Reviews from

Please Don't Leave Us Here!

Prose Potlatch 12-4-16

19 total reviews 
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have always had dogs and cats, and never bought the first one. Now I am trying to outlive the five pets I've got. The chihuahua is nearly ten, the youngest cat is twelve.
I believe you have met the challenge in excellent fashion.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Hi Red, you might have trouble outliving the little chihuahua...those little guys seem to live longer than most! :) I appreciate your RR&R and continued interest in my work. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a deeply moving, beautifully told story of a dog no one wanted. Your compassion and understanding stood out and touched my heart. I can only imagine the sadness at his loss Very nice work with this story and a great response to the challenge too.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Good morning, Sasha. Thank you for your RR&R and continued interest in my work. POV is always challenging for me, and I appreciate very much your encouragement with this review and rating. Have a wonderful afternoon. I hope your are healing well.
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a fine dog story. It was almost a holocaust story for hounds. You engaged me by telling the story from Princess' point of view. I am reminded of Jack London's Call of the Wild and White Fang because of the emphasis on the pack and hierarchy. Your story made me grieve for abandoned animals and cheered me to know that I had adopted several dogs and cats over the years. Your story has a happy ending. Princess imagines seeing her pack friends again at Rainbow Bridge.

This sentence sounds off, "Her heart ached with for loss of family." Perhaps use, "Her heart ached from the loss of her family.

Thank you for sharing your engaging story.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2016
    Good afternoon, Andre, and thank you for your wonderful review and sharing your thoughts. I applaud your efforts in adopting pets. I didn't add that the woman who evaluated Princess had a gift of communication. (it's hard enough getting reviews on prose--I didn't want to offput anyone by thinking I'm crazy). The woman became quite emotional when Princess related she thought she had some to take her back to 'that place'...the pound, after attacking our dog with pretty serious injuries.

    She also relayed she 'liked it at our house, but terribly missed her first family and pack.' I don't know if the woman was pulling my leg or not, but I can tell you though the dog was loved by my family and me, there was always a sadness about her.

    I think that is why I was so drawn to her, and feel her loss so deeply three years later.

    Thank you for the catch. I reworded that line. Appreciate your suggestion very much. Have a wonderful evening.
Comment from Ric Myworld
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, it isn't easy to melt my hard-boot, gruff exterior and mannerisms, but if this story doesn't touch someone's heart, then, they don't have one. I once stabled horses at a place where it seemed like everyone dumped their unwanted pets. I took them all home and made them a palace in an old barn that we no longer used. I was able to find homes for all the dogs but three, and so they belonged to me. But the cats multiplied in such rapid proportions. It wasn't long until there were over a hundred. Every morning and night I opened and served up enough cans to make sure every cat's tummy was full. Two veterinarian friends sold me medicines at cost and came out to help me give them all their shots whenever needed and treat some snotty noses from time to time. When I was out of town, which could be months at a time, I hired two girls from up the road to feed and water. I finally convinced two sisters in their 60s to take them on and even paid to build a place to house them. I checked in on them for a couple years and all was going fine. It's hard for me to imagine anyone just dropping off their loving companions when times get difficult. I only let those cats go because I thought those women could show them more love and attention than was possible for me. :-) I didn't mean to write you a book, sometimes, I just get out of control.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2016
    Hi Ric, well first off, you are my 'kind of peep'. What a difference you've made in your own neck of the woods.
    Thank you for your wonderful review and for sharing your story. The assignment of a SIX is most appreciated and very awesome.

    I didn't add that the woman who evaluated Princess, a dog behaviorist had a gift of communicating with animals. (it's hard enough getting reviews on prose--I didn't want to offput anyone by thinking I'm crazy). The woman became quite emotional when Princess related she thought the woman had come to take her back to 'that place'...the pound, after her second attack on our female dog with pretty serious injuries. Princess also relayed she 'liked it at our house, but terribly missed her first family and pack.' I was never into the Princess thing, with myself, in raising my daughters. I find it annoying as hell. So here is this 110 pound dog I adopted that came with the moniker. I was in the process of trying to change her name to Tiny since bringing her home (she was anything but). She also told the woman, she loved her name, Princess, and that she didn't want to be called anything else. Kind of weird, huh? Princess stuck from that moment on, in spite of my disdain for the state of mind.

    I don't know if the woman was legit in communicating, but I can tell you even though Prin was loved by my family and me, there was always a sadness about her.

    I think that is why I was so drawn to her, and still feel her loss so deeply three years later.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Being a animal lover myself, almost to the point of fanaticism, this broke my heart. I have taken so many strays in over the years, and eventually lost them, and I've never forgotten one of them. One cat I HAD for 18 years.

I love big dogs. I used to raise Great Danes. They weighed twice what I did. I hope there's a special hell for people who treat their companions the way that man did Princess and her pack.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I must go hug all my furry family. 8-)

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Hi Yvonne, thank you for your RR&R and excellent rating. So very appreciated. This was a tough write, always is when I write of Princess. She represented so much more than just being an adopted dog. I don't even know why I showed up at the pound that day. I had no intention of adopting another dog, and was just killing time with my daughter before heading back to a meeting at her college, located nearby. I will never not believe my nephew directed me there. I ended up bringing her home on his birthday once she was treated for kennel cough. Danes are wonderful creatures. We adopted one many years ago from the same pound right after we married. Brutus only graced our lives for a few weeks, as he had contracted distemper while in the pound and had to be put to sleep. I swore off pound dogs for over thirty-five years--until Princess came along. Thank you again, and have a wonderful day, Yvonne.
reply by damommy on 06-Dec-2016
    We're kindred spirits. I do things like that.

    One day, though, I saw a cat at PetsMart (when they used to have them there for adoption). I was cuddling him when the manager said put him back, he's a vicious animal. The cat was curled up on my should, purring away. Sadly, at that time, I didn't have the money to adopt him. I still suffer over that.
Comment from Heidi M
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another tear jerker from you, Mary. This was wonderfully written. It was perfect to write it from the dog's POV. I have a soft spot for animals, especially dogs so, of course, I cried during this story.
parents(') house
Consider changing the first 'once' to 'when' so it reads: 'When Master secured his once princess...' That eliminates using 'once' two times in close proximity.
Your writing is amazing. You have the ability to touch people in a deep and profound way, both with sadness and humor. Well done!

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Good morning Heidi, I'm so sorry for the delay in responding. I read your review the very night you posted it, but have been unable to get a few minutes aside to thank you for your wonderful words and again, your absolutely valuable catches. All have been corrected, and great call on the once. After reading this, I went back and changed another overused word that was also used in close proximity.

    Thank you for your continued encouragement that is helping me to build the confidence I need to believe I can write something of value to more than just a few people. Getting a six (now two in less than a week) from you inspite of my errors, is greatly appreciated.

    Have a wonderful day!
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This work has reached the exceptional level

Goodness me, Mary, I have never cried before when reading a story, I couldn't stop when I read that callous man dumping her like that. How could he have done that? Our pets become as much a part of our family as our children do, in fact, they become our children. I am so glad you found her and she had love and care in her final months of life. So well written, so much emotion put into it, and I am sure, one hundred percent, that is just how Princess felt when she was dumped. Well done, my friend. :)Sandra xx

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Hello Sandra, and thank you so much for this awesome review and for the awarding of a SIX. I know how hard those are to come by and am honored by yours.

    I only found out when they were processing the paperwork that she was brought in with two others. I asked if they had been adopted and was told one had. With the high rate of euthanasia due to overcrowding in shelters, I'm left to assume one of her pack greeted her at the 'bridge'.

    She was definitely destined for me in more ways than one. We adopted a great dane when we first married nearly forty years ago. He came from the very pound Princess was later adopted from. He had contracted distemper in the shelter, and a few weeks after adopting him, we had to put him to sleep. I swore off getting dogs from the pound for a good thirty-five years after Brutus. I can't explain what led me there that Saturday. I was with my daughter and we were killing time in that area of town.
    I came upon her in the very last cell of the very last building before leaving. I couldn't get her out of my mind or heart. Lost sleep for days. Finally said to my husband, you may hate me for this for a while and I understand, but I'm going to take our dogs to meet her and if it goes well, I'm bringing her home...When she attacked our female a few weeks later, he was ready to shoot both of us. :/ Demanded I return her to the pound. I couldn't do it, so put her in a muzzle. She was fine after that. In her last month knowing she was too weak to attack Sophie, she was muzzle-free. Sophie laid right next to her that last week, as if forgiving her.

    Anyway, I didn't mean to go off on your review, but I thank you for your kind words and for the exceptional SIX! Have a wonderful week.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 06-Dec-2016
    You are very welcome to the 6, Mary, it was a wonderful story of love for a poor abandoned dog. I will never understand how people can do that. Would they leave their child in a home for good? It makes you wonder. You did a wonderful thing, Mary. I am sure Princess will be waiting for you. xx
Comment from LaRosa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

No one but YOU can get away with such a long sentence! It actually flowed without a hitch, felt exciting to discover.

Special phrases:
" abundance of love and lots of dog hair unfit Alpha

Truly emotional reaction to a very emotive story.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
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 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Good morning, LaRosa. I apologize for the late response to your review. I read it the first night you posted, but have been slammed with Christmas prep and tending to my two-year old grandson each day. I appreciate your note on the long sentence, and have gone back in and modified it a bit. So thank you for your honesty and expertise. I have to remember to keep sentences under thirty words.

    I appreciate your continued interest. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
reply by LaRosa on 06-Dec-2016
    oh, shoot. I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I liked the long sentence. It was a really cool change, discovery. I don't know if you should change it. It works.

    I vaguely remember back in history (mine) that people, great writers, did what you just did. They knew HOW to do it so that your mind flowed with the thinking and it was fine.

    Am not sure when we changed all that. I think it was designed somehow to take the fear of reading out of the reading experience for kids. They used a lot of (;) back when.

    Anyway, you did it well. Read it aloud. It's great!

    Just my opinion....

    And don't worry about not getting to answering. Life is happening and we can't always quit and 'write'. God bless. Have a great Christmas!
reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    I understand what you mean. I still remember those structures for sentences in english class. I roll with it but do get called out frequently for fractured sentences, loooooong sentences, and incomplete sentences on here. If you read Dawn Munro's review on this story, she went into detail on my grammar misnomers. I do appreciate you taking the time to come back and explain your points as well. Thank you! God bless and Merry Merry right back at you!
reply by LaRosa on 06-Dec-2016
    try again. Don't know how to access reviews by other people. Would like to read Dawn Munroe's. It may teach me something new???
reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    Go to Community tab -> Find a Member -> type in Ideasaregems -> Click on Ideasaregems-Dawn

    Her profile and portfolio will pop up. Then go to the
    COMMENTS tab and click it. It will display every review she has given. This applies to any author on the site. When I first joined in February, I read through many of those. It helps to learn the review process as well as learn so much. Hope that helps.
reply by LaRosa on 06-Dec-2016
    Wow, this's all new to me. Thank you!
reply by the author on 06-Dec-2016
    You are most welcome!
Comment from DR DIP
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a beautiful story of compassion and this ending that you were the raging woman didn't surprise me What confuses me is why the previous owners gave them to the pound am I missing something here?


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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 05-Dec-2016
    Thanks DIP, their little sheet of paper (the one that described the best dog in the universe) indicated they were moving. Fooooookers. You can't believe the rows and rows of animals that are surrendered. Too many people don't understand commitment to creatures.