Reviews from

Tiny Tales of Terror

Viewing comments for Chapter 61 "The Dead of Night"
Multi-authored book of flash/micro horror fiction

56 total reviews 
Comment from I am Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL,... ok, that's sick.
I always get excited about these Tiny Tales... It's going to hit me one day... just hold on to your hat...

One point... if he's one the graveyard shift...
then how does she awaken him in the middle of the night?

the graveyard shift it 11pm - 7 am... (my mom worked it a lot when I was growing up) ... so he would be awake already, right?... so she would have to wake him during the daytime, would she?

days 7 am - 3 pm (typical)
swing shift 3 pm - 11 pm
graveyard 11 pm - 7 am
(that's how it went at the paper mill in my old hometown)

loved it though...

oh, by the way... I went to that website where the E.G. Marshall old radio shows were... OMG! That brought back such memories! i"m going to listen to some more... maybe i"ll get inspired.... .crreeeeeaaaakkkkkk!
Until next time..... pleasant.... dreams? lol

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    I caught it after I posted it, Cat, and changed it as soon as I could. I had a completely different ending originally and in editing, I forgot to change that. But thanks a bunch for pointing it out to be just the same.

    I listen to those old radio shows every night myself. They force you to use your imagination, which can only help in your aversion to developing writer's block, I would think.

    Much obliged for the great feedback. ~Dean :)
reply by I am Cat on 11-Aug-2015
    No problem! Well, perhaps i'll start listening to them. (maybe during the day though... .) it's DARK here in the country at night... Like I told Sara (Mr. Dark) it's damn black dark here with a HUGE canyon and a big ass drop off with a waterfall... and yeah, a big ass hole and lots of creatures... I don't do 'scary' after dark here.. .I spend WAY too much time alone. LOL
    Thanks Dean... always a pleasure
Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Dean,
my reactions to your Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction --

too bad the lack of sleep from a babe crying led the dad could no longer stand,
could not get a bit of peace when finally the crib was empty. (who's fault was that?)
I figured it out when the dad went to her grave and begged
for her to stop crying..

Gert the

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    Who's fault is right, Gert.
    Thanks so much for reading and reviewing this latest in our series. I really do appreciate your support.
    ~Dean :)
reply by Gert sherwood on 11-Aug-2015
    You are welcome Dean

    Did you receive my PM?

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    I'll make sure to check, Gert.
Comment from Acquired Taste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One wonders if the guilt in his heart caused his demons to scream so loudly. And what better way to haunt and torture than the guilt to sound like a baby's cry. Short, sweet in that wicked way you have - enough to make you think of your actions and complaints. Just my thoughts....AT=/

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    Thanks, Acquired Taste. I appreciate you having a peek at this bloodless terror tale. No guts galore in this one--no ma'am! Just a good, old fashioned ghost 100 words of course, lol.
    Much appreciated. ~Dean ;)
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dean! That really was a terror tale! He killed his baby daughter! How terrible is that! Brilliant, my friend, you can really think up some ghastly tales, and I am just going to bed! Excellent! xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    Geesh, what time is it where you live, Sandra? Here in the States, in the great state of Ohio (to be more specific), it's just 5:30 in the evening, lol.
    Thanks for your review and unique interpretation. I certainly appreciate it.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 11-Aug-2015
    It's coming up for 11pm here. Did I get the interpretation wrong? Goes to show, my brain get tired even earlier than the rest of me!!
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    No, there's really no wrong way to interpret it, Sandra. Whatever you took away from the story is fine. I'm just glad you enjoyed it.

Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Phrases like 'dead of night' and 'graveyard shift' set our minds up for this spooky one.
Great haunted tale, Dean.
Now did his wife leave him or 'leave' him? lol
Did he bury them together? Was the baby still alive when he shoveled in the dirt?
I've so many thoughts after your nightmarish story.

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 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    Thanks, Ellen. Just another one of those 100 word micro horror tales that leaves a lot of interpretation up to the readers as to what happened next.
    Thanks very much for the review. ~Dean
reply by barkingdog on 11-Aug-2015
    I still can't write micro-fiction.
    I'll keep trying. Grr.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You certainly have me worried about the little one that is screaming and the poor man that don't really knows how to comfort a screaming child.

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 Comment Written 11-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2015
    Couple with with the fact that his child is dead, and he's hearing her ghost, makes this doubly troubling, wouldn't you agree, Sandra? That's why he visited the ask her to be quiet.

    Thanks for reading, and for your review as well. ~Dean
reply by Sandra du Plessis on 12-Aug-2015
    I was thinking about that as well, why would the ghost of a child haunting him, that is troubling.