General Poetry posted December 15, 2021

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Winter Haiku

A Sacred Place

by Sally Law

a picturesque scene
untouched mount of purest white ~
sanctum sanctorum


I miss the sacredness of freshly fallen snow. An untouched scene like this, is a sanctuary to me, pointing directly to God. A memory from my years living in Upstate New York.

Sanctum sanctorum: The Latin phrase sanctum sanctorum is a translation of the Hebrew term which generally refers in Latin texts to the holiest place of the Tabernacle of the Israelites and later the Temple in Jerusalem. From Wikipedia.

I learned early on as a converted Christian, that the Holy Spirit resides within every believer, making us the tabernacle (dwelling place) of Christ.

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? {I Corinthians 3:16. NKJV}

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