Reviews from

Free Verse Collection 2

Viewing comments for Chapter 12 "sand outside the hourglass"
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9 total reviews 
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a wonderful 10 minute free verse mike, starting with the title. Though you use some rhyme it still freely floats on the waves, on the clouds, your clouds. You are a magician with this form. I wish I had a six to give.

 Comment Written 12-Jan-2018

Comment from johnwilson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a wondrous free verse poem. You let it all hang out, so to speak, and the writing is magical. I reread it a couple of times, as you said many things about love, the ocean of life and nature and stars, and sinewy things...I loved it, you talented writer, you...Yes, let's write a book with this group.

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2018

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My, my...
Aren't we the loquacious one?
All of this in just ten minutes or less, Michael?
Quite impressive.
While I am hardly a fan of free verse poetry, I did enjoy many of the tender sentiments and occasional rhyming in this.
Well done.

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2018

Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

That is some gorgeous artwork, Mav. How did I miss this beauty. I just happened to catch it in the up next bundle.

I really enjoy the wide sweeps of free-flowing imagery in this poem. You basically take us through the scales of love and each as they interrelate to one of Earth's physical features.

Terrific job with this one. A worthy and thought-provoking poem.


 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2018
    Well, I'm not sending out notices, Ange. BUT on this one, I was submitting a second ten-minute write. However, instead of listing a second one, this just replaced the first one. LOL

    I'm so pleased you find this to your liking. I love writing like this to be honest. It's easy, of course, but it also takes me in unexpected directions and THAT is the fun of it. Thanks so much. You're the best.

Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written ten minute poem with great thoughts flowing freely from your mind through your pen. I will give this ten minutes a try tomorrow and see what is on my mind. Lol.

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is this poem about finding yourself and breaking out of your shell and reaching for the stars? Or maybe finding someone else and there is a yearning to be with another, best of luck, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018

Comment from nordicgirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, now I know I have to come find your work AGAIN. Brother! Okay, it is worth it. I really love this style, so feel free to do as many of these as your little heart desires. I can't say I get every word, but the over all sense of it hits me. Dig this, Michael. Please don't go on strike. NG

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2018
    Sorry ... I don't have time to answer reviews and feel sooooo terrible when I don't. But I MUST write. HA!. I'm grateful that you'd take the time to find my little offerings. I do appreciate you more than you can know or I'd ever TELL you. I AM delighted you like this, this IS me, at least me when left to my own devices. :)) michael
Comment from Leineco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Impressive Mikey! This is a wonderful flow of both verbiage and images
wrapped around deep seated emotion. Bravo!

I'm dying to did you chose a "topic" without being tempted
to think about a "conceptual outline"? I mean, I've peen thinking about
trying my own hand at it...but just the act of choosing subject matter
makes my brain start plotting phrasing and cohesive imagery!!! Which,
of course, is cheating....arrrrggghhhh. LOL

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2018
    You won't have the slightest problem. Once you write a couple words, it will all start to flow. An exceptional poet like yourself just thinks in a flow way more than you realize. We learned that in Potlatch which started out as SPEED challenges. "Write whatever this is without thinking as fast as you can, first one in-- WINS!" LOL! A different part of our brain kicks in. It's amazing and revealing. You'll see. :))

    Thanks for such an encouraging review. I LOVE writing like this. I wrote a sonnet a couple days ago, just to see if I still could. But THIS is more ME. :)) mike
reply by Leineco on 08-Jan-2018
    Oh...I know what you mean..I used to do the "time is of the essence" thing regularly, back when potlatch first started up :-)

    BUT - someone else "dictated" the topic....this thing where I have to come up with a topic....well...that just makes me "weigh" if that's what I want to write about...and why...and how....

    I guess what I'll have to do is drop a dictionary on the floor, drop a penny on whatever page it opens up to, and write about what ever the penny plops on!!! ;-)
Comment from poetwatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You know Michael it was 10 minutes for you but for me to read it it took a minute. Yet, I read it again and went with the flow of your writing and... it's awesome! Guess that's why you started it. It is a good poem. I have to give it a try. If I pass the test.

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2018