Humor Poetry posted October 30, 2020

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My monorhyme about a Thanksgiving ritual.

Feast Day

by GollyGreen32

During the meal, I felt perky, but then ate too much turkey.
I'm glad my pants were stretchy and sturdy.
As I sat on the couch, sleep overtook me,
Like a monster in the deep and murky.
For some reason, I dreamed about Bert and Ernie.
They needed to wake up bright and early.

Write a Monorhyme writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a 6 line Monorhyme. A monorhyme is a poem where all the lines have the same end rhyme.


Night Storm

It came in a winter?s night,
a fierce cold with quite a bite.
Frosted wind with all its might
sent ice and snow an invite
to layer earth in pure white
and glisten with morning light.

Copyright © 2005 Marie Summers

I always get so sleepy after my Thanksgiving meal, but then again, I spend all day cooking it.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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