Reviews from

To Last Forever

Viewing comments for Chapter 3 "Life's Keepsake"
Poems by Michael

20 total reviews 
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Reconciled,

You have written a very nice poem that was fun to read.

The picture of the mountain and the beautiful trees go very well with it.

You have always been a great writer but most of all you have been a very nice friend.


 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2016
    well thank you I'm pleased to call you one also.
    happy you enjoyed you Michael
reply by MizKat on 22-Nov-2016
    Thanks Michael. I love you too. Kat
Comment from frierajac
This work has reached the exceptional level

It is like a cycle of time although the idea of touchstone seems to add something
more solid than a symbol which is time for eternity. It has a nice ring like an echo in the hills as well

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

Comment from Bill O'Bier
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow - a real ripsnorter here. The arrangement of your words are so very expressive. Thanks for sharing this piece.

Wishing you all the best...

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 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2016 like it huh...?
    well I'll try and rip another snorter for ya real soon Bill.
    hold your Michael
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent poetry, Mike. You paint some fantastic pictures with your pen. I liked these lines in particular:

"follow through goes round and round
eternal bends & never ends
over and over again begins "

Bravo! Good job, my friend. Bob

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2016
    Hey Bob...-smile-...thanks Boss. always appreciate hearing from you. love Michael
Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

Why do I love this poem so much? I'm not sure I can explain but let me try. First I love the magnitude and power of the images these words bring to my mind. I love majestic mountains, and wide-open countryside... the feelings of freedom and no fences... arms outstretched turning around and around like a small child enjoying her time of carefree play, watching her shadow spinning in the sunlight, and I love the symbolism of shadows closer than friends. Wow! I think you've managed to incorporate some of the best feelings life can bring us, and imply in your closing lines, repeated from the opening, that these are things never to be taken away..."yours forevermore." Touchstone is a fascinating word... implying the standard by which something... or someone... is measured. It can also mean a stone used to identify precious metals. (I had to look it up, obviously) you have purposely chosen this significant word to begin and end your poem, sealing everything together inside a mountain of a poem. There are strong feelings of love and freedom in every line... two of my favorite things to feel, so no wonder I love this poem. If I'm reading into your words more than you intended, it is because you have a way of probing deep into a reader's heart and stirring thoughts and feelings she/he didn't know were there. Your poetry is primarily about feelings... and you manage to create in others, strong emotions through careful word choices placed in artistic arrangements. You paint vivid pictures in my mind. It is a moving experience to read your posts. Thank you.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2016 Meadow calm as your welcome
    comes pleasing as the tickling breeze awakens skin
    hurried in from blistering heats mid day ritual
    peaceful rest in is your blessing.

    I know who you are ....-smile- I've read you for years.
    to be recognized by what I see as well almost fraudulent in the sense of knowing you dont really equal that level...but mostly its honoring and awesome. -smile-....I'm very happy you think so Meadow. love you always...Michael

Comment from Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level

And symbol latent message vagrant
Touch tone mountain majesty...
Eternal Message Dynasty...
Forever foesaken...
Lost momments taken
In the 'Valley of No Betweens...
Hope you liked my add...

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Every word choice in your poem seems carefully selected - it's beautiful. But I have to point out that you have "cant" instead of "can't" and "&" instead of "and". May just be me but I'd recommend editing it. Loved your poem - very well written and descriptive.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found your both the title and the contrasts in the picture you selected intriguing. I think your phrase "closer than friends" says it all, along with the modified "forevermore yours" in the final stanza. Cheers- Joan

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2016

Comment from Liberty Justice
This work has reached the exceptional level

Six 6 stars to you dear poet friend. So spectacular flowing with pure inspirational. So dramatic as photo symbolizes forevermore. Great job with verses as they beat rhythmic tune. liberty justice

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2016
    why thanks....I' pleased you enjoyed this with Michael
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very nice poem you have penned. You used very good descriptive wording and very good imagery. I enjoyed reading and reviewing. Blessings, Teri

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 Comment Written 19-Nov-2016