Satire Script posted February 11, 2021 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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Lady Liberty

A chapter in the book Kaleidoscope

Dispute 15

by Iza Deleanu

The setting is one empty room. One actor plays all the characters.

Evil Me: Okay, bro, what time shall I drop today to see your Lady Justice Performance?

Me: Hamlet, I am playing that statue of Liberty, not Lady Justice. My performance starts at 10 am, you can drop any time.

Evil Me: 10 am? Let me check my schedule. Mmm, no, this is not working for me I can drop the earliest at 2 pm.

Me: What the heck are you talking about? Have you started a new job, and I don't know about? Or it's your beauty sleep that interferes with your duty to your friend?

Evil Me: No job, bro, as you know I am in a break, or as you say between jobs. You are right it's my beauty sleep. You know how grumpy I am if I am wake before noon.

Me: Oki, doki! So because of your sleeping therapy, you want to lose the chance to make fun of me posing as a statue?

Evil Me: Well, if you put it this way, you are right I can't miss this chance. Count me on, bro! You played such a bad Ophelia the last time; I cannot wait to see you playing a bad Statue of Liberty.

Me: I will do my best to oblige, my prince!

Evil Me: Bro, stop playing women in distress, you are not good at this. Next time try for a more manly role.

Me: Ha, ha, ha, look who's talking. Have you forgotten that you were parading a couple of days ago in women attire to hide from the Russian mafia? Serioja idi siuda!

Evil Me: Hey, I did it for our rent; and Serioja didn't come here, so because of my bravery we were able to play the rent for the entire year.
Me: Okay, I will see you tomorrow at 10 am?

Evil Me: Fine, give me a break, Miss Liberty!


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