2025 Writing Contests

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Emotions Poetry Contest

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: In 2 Days

Valentine Love Poem

Oh Romeo! Share your poem that shows your romantic side. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: In 4 Days

Two Line Poem

Write a poem to someone special for this writing contest but it must follow a specific syllable count of 5-7-5 or 5-7-7 The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Next Week.

5-7-5 Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Feb 25th

Four Line Poem

Write a poem wtih only four lines that has a special syllable count. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Feb 28th

Erotic Writing Contest

Dialogue is an important part of any story. For this writing contest your challenge is to write a story only using dialogue. No speech tags. No descriptions. Write a story as if those writing were talking on the telephone or texting. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Mar 5th

15 Syllable Poem

Your challenge for this writing contest is to share a poem that only has 20 syllables. Cash Prize. Deadline: Mar 11th

Write A Screenplay

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Mar 14th

Flash Fiction

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Mar 17th

A poem about a Woman

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Mar 20th

A poem about a Man

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Mar 23rd

Betrayal Poetry Contest

Write a poem in any form or style with betrayal as the central theme. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Mar 28th

This Sentence Starts The Story

For this contest we provide you with the first sentence to start your story. What you do with it from there is up to you. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Apr 2nd

Tanka Poetry Contest

To enter this contest share a poem that has five lins with the specified syllable count. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Apr 6th

Free Verse Love Poem

Write a free verse poem about love. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure. No rhyming patterns. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Apr 12th

Free Verse Poem

Share a poem without restrictions for this free verse poetry contest. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Apr 16th

My Faith Poetry

Share your poem with the topic of 'faith' for this writintg contest. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Apr 22nd

Share A Photo Poetry

Take a photo of something with your camera and write a poem about it. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Apr 26th

True Story Flash

This flash fiction writing contest challenges you to share a story with only 100 words. Cash Prize. Deadline: Apr 28th

3 Line Poetry Contest

Write a poem to someone special for this writing contest but it must follow a specific syllable count of 5-7-5 or 5-7-7 The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: May 3rd

ABC Poetry Contest

An ABC poem follows the alphabet. Start each line with a letter in the alphabet that follows the previous line. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: May 6th

I'm Gonna Rant

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: May 10th

5 Line Poem

Write a five line poem for this writing contest. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: May 14th

Temptation Poetry Contest

What are your temptations? Write a poem on the topic of temptation for your chance at the cash prize. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: May 20th

Romance Writing Contest

For this contest we provide you with the first sentence to start your story. What you do with it from there is up to you. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: May 22nd

Poem For A Child

Write a poem that rhymes for this contest. Your poem can be any type but must have a clear rhyme scheme. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: May 25th

Faith Poetry Contest

Share your poem with the topic of 'faith' for this writintg contest. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: May 30th

Dribble Flash Fiction

Can you share a complete story with only 50 words? It can be done. Share your short story but only use 50 words. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jun 2nd

Dear God

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Jun 5th

Free Verse Poetry Contest

Share a poem without restrictions for this free verse poetry contest. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Jun 8th

Sci Fi or Fantasy Writing Contest

Write a sci fi or fantasy story. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jun 12th

Love Poem Poetry Contest

This contest challenges you to write a poem that is a love poem. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Jun 15th

Romance Poetry Contest

Six words is all you get for this poetry contest. Can you share a poem with only six words? This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Jun 20th

Share Your Story

What's your story. Give details about your life and how you can to be where you are. Cash prize for the winner of this writing contest. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jun 23rd

Lonely Poem

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jun 24th

Cinquain Poetry

Write a poem with a specific syllable count to enter this writing contest. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Jun 30th


Six words is all you get for this poetry contest. Can you share a poem with only six words? Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jul 3rd

75 Words Flash Fiction

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Jul 3rd

Rhyming Poetry Contest

Write a poem that rhymes for this contest. Your poem can be any type but must have a clear rhyme scheme. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jul 8th

No Rules Poetry Contest

Share a poem without restrictions for this free verse poetry contest. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jul 14th


This flash fiction writing contest challenges you to share a story with only 100 words. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Jul 18th

One Line Poem

Can you write a complete poem - with only one line? That is the challenge of this writing contest. Cash Prize. Deadline: Jul 20th

Write A Rant

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Jul 22nd

3 Line Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Cash Prize. Deadline: Jul 25th

Fantasy Writing Contest

For this contest we provide you with the first sentence to start your story. What you do with it from there is up to you. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Jul 31st

Loop Poetry Contest

Write a poem with a specific format for this contest. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Aug 3rd

Rhyming Poem

Write a poem that rhymes for this contest. Your poem can be any type but must have a clear rhyme scheme. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Aug 7th

A First Book Chapter

For this contest we provide you with the first sentence to start your story. What you do with it from there is up to you. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Aug 9th

16 Words or Less Poem

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Aug 12th

Haiku Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Aug 16th

Horror Writing Contest

Share a horror story for this writing contest. Past greats such as Stephen King have made careers with horror writing. Now is your chance to share your horror story for this writing contest. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Aug 17th

Free Form Poem

Write a three line poem to enter this poetry contest. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Aug 20th

20 Syllable Poem

Hemingway wrote a poem with only six words that is quite famous. Now is your chance. Write a poem with only 20 words for a chance at the cash prize. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Aug 24th

True Story Contest

Share a true story for this writing contest. Share something in your life that is either dark, exciting or interesting and write a story to enter this contest. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Aug 26th

3-6-9 Poem

Share a poem with a specific syllable count and only three lines. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Aug 30th

5-7-5 Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Sep 4th

Nonet Poetry Contest

This poem only has 9 words. To enter this writing contest share a poem that has nine lines and a specific format. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Sep 10th

Share A Story In A Poem

Your poem should tell a story for this contest. The challenge is to write a poem of any type that also tells a story. Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Sep 15th

2-4-2 Poetry

Share a poem with a specific syllable count and only three lines. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Sep 18th

Faith Flash

A flash fiction story is a story that only has a few words - but tells a complete story. Your challenge is to share a story that only uses a few words but tell a comlete story in the process. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Sep 22nd

Western Writing Contest

For this contest we provide you with the first sentence to start your story. What you do with it from there is up to you. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Sep 24th

Free Form Poetry Contest

Share a poem without restrictions for this free verse poetry contest. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Sep 28th

Funny 50 Word Story

Can you share a complete story with only 50 words? It can be done. Share your short story but only use 50 words. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Oct 1st

5-7-5 Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Oct 5th

Dialogue Only Writing Contest

Dialogue is an important part of any story. For this writing contest your challenge is to write a story only using dialogue. No speech tags. No descriptions. Write a story as if those writing were talking on the telephone or texting. Cash Prize. Deadline: Oct 9th

Acrostic Poetry Contest

For this contest pay special attention to the first letter of each line. Because your goal is to spell out a word using the first letter of each line in the poem. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Oct 14th

Nonfiction Writing Contest

The challenge of this contest is to write a story or essay about real people in a compelling and dramatic manner. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Oct 17th

The Good Old Days

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Enter for your chance at the cash prize. Deadline: Oct 20th

Newbie Flash Fiction

A writing contest with a cash prize. Read the contest announcement for the details on this contest with a specific topic. Cash Prize. Deadline: Oct 23rd

Sonnet Poetry Contest

Write a sonnet poem to enter this writing contest. Read the contest announcement for the details on writing a sonnet. Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Oct 27th

My Biggest Regret

For this writing contest you are to write a story with only 750 words. That is the extreme amount of words for a flash fiction. Cash Prize. Deadline: Oct 31st

Lune Poetry Contest

Write a three line poem to enter this contest. This contest has a cash prize. Deadline: Nov 2nd

100 Word Flash Fiction

Share a story of romance for this writing contest. Romance is one of the biggest sellers in the book stories. You can have quite a career with it. Now is your chance. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Nov 5th

Minute Poetry Contest

Share a poem that has a specific syllable count. Details in the contest announcement. The winner takes away a cash prize. Deadline: Nov 10th

5-7-5 Poem

Share a poem that has three lines and follows the 5-7-5 syllable count. It's similar to a haiku but you can write about anything.' Cash prize to the winner. Deadline: Nov 16th

Entering Writing Contests

To enter writing contests view the contest announcement. If you plan to enter the contest reserve a spot in the contest. Reserving a spot will give you the option to easily enter the writing contest at a later time. You can create a list of writing contests that you plan to enter. When you post your writing you will be prompted for the text of your post (can be copied and pasted from your word processor), a title and description. You can include an image with your writing as well.

All entries will receive feedback. So after you post your entry in the writing contest we will make it available to other authors. They will give you feedback that you can use to improve your writing at anytime. After you post your short story, poem or book chapter you can make changes to it. This listing will be updated daily as we make more writing contests available.