General Non-Fiction posted December 11, 2021

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My brother and I recieved the gift we sincerely hoped for.

Best Christmas Ever

by HarryT

It was Christmas Eve; the year was 1948. My brother and I had written our letters to Santa. Both of us asked for a special gift that we would share. That morning, we shook the presents under the tree, but to our chagrin, none seem to be what we wished for in our letters. It was a tradition that our extended family gathered for a dinner of different fish. My nanna called the dinner the Feast of the Seven Fishes. Best I can remember, we had anchovies, baccalà which was a salty cod, smelts, calamari, shrimp, mussels and clams. The menu also included pasta, vegetables, cookies and my favorite cannoli and, of course, Chianti wine. Even we kids were allowed a small glass of watered wine when the family toasted the birth of the Christ child.

After dinner, it was time to open our gifts. My cousins and my brother, Dom, and I began tearing the paper from our presents. I got pajamas, jeans, a Hop-Along Cassidy tee-shirt, Keds gym shoes, a United States puzzle and a Gilbert erector set. All nice gifts, but not my heart’s desire. Then we heard the crisp jingle of bells. My Aunt Ann opened the front door and called out Santa is here. In came Santa, covered with freshly fallen snow. He ho, ho, hoed his way next to the tree and from his sack Santa pulled boxes containing our most hoped for gift, a Lionel electric train. Out came the tracks, a talking station, a crossing gate and then box cars, a milk car, a cattle car, a flat car, a coal car and finally the shining black engine. My brother and I were so excited that we couldn’t stop jumping up and down. It was the best Christmas gift I ever received.


Best Gift Ever writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story about the best Christmas present you've ever received. It may be an actual physical gift or an emotional experience. 100 - 300 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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