Reviews from

Friday morning, six AM

trying for a poem

11 total reviews 
Comment from Pearl Edwards
This work has reached the exceptional level

Great opening verse and this is an emotional muse you've found with this poem Red.Lovely picture and a lovely poem, well done, I think you used this dime well.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2017
    The beautiful morning seemed to deserve a poem. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing and most especially for the sixth star.
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI LIJ, I know how it feels for your muse to go on vacation...LOL...but I think yours has returned...the is a wonderfully written poem...I love the wording...and the picture so sets the stage...sometimes our minds wonder in so many different hard for our muses to step Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2017
    The beautiful morning in the mountains seemed to call for a poem, but my muse was on break. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
reply by l.raven on 21-Oct-2017
    your so welcome...I know how that can xxoo
Comment from frierajac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I go to work and am awake at 6AM. I noticed that the winner of the non fiction
bucks is all about working and so now here I am being admonished for being
a muse with a mind left behind by someone who has just won best writer of the
month. Is this fair?

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2017
    I can only speak for me, and since I retired I can only follow the herd by running where the dust is thickest. My posts have run the gamut lately, from fairly hot to cold, cold. I was impressed with the beauty of the autumn morning. If my wife had been alive I'd have yelled, "Hey, bring coffee, it's nice out here." I admire anybody who seriously tries to write. Makes reviewing tough.
    Thanks for reading my venture into internal rhymes.
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is perfectly wistful Ellijay. Your metre and rhymes terrific and the imagery is serene despite some undertones of sorrow.

Great job my friend.


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2017
    Some lives lead to a place where there is always a faint undertone of sorrow, even at the best moments. It was a lovely autumn morning, indeed. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Gloria.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You did a great job 'trying to find a poem.' Your lines flow smoothly, tell a good, but sad story, & create great imagery. I really like the end rhymes & internal rhymes, too Thanks for sharing. Take care & write more. Jan

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2017
    I had to tell someone what a morning it was. Miko the Chihuahua, just growled at me when I woke him up. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
Comment from Joy Graham
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well I'd say your, "trying for a poem" achieved one today :) You have a fun little lilt going on with your meter. Nice aabb rhyme scheme. My favorite of your rhyme combinations is aborning and warning. At first I thought it was adorning. Now I'll have to look up aborning. This is a pleasant romp through the woods on an October morning.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2017
    The woods are nice places to ramble in October in the mountains. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely poem about a new morning. Love the rhyme. Great job.

It seems you're feeling your years, and I wish you didn't. You have so much to offer.

the line 'and blues that strike without a warning' I thought is a little bit off meter.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2017
    I took that "a" out and put it back. Maybe I shoulda changed the line, but it read better to me with the a, and the blues were there.
    If I could make words behave, I'd give old Shakespeare a run for his money. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
reply by damommy on 20-Oct-2017
Comment from country ranch writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Just because you are feeling old don't give up take ahold there is much left to live for. Get up and get out the journal and write down what you are feeling and put it in a poem. Never give up life is to short as it is.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2017
    I got up and walked out into my backyard, and realized, here comes another winter. It was a beautiful scene, but it had a message. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written rhyming poem.about a Friday morning inspiration while taking a walk in the stillness of the morning before the birds start their singing to wake the world.. Here they start at four AM.

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 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2017
    We have birds that sing at the first sign of dayspring, about five in the summer and seven in the winter. One or two species fly north or south as seasons change. Most live here year round. Thanks for reading and reviewing my poetic attempt.
Comment from Priest B. Brown
This work has reached the exceptional level

What can I say, this moved me.

Sometimes the quiet of the morning brings deep reflection.

This is well expressed in your observations that move from outside to inward.

Life is and time is truly what we're spending.

"Speak up,old man, for 'tis your dime",

You have, excellently done!

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2017
    I am lucky to live in woods on a hill with nearest neighbors a hundred yards away. The time when daybreak begins is beautiful. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Thanks especially for the sixth star, I appreciate those.