Reviews from

Even Stevens

Senryu : Plain and Simple

21 total reviews 
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How do you think writers get those flashy things? It takes talent and skill to be able to present your work in an artistic attractive manner. If you are published you know, if you are not, you may find out that without marketing, it doesn't matter how good your writing is, without the nice attractive book cover and pictures and all that stuff, your talented words will stay on your bookcase.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2016
    Hi Gypsy Blue Rose .Thanks for yor review and raring for my senryu and as it was a Satirical post I did write this with a bit tongue in cheek as the prompt did ask for no flashy things. Yes I am aware of marketing and strategies to prompote your work and I often find a good image compliments a poem nicely so I do spend time looking for the most appropriare image for my poems. I have also come to enjoy many of the FS poets and writers who also put many great additions to their work ( for example Dean Kuch is a great example) I find he is extremely talented in this way. His work stands alone anyway.
    So yes I do agree it does take talent and tech savvy to enchance written work. Anway Many thanks for your feedback and Cheers for a great day
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2016
    Hi Gypsy Blue Rose .Thanks for yor review and raring for my senryu and as it was a Satirical post I did write this with a bit tongue in cheek as the prompt did ask for no flashy things. Yes I am aware of marketing and strategies to prompote your work and I often find a good image compliments a poem nicely so I do spend time looking for the most appropriare image for my poems. I have also come to enjoy many of the FS poets and writers who also put many great additions to their work ( for example Dean Kuch is a great example) I find he is extremely talented in this way. His work stands alone anyway.
    So yes I do agree it does take talent and tech savvy to enchance written work. Anway Many thanks for your feedback and Cheers for a great day
reply by the author on 08-Sep-2016
    Hi Gypsy Blue Rose .Thanks for yor review and raring for my senryu and as it was a Satirical post I did write this with a bit tongue in cheek as the prompt did ask for no flashy things. Yes I am aware of marketing and strategies to prompote your work and I often find a good image compliments a poem nicely so I do spend time looking for the most appropriare image for my poems. I have also come to enjoy many of the FS poets and writers who also put many great additions to their work ( for example Dean Kuch is a great example) I find he is extremely talented in this way. His work stands alone anyway.
    So yes I do agree it does take talent and tech savvy to enchance written work. Anway Many thanks for your feedback and Cheers for a great day
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 08-Sep-2016
    Okay, Chrissy, I am sorry if I came across curt and defensive. Dean and I have been getting a lot of abuse due to our elaborate presentations. I am an artist and I take my presentations seriously. I noticed a lot of contests that ask for plain submissions and some poets that make a point to questions our creative choices.

    I misunderstood your senryu. I apologize.

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2016
    Hi Gypsy. Thanks for your reply and I am sorry to hear that you and Dean are getting a bad time as your work is fabulous and very enticing to read. I think it is interesting on this site there are always jealousy comments or snide remarks. I would love to be able to put thinkgs on and I just need to learn. Plus I can be a bit cynical at times and perhaps my sense of humour is not always too everyones taste LOL but each to their own. Anyway Gypsy keep up the good work and catch you again Have a great day Cheers Christine😄👍
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 09-Sep-2016
    Thank you, sweetie pie. I was a teacher for ten years and I love haiku and other short poetry. If you ever want to learn, you can send me a PM.

    Good night.
reply by the author on 09-Sep-2016
    Hi Gypsy Thanks for your offer and look out for my attempts. In Bali at the moment with girl friends having a lovey time plenty of inspiration for Haiku Sleep well Cheers Christne
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, I do believe that is the basic idea.
Of course, readers are very discerning. They cannot be the least bit swayed by all of the fancy frills one may or may not use. If the writing is horrid, they still won't vote for an entry, regardless of how many animations, fancy fonts and pictures are used.
They deserve much, much more credit than that.
You can polish a turd until the cows come home. Yet at the end of the day, you still have a piece of sh!t.
Best of luck!

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2016
    Hi Dean. Yes your are quite right and indeed To tell the truth I don't really have a problem with bells and whistles as long as the poem or work is good and good luck to those that have found ways to do this. It is just a matter of being Tech savy and knowing how do to do these things. Pesonally I even struggle with Advanced Editor and use basic editor most times, simply because I do not how do do anything else. But this contest did ask for a satirical senryu and I couldn't resist a tongue in cheek piece. I hope it is read just as that. Must be my wierd sense of humour. Cheer for your best of luck message
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is there such a thing as a level playing field?? Thanks for sharing your thought-provoking poem in this tiny 5-7-5 form. Best wishes in the contest- Joan

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2016
    Hi joan, Thank you for reading and reviewing my Senryu and sometime I wonder but it is nice when talent alone does win out Cheers for a lovely day and yourcbest wishes
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think it is possible to win on talent, although at times it seems daunting in other contests where poets add pictures, music, sound, and animation. I appreciate the level playing field in this contest. Your poem pokes fun at the restrictions. Thank you for sharing. I wish you success in the contest.

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2016
    Hi Sis Cat, Yes I do agree many fantastic win purely on their talent alone and is is so good to read a great poem. Always ready to have some fun and this contest requirement asked for that. thanks for your review and sending you Cheers
Comment from Caressa_08
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, I do agree with the message of your Senryu, as it too, doesn't seem right that it makes one's poetry more of a eye catcher and well, think we get enough of that on the TV or commercials that advertise and poetry should really be one that stands out as a unique art form that uses words in so many ways to let us know about so much.. Though think pictures that don't move are OK, otherwise it can be boring after awhile for the author and too, the reviewer here on FanStory.

Best wishes for your entry...Caressa_08

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Hi Caressa, Thanks for taking thectime to read and review my senryu and for seeing it as it is . Sometimes the added things make the poetry stand out too much , but a photo only is Ok to compliment the poem. Before joining FS I had never even seen photos with a poem so this has been interesting to see what people put on . Cheers for your best wishes
Comment from Alex Rosel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely. The satire shines out bright from your words. That's something that's missing with many of the other entries so far. I enjoyed reading this. Good luck with it when the voting booth opens :-)

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Hi Axel. I am pleased your thought this met the requirement and a prompt like this asked forca satirical response so I just couldn't resist using the requirement as my sensryu Thanks for your read and review Cheers
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, my! I can think of several writers right off the bat who can win these contests regardless because of their extreme talent. *smile* No 'extras' are needed. But this is also a fun poem. Good luck!

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Hi Robyn, Oh yes I do agree there are many writers who have such a talent and some even with their flashy things still write extrodinary poetry so this was a bit of tongue in cheek and fun to write. Cheers for your good luck message
Comment from oliver818
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha nice poem. The flashy things are just to distract I suspect. And talent, well, it's nice if you have it, annoying if you don't! Thanks for posting and good luck with the contest!

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Hi oliver818 Thanks for reviewing my senryu and for sharing your thoughts on this subject. all that gliters is not gold. LOL Cheers
Comment from Ogden
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes! I wholeheartedly agree! The topic cries out for a more fleshed out call for equal opportunity competition. In addition to the hocus-pocus, many looking for an edge, routinely spend as much as 25 or 30 bucks on promoting - often generating votes.

That being said, your senyru does nicely address the problem, and i hope the voters agree! Good luck!


 Comment Written 05-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2016
    Hi Don, Yes it can be expensive trying to promote ones work and not fair to those who can't afford it they often get missed. I try to read poem on page 5 as well and find some great ones. so no you dont need to be up their to write a great poem or need all the Props to highlight As well Thanks for your time to read and review this senryu Cheers
Comment from Gladys2013
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I completely understand this poem. It almost seems like talent isn't enough these days. Must be combined with a pocket of change, someone with a blow horn, and 2 min of airtime. Loved this truly. Good luck!

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2016
    Hi Gladys, Many thanks for your feedback and I am pleased you agree. it would make life and this site simple if everyone just used basic editor Cheers