General Fiction posted December 10, 2020 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Self-evident truth

A chapter in the book A Murder a Month

A Murder a Month: Independence

by Bill Schott

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
Red Appleton, President of the United States, after President Sullivan's death in office
C. C. Connor, former Chief of Staff to President Sullivan; trained assassin
Millie Manowitz, California state representative, twin sister of C.C. Connor; assassin.
Samantha Anthra, Chief of Staff to President Appleton; murdered Pres. Sullivan
Manuel Kontroz, Assistant to the President
Ben Baker, aka Butcher of Baghdad aka Bobby Do, assassin
Bull Schlitz, Chief Police Inspector
Detective Piglette (Piglet) Detective

"His name is Tim Bends, Inspector," says Kontroz.

"Who's Tim Bends?" asks Piglette.

"Tim Bends was reported killed in a private plane crash last year."

Kontroz smiles before presenting a blank face. "My personal plane absorbs, deflects, and records radio waves within a two-thousand-hertz span. This person who attacked me did so after being switched on with a radio signal. I have all of several hundred captured signals on this floppy string. When I press this actualizer, the area will be flooded with them."

Manuel Kontroz presses a button on the device.

Millie Manowitz sits across from her brother, C.C. Connor, at a desk in her temporary office within the West Wing.

"I see you were unopposed and re-elected, Congresswoman Manowitz," says Connor, grinning. "You must have that state by the short hairs."

"The people have spoken," she replies.

"I'm fortunate not to be in a position where I am not at the whim of a fickle electorate. I stay while the others come and go."

"Like Sullivan?"

"Sonny did his bit and then he had the decency to die in accordance to my time line."

"Samantha said she found him dead in the bathroom. I don't recall that detail in the investigation I saw." Millie runs her hand over what looks like a mouse pad. It becomes a viewing screen, which she picks up, flops in front of Connor.

"What's this?  Empty cabinet posts? Looking for something to do on your lunch hour?"

"All of these men have died or disappeared within a month's time. They were in unrelated departments in Sullivan's White House. Where did they go?"

"I can find out for you."

"Or, you could just tell me the truth."  Millie runs a finger across the pad, turning it off. She spindles it and drops it in a pencil holder.

"When was the last time we sparred?" asks Connor, noting any potential weapons within reach.

She smiles. "I assured there weren't any pointy items around you, C.C. In case you needed to seek revenge from our last -- practice. Any more blood in your stools?"

"Manuel Kontroz was investigating the compound.  He is supposed to be working for Samantha, but he's off on a lark by the Great Lakes."

"He told me Sam attacked him on his plane, in mid air. She has no memory of it."

"I find it hard to believe he told you that.  If Samantha Anthra wanted him dead, well, end of story." 

"Manny was Dr. Wu's student -- practically a son; he is almost impossible to kill in a fight."

Meanwhile, in a mid-size city, west of Chicago, Illinois, on the second floor of the police department, within Inspector Bull Schlitz's office, Manuel Kontroz pushes a button.

After a minute, Detective Piglette returns his revolver to its rear belt holster.

"Should I get the mental health people up here, Bull?"

Bull studies Kontroz another few seconds before signaling Piglette with an expression that it wouldn't be necessary. 

"I gotta tell you, Kantoes, I'm a bit confused. Wasn't Piglet supposed to go nuts and try to kill everybody?"

Piglette presents an arched eyebrow as he looks to Kontroz.  


"Your name is Tim Bends. You are a trained assassin. You have, despite my inability to explain it, resurrected from a near death state and have assumed the identity of Detective Piglette."

Chuckling, Piglette looks to the other two. "Well, that explains why I shot my Uber driver." 

"Inspector," asks Kontroz, "would you inspect Detective Piglette's ears?"

Bull looks to Kontroz, then touches his own ears and the plugs. He then looks to Piglette.
"How about it, Piglet?"

The detective's smile evaporates and a glassy stare replaces it. His right hand snaps back to grab his gun. As his fingers touch the grip, Kontroz's foot strikes him in the chest, sending him through the glass wall of the office. 

Grabbing glass shards as he leaps from the floor, Piglette begins a random series of slashes as he moves back toward Kontroz, who removes a foot-long wand from his sleeze.  The wand ejects another foot length of tungsten wire which Kontroz uses to whip the glass-wielder's hands.  Three fingers fly off, one dropping at Bull Schlitz's feet. 

Kontroz stops fighting and jumps back in to where Bull is standing.

"If I were you I would shoot him until he's immobile."

Bull pulls out his gun and points it at Kontroz. 

"Move and you're dead."





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