sengmeng: As a writing student, I've heard a lot of the same "rules" repeated ad nauseum. "Show, don't tell." "Avoid cliches." "Adverbs are bad, mmmkay." Etc., etc. I'm not interested in knee-jerk responses here. Adverbs are to be avoided, not forbidden. Likewise, repetition and redundancy CAN be used effectively. Writing is always about breaking the rules. Skilled writers think about it beforehand, unskilled ones don't. I don't believe in "never do this" in regards to writing. |
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sengmeng: I am a 28-year-old veteran seeking a degree in creative writing. Much of my writing, and especially my most successful writing, is focused on my military experiences, but I'm trying to break away from that. I have been trained in form poetry, but I'm not biased for or against free verse. I can be harsh in criticism and constantly try and often fail to keep my arrogance in check, but please realize that if I review something at all, I believe it has quality. |
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