General Poetry posted February 12, 2021

This work has reached the exceptional level
Irregular Ode for Potlatch Poetry

Snow at Last!

by damommy

A snowfall came at last, a sweet surprise
to sleepy eyes.
It laid deep drifts against the trees,
and blew past windows curtained from the sight.
Against the darkness, purity of white
sashayed across the night with graceful ease,
and primly sat upon the shrubs.
It spread its skirt across the ground
while claiming space without a sound,
and nipped the daffodils’ new forming nubs.
In velvet softness, critters stirred
with prudent steps of paws and hooves.
The world has changed
from one they left behind just yesterday.
All landmarks blurred,
seemed rearranged.
But early birds have made their moves
to break their fast where feeders hang
at intervals along the way.
Their thanks so happily they sang.




An Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing. It is written in two stanzas of ten lines each.

Irregular Ode is a poem with meter (iambic) and rhyme just like all other odes except it has no set rhyme pattern, but each line rhymes somewhere throughout.

Irregular Ode. an ode that freely alters its stanziac forms both in number and in length; does not follow the set pattern of the Pindaric ode or the repetition of stanzas of the Horatian ode, it is sometimes called the psuedo-pindaric ode.

Club entry for the "Irregular Ode ~ week of 2-12-2021" event in "Put Pen To Paper Potlatch Poetry Club".  Locate a writing club.
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