Children Poetry posted August 25, 2012 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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In the title

A chapter in the book Hedgerow Tales

Fire Drill at Hedgerow School

by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell

By Sandra Stoner Mitchell

Fire Drill at Hedgerow School

The school bus had stopped when the doors opened wide,
And the children jumped out then ran on inside.
Miss Freda the Frog was already there,
Inside the classroom just perched on her chair.
Once they were seated, she stood up and smiled,
Then called for attention from every child.

"Today we are going to learn something new,
If there's ever a fire, you must know what to do."
Timmy and Tommy nudged each other then,
"Miss Freda will teach us to be firemen!"
This sounded exciting; what a great game,
Throwing buckets of water onto the flames!

There were lots of murmuring, whispers, and grins,
Till Miss Freda told them "Here's how we'll begin!
It's very important;  you must listen well,
To what you must do when you hear the fire bell."
Then pressing a button, a sound loud and shrill,
She startled them all into sitting quite still!

"That is the sound you will hear," she smiled,
"Then you will get up and walk single file,
Out to the playground...But please do not run!
Then once you are there, I can count everyone.
Is there anything that you don't understand?"
And Tommy Mouse quickly put up his small hand.

"When would we go to put the fire out?"
Miss Freda laughed, "There'll be firemen about!"
Then turned when she heard Reggie Rat say,
"Are we going to have a fire today?"
Miss Freda sat down, shaking her head,
Had any of them heard a word she had said?

"Now listen to me, I will try to explain
What I've just said...I will say once again.
We haven't a fire, and I hope never will
But just to be safe, we have fire drills.
So if the bell rings, you will know what to do.
When the firemen come they'll be so pleased with you!"

Miss Freda looked at her watch on her arm,
Then without being seen, she pressed the alarm.
"Now then, children, you know what to do;
Stand up and form a single file queue."
Just as they marched into the playground,
They heard a loud noise...a jangling sound!

They all turned around to look in the lane,
As into the playground, a fire engine came!
Timmy and Tommy Mouse just stood and stared,
They couldn't believe a fire engine was there!
Cyril the Squirrel yelled, "Can we have a ride?"
And Reggie the Rat said, "Is there room inside?"

Rodney the Rabbit, in his black fireman coat,
Turned to the youngsters and clearing his throat,
Said, "The reason we're here is to make you aware,
That fire is dangerous, and you should take care.
If you can tell me what you shouldn't do,
When there's a fire, I might just let you!"

"I know! I know!" they all frantically cried,
"We mustn't run as we hurry outside!"
"And we must leave our coats on their hooks,
We mustn't take anything...even our books!"
Rodney the Rabbit said, "Very well done!
Now let's play firemen...come on everyone!"

Rodney the Rabbit then showed them the bell,
The fire hoses and the ladders as well.
"Sometimes we need them to do other things,
We never know what till the fire bell rings!"
"I knew a mouse who was stuck up a tree,"
Said Vicky the Vole. "He couldn't get free!"

"And I knew a rabbit jammed tight in a hole.
He was in the wrong one!" said Millie the Mole.
"Those are a few things that we have to do,"
Said Rodney the Rabbit, "there's other things too!"
"It must be exciting!" said Reggie the Rat,
"When I'm all grown up, I'm going to do that!"

Miss Freda the Frog turned around now to say,
"I think we should thank them for coming today.
The firemen are busy with much more to do."
So at the top of their voices, they shouted, "Thank you!"
This day was the best one they'd ever known,
Then the school bus came to take them all home.


Thanks to Deloralock on FanArt, for this lovely little school bus picture!
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