Writing Sites - Writing Websites | FanStory.com

A Site For Writing

At FanStory you have a writing site where you can write poetry, stories and book chapters. And you'll get feedback from other writers on everything you share.

Learn from feedback that will be written on every poem, story and book chapter that you write.
Enter writing contests for free. Choose from over 50 new writing contests every month - many with cash prizes.
All skill levels welcomed. No matter what your age or skill level this writing site will help you grow and improve as a writer. Even if you have no experience. You can post your story or poem and you'll get feedback from other writers.
Enjoy the community and make friends. As you post you will grow a fan base that will follow you.

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Your Writing Site

FanStory is a writing site for writers of all skill levels. Learn from feedback that will be written on everything that you write. Share your writing with other writers and participate in contests with cash prizes. For over 20 years FanStory has been helping writers improve their craft!