Reviews from

The 'GAY' Word

Word rescue contest

34 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Words can build bridges, but they can also build walls.
And that sentence is very true Ingrid. I know I have second thoughts when it comes to using the word gay and some others. It is a pitty that our language gets miss used in such horrible ways. Good job my friend. Nancy

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2015
    Thanks so much.
Comment from jpduck
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said.

'Yet there was no carefree joyfulness in the pioneers who dared to fight and continue to lobby for equality devoid of sexual orientation.' (Not surprising, given the vicious prejudice against homosexuals at that time).

Typos & SPAGs (* *=insert; [ ]=delete):

'According to Wik*i*pedia'

'I may need to add additional adjectives to a sentence [to] fully *to* encompass my intended mood-setter' (split infinitive).

'He's niggerly with his time' (There is no such word as 'niggerly'. I believe the word you are thinking of is 'niggardly'. 'Niggard' means a mean person; a miser. It dates back to the 14th century, and its meaning has not changed in that time. So it does not belong on your list! -- Source: 'Online Etymology Ditionary


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 Comment Written 18-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2015
    Cool! Love having an editor watching over me. LOL. Have removed the ones sentence entirely. Thanks
Comment from Donya Quijote
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very well done essay on how the word "gay" has morphed into something else, offensive or not. This is what "living languages" do. When languages cease to change, add new words or create new meanings for old words "living languages" become "endangered languages", and eventually "dead languages", like Latin, and finally should a worse fate befall that once "living language" an "extinct language". English is far from becoming the last example for the very reasons you pointed out in your essay. However, as speakers of the language we are the final arbitrators as what is and isn't good, correct, and acceptable. Slang terms are always in state of flux. They come, go, disappear, and from time to time reappear, and when they reappear after a long hiatus, they often have a new meaning.

When I hear my students use expressions like "That's so gay" or "That's so jew", I ask them what they mean. If they cannot explain to me what they mean, I strongly suggest that they use language they understand and those that are around understand too. The two aforementioned expressions have literally been dropped from use, at least in my presence.

Very well done essay...

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2015
    Thanks so much, both for the stars and the response from a teacher's perspective.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I missed seeing this writing prompt, but I love what you've done with it. I'm not a great fan of non-fiction, except in the case of biographies, but this was wonderfully written and easy to follow.

You took the word, gay, and examined all possible angles of the misuse, while remaining sensitive to the sub culture that to which it has become attached. You then went on to mention other words that have, likewise, been misused, which I feel has added depth to the essay. Great job!

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 Comment Written 18-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2015
    There are a few more hours left on this prompt if you choose to participate. Thanks for your kind words.