Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted March 9, 2021 Chapters:  ...80 81 -82- 83... 

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A Legend in My Own Mexica Mind?
A chapter in the book The Two of Me

My Blood Moon Myth

by QC Poet

Ancient people's all have their own fables of their complex cosmology,
To explain in mystic terms how our world came to be "psychologically",
After the god's set a Sun and Moon to rise in the heavens as our shields,
This made crops and life grow throughout the World filling all its fields.

Just what are two rabbits doing in a fable on how a Blood Moon fuels Life's creation?
Day & Night every Hour rabbits hop star to star pushing the Sun and Moon to it's station,
Without this happening all Life sowing, growing, crawling or flying dies it won't just swoon!
Sadly, all rabbits age and die hence our Creator God decided to put one in the Moon.

When first Lunar rabbit died the Earth absorbed its Blood into a Redish Celestial body,
A special rare celestial moon only seen about twice each year so it's not gaudy,
Creator God well foreknew so many blood red lunar cycles would be too bawdy,
Other rabbits multiplying rapidly move the sun and phased moons they're so naughty!

You hopefully enjoyed my new Mexica Lunar Blood legend or had a great healthy chuckle,
A Prayer to Not Offend anyone rating as it took long placing it on my wall's stucco,
Some links to the original legend are included for the curious to learn more to know,
Again, Sorry for the delay and I wish you Peace, Love, and a Prayer today before I go!



My Blood Moon Myth
By; Chochee Medina
(A.K.A) George Martinez / QC Poet


Blood Moon pix this;
Everyone. A friend sent me the image for this post and I love it. I don't know who the photographer is to give credit. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. * Write a poem using the above image.
No deadline.

An unusual set of circumstances will combine in the early hours of Monday morning resulting in a phenomenon called a super blood wolf moon. A total lunar eclipse will give an apparent reddish colour to the lunar surface known as a blood moon.Jan 20, 2019

On rare occasions, the light reaching the moon is exactly the color of blood, but there is no way of predicting this in advance. So there are no grounds to call any particular lunar eclipse a blood moon until it actually shows its color.

The phrase blood moon is relatively new, Dr. Krupp said, a term coined by evangelical ministers. It appears to have originated in 2008 when Mark Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State, said he had discovered a pattern among the lunar and solar eclipses that would signal the second coming of Christ.

Psychology; is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.

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