love You

by Tom Horonzy

"I don't think I can't love you" are the sweetest lyrics
written for a song of which Jake Owens wasn't wrong.
They epitomize the feelings that sent my heart reeling,
what seemed to be a hundred years ago, but wasn't,
as nothing has changed, and I feel the same today.
Can a man love a woman for so long and be wrong?
Could I possibly stop loving her who has forgiven
errors committed of which I've been acquitted
after confessing, any and all, my indiscretions?
She's forgiven me as the Savior forgives his faithful,
unconditionally, for which I'll forever be grateful.
To imagine a moment of sadness for the gladness
she brings would be disgraceful and unfaithful,
Thus, I profess an endless love as I go to bed
and speak like words when I raise my head,
and it's been that way since the day we wed.
So, taking the liberty of E.B. Browning's
43rd sonnet, I end asking; "How do I love thee?"
If I could count the ways, and I can't,
it would be to the depth and breadth
and height my soul can reach,
for she will always be, my eternal Valentine.

Valentine's Day writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Is Valentine's Day a commercial event or a celebration of love? Write a poem in any format expressing your views. Create your own title. It can be humorous/serious or just simply entertaining.

Once upon a time, long ago, I found the greatest joy
on the merry-go-round, which I never wanted to leave.
My marriage isn't any different.
Photograph is yours truly, taken in Florence, Italia.
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