Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted October 28, 2020

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can we return to the red, white and blue America?

Red and Blue America

by jake cosmos aller

We live these days
In a divided land
Either we live in a blue state
Or a blue city in a red state

Or we live in a red state
Or in a red area of a blue state,
And we associate ourselves
More and more with our tribe

Either a red tribe or blue tribe
Long gone when we were all
Red, white and blue Americans
And I wonder if we will ever

Return to those red, white, and blue
The United States of America?

Short and Colorful writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem which incorporates at least two colors. The idea is to use colors to infer meaning. Poem may be rhyming or not.

the US is so divided these days and has been for some time, but it seems to have gotten so much worst over the last few years. I wonder if a lad so divided can co-exist? Can we return to the United States of America united under the red, white, and blue flag or are we doomed to divorce?
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