Spiritual Non-Fiction posted December 12, 2020 Chapters: 1 -2- 3 

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A chapter in the book 2020 Vision

O come, all ye..

by Cogitator

All religions are isms or "schools of thought." Political systems are isms, and personal belief systems such as sexism, racism, and the like also fit the description. Every ism is at least partially false, and each can be called religion, whether the deity is the dollar, the American Idol winner, one's own Ego, etc. For example, worshipping the dollar is a religion called capitalism. All of us contain many isms we consult to make decisions about the scenario we currently inhabit.

We consider making decisions when we feel unbalanced. All organisms (schools of thought that create organs) must maintain homeostasis to experience living. In us, we call it Comfort Zone. Motivation happens when our Comfort Zone feels pain, physical, and/or psychical. We seek some action that can counterbalance our self-generated anguish. That may send us looking for some group that will provide temporary shelter from our ignorance.

Abraham Maslow published his "Hierarchy of Needs" in 1949 (circa). This concept has been developed to a much more satisfactory degree by many students of the thought. Our first resolution is to accept and understand that there are no "needs" other than consciousness. All decisions are based on the desire to maintain homeostasis in our existence first. We begin by ensuring that our temporary housing has enough food, water, sleep, shelter, etc. We genuinely need no more than a loincloth, a cave, and a supply of food from the bounty of Mother Earth to survive.

What do we seek after this initial step is satisfied?

Company. As all animals do, we gather in groups. The herd instinct is undeniable. It affords the sense of security that comes from not feeling isolated. Since all animals procreate for the propagation of the species, Socialization happens by training people or animals to behave in a way that others think is suitable. This level can be excruciatingly complex for underdeveloped minds. To belong, we craft a "personality" that will allow the group to accept us as a member. The world is a stage, and we are the personae in the cast. Our role is whatever we choose to be. Our agony comes when we act against our purpose.

Carl Jung's definition of personality: "The image and character that someone wants to show the outside world." We must agree that we often project a false front for others to evaluate. (Check out Facebook.)

Socializing includes establishing a "pecking order" within the group. Corporations provide organizational charts to depict this sequence. Maslow's chart also applies to these imaginary and artificial constructs. Each of us will allow our Ego to consider self-worth as it relates to the herd mentality.

We all communicate our being, both to the outer and inner world we imagine. We are the only creatures who lie and accept lies by design. Why do we? We get embarrassed, feel anger, hold grudges, judge others, and a whole lot more of the seven deadly sins kind of behavior. What is this proud thing called Ego, and how can we relegate it to its actual function?

Ego is an artificial structure built by the brain's interaction and experience while treading the planet. It is desCartes' "I think, therefore I am." The I/AM is the consciousness that relates to the divine ocean of thought. Our temporary housing is the "in-formation" of what we are.

The "I/AM" of Being is unlimited and thus allows Divinity to manifest as a HIM for humanity to observe, as in Jesus, Buddha, and ourselves as well.. Divinity can take form, even though it is indeed formless, and still be one with Infinity. A wave looks separate from the ocean, but is always connected.

Buddha taught the oneness of things. There is Only One Consciousness. Metaphysics teaches that every form is created by our own being's ability to think and sense other thoughts. There is no substance in consciousness other than thought. Our egoistic bodies, however, continually attempt to separate their Bubba from the unity of all. The body's paltry sensory ability is ridiculously inadequate when compared to what is available to sense. Ego continually tries to identify, sort, categorize, and assign value to evanescence. That is what creates assumptions.

Its primary purpose is to maintain balance, or homeostasis, for our body, but it begins to build its own existence in us. Its real goal is to use our physical senses to navigate through our human life. However, it goes beyond his job description by amassing beliefs and values from experience in Society. It becomes a self-appointed judge. Not only does this judge provide sentencing of others, but it also judges our real being. It tries to maintain control by creating the illusion of guilt. It uses the uniquely human trait of emotion to achieve this control. Ego Guilt is an artificial feeling created by religion(s).

Building a pecking order requires a value system. We must compare one value to another to make decisions. This is simple when balancing our checking account but gets dicey when attempting to balance our spiritual performance. We must include meaning (Common Sense) in our formula. Value pertains to our temporary housing, while sense is created by relationship. Most religions will relate to an anthropomorphized image of whatever deity they want to envision to create belief systems in immature egos.

No belief can contain the whole Truth because it is an assumption. All opinions are merely assumptions bolstered by group agreements. Once an ego adopts a belief system, it becomes like concrete. The individual's thoughts are faulty but permanently set. Belief spawns pain. Deniers of Truth agonize because of their own ignorance. Truth hurts, perhaps, but it can only hurt liars.

There is no supernatural anything. All living creatures either follow Natural Law or suffer. The first decision to make is whether our Ego wants to synchronize and align with Absolute Truth or deny it. Resistance to Truth is gauged by how much psychic pain we can withstand. Resistance is futile.

Ah! Dreaded Ego

Our Ego craves humanity
The real me wants Divinity
It's bad enough to work and slave
Ego worries about the grave

It doesn't get Infinity
Has no clue of Eternity
Tries to create Identity
Please go to sleep Nonentity

If Truth be known, we are endless
Only Past dies, that's a promise
The future comes as we decide
So, come Ego, enjoy the ride

Copyright - 2004

The artificial Ego can be a control freak. For us to control it, we must not allow it to judge. Our intuition uses all the understanding (tuition of previous experiences) to create the gut-feel for the correct path to follow. Joseph Campbell articulates this attitude as following our bliss. If we are not happy doing what we currently do, we should stop doing it. Einstein proposes that energy creates the manifestations of form in his Relativity Theory. He also contends that doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the first sign of insanity. Normal state of the ego is insanity.

Freemasonry differentiates ego attitudes as materialistic and idealistic. Idealists can navigate reality from either point of view, but a materialist does not think of ideals. Capitalists are materialistic. Many believe that money can solve problems. In Truth, this is insane. We may be billionaires, but if the grocery stores are empty, dollar bill salads are useless.

People create their own issues when they ignore Natural Law. Religions may be a stepping-stone leading to Natural Truth, but, in the current society, they do not provide anything more than obedience to societal laws through indoctrination. Doctrines are isms.

The Essenes were a Jewish mystical sect somewhat resembling the Pharisees. They lived lives of ritual purity and separation in their communes. They originated about 100 B.C. and disappeared from history after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Essenes likely produced the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Illuminati may have originated from their communes. They were committed to sharing wisdom only when the recipient was prepared. Initiates were required to follow a strict process on the path to becoming a Master.

He was born of a virgin mother
Soon to become like no other
Avatar of Divine Spirit
Kingdom on earth to inherit
When he came near to puberty
Is when he took his liberty
For many years he traveled far
To learn to be an Avatar
Yogis, gurus, lamas were consulted
And shared wisdom that resulted
In forging all the litanies
That created hostilities
He knew the plan -- get himself killed
So his purpose could be fulfilled
Avatars know there is no death
There's no such thing as the last breath
The body is rental housing
We land on earth to do browsing
That's what Jesus demonstrated
It's not really complicated

The Order of the Blue Rose was established by Mary Magdalene after the crucifixion of Yahshua. ('Yahshua' is the real name that has come into English as 'Jesus'), to be a particular order for only the most faithful followers of the Essene Way. Immediately after the crucifixion, many of Yahshua's male followers ('Jesus') refused to accept a woman -- Mary Magdalene -- as their leader. Magdalene, the rightful successor to Yahshua, established The Order of the Blue Rose for those who remained faithful. She founded the order in Israel shortly after the crucifixion, then escaped to France carrying the baby of her husband and co-Messiah, Yahshua.

Misogyny is common in scriptural texts. Constantine also rejected female influence from his version of the Bible by removing Mary Magdalene's gospel from scripture. For some reason, some believers have difficulty in visualizing Jesus having sex. Miriam and Yahshua were our Divine Couple. You saw it here first.

The Essenes do not exist openly today. However, there are fringe groups that call themselves Essenes. One such group is the Essene Church of Christ, which declares itself to be "the authorized custodians and chief disseminators of the true teachings of Lord Christ and Lady Christ."

The Koran is a continuation of the Bible. Mohammed needed to tame the Bedouin tribes of Arabia from destroying each other. The Sharia was primarily intended to delineate punishments for violating the Ten Commandments. There are many versions of these directives. Choose one.

1. Why would a Supreme Being acknowledge other gods? Why would a Supreme Being even
care about our stupidity? Godliness is metaphysical. Godliness is Supreme BEING, the
2. Ridiculous
3. God has no name, no face, and contains no human foibles like anger, jealousy, etc. This
is even more ridiculous. Thinking otherwise is anthropomorphism.
4. Every day is a holiday (Holy Day).
5. If we have to be told this, we cannot handle our problems in one reading.
6. Kill what? If we actually believe we have eternal life, how can we also believe in death?
7. When people lack true love, they commit not adultery but mutual masturbation.
8. No one owns anything but consciousness. Mother earth will want her atoms back when
we stop using her energy to exist. Truth is that there is no such thing as stealing.
9. Ego lies to protect its personae.
10. Coveting, when internalized, creates goals.

Everyone starts out being an atheist. Infants are atheists until they are indoctrinated with parental, societal, and peer beliefs. We are all born with Life Principles ingrained as intuition through our DNA. No ism is necessary to be loving, kind, compassionate, and honest.

Children are taught to hate and lie. We must teach them HOW to learn, not what to learn. Show them how to research the Internet, not Facebook.

Helen Keller was blind and deaf from birth and wrote fourteen books. What do you think she saw in her mind with her limited senses? If we talk to a blind person and ask what they have in mind, we may be quite surprised. I once thought writing a science fiction novel about how everyone on earth would be blinded and deafened for one day and could communicate only by touch. There would be a great awakening of the population created by this experience. We live in and use Eternal Mind to fashion this human life. Ignorance of this is why people feel pain. Every Ego, including Group ego, creates its own pain. If there is sin, its name is ignorance.

Now, Politics...

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