
Contest Vote For 5-7-5 poem

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

7 votes Santa's landing strip by DALLAS01
4 votes 5-7-5 poem (Scrooge Approves) by judiverse
4 votes Unicorn Soars High by whizpurr ^-^
1 Vote American politics by Jaxpoet

Comments For Santa's landing strip by DALLAS01

Nice alliteration and images--poetically sound.


It's that time of year and the Haiku is correct.

Lovely imagery in this one.

Comments For Unicorn Soars High by whizpurr ^-^

So many great entries to choose from, beautiful haiku, and wonderful 5/7/5...tough choice, but I love unicorns.

Comments For American politics by Jaxpoet

From the talented writers, This one was what attracted me the most because the still image of our flag used represents the attention of the wind, the kind of wind that only talented writers like yourselves can generate on behalf of the masses.

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