Reviews from

Don't Let The Stars

A dissertation on astronomy 955 words

3 total reviews 
Comment from ~Dovey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This one is almost where astronomy met astrology lol It is quite the unique read, for sure. I did find one quick fix:

at hundred foor intervals. (foot)

And you've included star-crossed lovers, too! I laughed at Spud's pronunciation of Castor and Pollux. Good job on this witty piece.

I found an article for you to read, perhaps it will inspire some stories:

Have a great day!


 Comment Written 26-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2017
    My chart and the precession of the equinoxes is common knowledge among astronomers, yet astrology hangs on...even my wife once said "I am an Aries, not a stinkin' fish!" Tried to make it a fun read, and the seeing stars from the bottom of a deep hole is possible. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Kim.
Comment from humpwhistle
This work has reached the exceptional level

I'm always intrigued, Red. You dribble out your history and your interests.
And you use damn good characters, too.
I never know if you're writing new stuff,
or cherry-picking from an existing treasure trove.
There's a lot of arcane knowledge wrapped around
a couple of horny teens.

Peace, Lee

then climbed the sown grassy slope, down to the exit end of the aqueduct.--maybe 'down' belongs next to 'climbed'? Otherwise, climbed and down seem contradictory.

Spud liked the walk on that Edith, so --I get it, Red, but it's awkward phrasing.

Their ears rang. The wow echoed back and forth and up and down, changing pitch and mixing with itself until it sounded like a bell tolling, fading slowly to silence.--Nice. A good job of explaining a complicated event.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2017
    I was hoping to make a not so subtle attack on astrology interesting reading. I think clambering is the word for scrambling up and down steep places. I'll rearrange that climbing down. Yeah, sometimes good-old boy redneck phrases slip in. Thanks for reading this, Lee. I did it rather off-handedly, but my distaste for astrology was quite sincere, and Spud and Edith are fast becoming stock characters for me. I really like that sixth star. And the Lake with the towering drain is an actual place.( But no stars were in line with that tiny peephole when I looked for them.)
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written interesting piece, I enjoyed it of course, because it is my interest. I just wonder when are the astrologists going to change their charts? They seem to like it the way it is, and it means I am a Capricorn and not an Aquarian despite all the proof that I am an Aquarian. Lol.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2017
    Earth's precession was historically called the precession of the equinoxes, because the equinoxes moved westward along the ecliptic relative to the fixed stars, opposite to the yearly motion of the Sun along the ecliptic. The touted age of Aquarius will be in a century or so when the vernal equinox finds the sun moving into that sign. The age of Pisces will end(the fish, the symbol of Christ) The king James translators called The End of The Age the "End of Time." Why was Ophiuchus excluded from the Zodiac and Scorpio kept? I love reading about this mystical stuff. The figures Spud listed are well-known to astronomers. Are their divisions of the sky into constellations for charting purposes the same as the ancients used for Zodiac ? Fascinating stuff. And much too old and deep-seated to be discounted as trivial. Thanks very much for reading and reviewing my take on this.
reply by Sandra du Plessis on 21-Mar-2017
    I am just an amateur and relies only on what I read about it and accept it as facts. I enjoyed your different view and will try and research on that myself too.