Reviews from

Contests--My Two Cents Worth

my take on recent posts

46 total reviews 
Comment from Jumbo J
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ingrid,
you know a few years back, I questioned why I behaved a certain way... with no ego attached I thought to myself how my action reminded me of something the way a small boy would react to a situation on not getting his way... from then on my questioning became many, until I eradicated the 'poor me' attitudes, from along ago time. I had the insight to look beyond my own hurts and needs to discover the way out of dysfunctional behavior... now I'm not saying that in some way I'm now perfect, but I never stop questioning myself at difficult times, and that still takes effort... effort that still evades a large percentage of the adult population in fact... pain ego has a lot to answer for.
I came on this site a green-horn, but now because of some selfless people(writers) I have improved a tad... the main one is of course you. You're a straight shooter and that suits me right down to my speedo's and zinc cream.

As usual this was a superbly written essay that stated what it needed to when it needed to do it... I'd follow you into any battle, knowing we would at least have truth on our side, and after all isn't that what will take us further in a 'real life?
I know I haven't addressed the whiners, I'm way too sensitive for that; I get dragged in by emotions far to easily, so I'll leave that alone.

A truly brilliant write my teacher and guide... ah yeah, and my dear friend... I'd read you for a cent... damn it I'd read you for the pure entertainment value, but there has to be shock in there somewhere ... OK?

With our thoughts we create,
an adult mindset,
James xx


 Comment Written 24-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 24-Jan-2014
    Your personal insights are gifts that are sent to you by mentors who think you're worth the nudge, nudge as well as the body slam.

    I'm not sure at what point some folks stop growing and become perfect, cemented to their perfection and righteousness, but you and I will never understand or respect that shackled attitude. We take our lumps and keep on ticking--somehow. Damn it's 4AM. I've heard say people need sleep. ingrid
Comment from Daedalia
This work has reached the exceptional level

You are very astute. I almost feel chastised, because I could be the little kid who stopped trying. I'm not posting much work to FanStory unless I'm completely bored with what I'm writing off-site. That's mostly because of what I've seen one or two highly-ranked people do at the end of last year. I was disgusted by their behavior - and I refuse to spend real money to promote my writing. I'm happy if I get a nice review from someone who points out something that will help make me better. But I've resolved to spend more time here reading the work of people I think are good writers, and trying to emulate them. I try to put to practice what I liked about something they've written - what made it a good story in my mind. Based on my mentor's feedback, it's making a difference. To me, that's worth my price of admission. You are one of the people whose work I enjoy seeing (but I think I've mentioned that before). Thanks for giving me something else to think about.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 24-Jan-2014
    You know, as long as you are writing, on or off site, you're getting exactly what you wanted from this site. So am I. It's tough to write in a vacuum, especially when I seem to have an extraordinary daily out-put. I like hanging out with like-minded folks, but I don't count the ego-masturbators on the same level. On the other hand, a writer struggling to achieve some measure of quality will always get my help and support.

    This essay was as much to help those who strive to achieve rankings as it was to teach members how to connect with reviewers that will take notice and help them improve their writing.

    Like all communities, there are politics and also at the other end, those who think this is just another social media.

    If you're so inclined to go into my portfolio and go back dozens of screens to my initial posts in 2009, I've left all my stories/essays intact, more for me to go back and note how much I've improved since I first signed on. They remain, as they were left--badly in need of editing. The site and my tremendous friends and revered colleagues here have helped me get from there to here.

    I certainly don't credit FanStory as an entity. You'll never see me writing endorsements or announcing my mini successes for the company to take credit for my hard work. But hey, if I ever get back to editing my book and actually publish the damn thing, there's no doubt I'll advertise it her. Two reasons. I've got a very real and grounded set of cheerleaders that honour me and would cheer for my success and two, it's just plain good marketing.

    You honour me both with your kind words and the six stars you grant me. Hey, I just wrote another essay. Be safe and accept my sincere thanks for listening and responding. ingrid
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've been reading some disgruntled, disillusioned postings here, lately. They always seem to pop up this time of the year.
My writing has probably improved 80% since I joined. that is my reason for being here. Don't always agree with 1st place winners, but so what. Most of the time my vote has gone to the winner, often placing myself 2nd by that one vote.
One thing that has caught my attention however, is that there are certain prompts geared to a specific audience, and if winning is that important, I should be paying closer attention and target that audience. But more often than not, I still do my own thing.

Really, can you imagine cheating to achieve fictitious points or FanStory funny money? Some do, they Skype each other, telling their partner what cards they're holding. What a waste of time. What kind of lies do these people tell themselves? Even here, where I suspect there are some cheaters, I have to question what benefit they receive from manipulating wins. (Let the cheaters do their thing. For those of us who cherish the craft and feel we are investing in our avocation, they simply don't or shouldn't matter.) Amen.

Really, can you imagine cheating to achieve fictitious points or FanStory funny money? Some do, they Skype each other, telling their partner what cards they're holding. What a waste of time. What kind of lies do these people tell themselves? Even here, where I suspect there are some cheaters, I have to question what benefit they receive from manipulating wins. Let the cheaters do their thing. For those of us who cherish the craft and feel we are investing in our avocation, they simply don't or shouldn't matter.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    Here's an insight that this essay revealed; just write about FS and your essay will hit all time best. We should be all doing our own thing and using the site that we chose and pay for to further own needs and ambitions. The people that are meaningful, yourself included, those are the opinions that matter most to me because they are the ones who care about me and how my writing is going.
reply by DALLAS01 on 23-Jan-2014
    It takes a lot of energy to get so bent out of shape. It's kind of like the person always complaining about heir jobs
    Nobody has put a gun to my head. I am here by choice and I am not in charge.
    By the way I have been meaning to ask you. Things still good with the psoriasis?
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    What a waste--no T-shirt weather. for the 1st time in 50 years, I'm totally clear. They are monitoring me each month, EKG, blood, urine, and there's no doubt that there's a huge threat of side effects, but I am so damn grateful.

    The cost is about $40K a year and right now I'm only guaranteed till August with a hope for an extension. There's no way I can afford the medication. If it wasn't for the trial...
reply by DALLAS01 on 23-Jan-2014
    I'll send up a couple prayers to extend the miracle. Have a good weekend.
Comment from bob cullen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Quality will always shine through, except of course in my case, I'm simply unlucky!!!!

This is a very good essay, bit poor of points awarded, but you really nailed it. And you are absolutely correct, it is a business and the prime aim of any business or businessman is profit. We know that and we must accept. Were there no profit there would be no Fanstory and we, as writers would be the losers.

Well written, once suspended wordsmith. I didn't know you could be suspended.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    Oh yes, I've been shut down several times. I think I've finally learned my lesson. thanks for reading and your response.
Comment from Shirley B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Spiritual Echo, I wish I could have read whatever stirred you up. :) I agree with you. When I was growing up, children's sports kept score. We knew there was a winner and loser. It made us sad but that is just life. Nothing like today where every child gets a ribbon and every child gets a trophy. :) Not everyone can be a winner. It makes me want to try harder. I have won a few contest, not a lot. I don't get upset when I don't. I enjoyed your writing. Great job, Shirley

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    Thanks. Now they don't keep score--or say they don't and that attitude about fair play doesn't translate well in the real world.
Comment from debskatz
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Spiritual Echo,

You tell us, girlfriend!! BTW, I didn't find any spag and the essay was easy to read and to understand.

Wish I could read that story that riled you up and your rebuttal to it. Oh, well... lol

Fanstory is far from perfect and certainly quite a few folks on here need to be given a time out. People can be quite irritating at times!

Thanks for sharing your 27 cents worth!!



 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    No SPAG? Party time!

    The essay in question was very badly written--very badly and was a rant using God and Jesus as her sword and jury, condemning homosexuals, fornicators etc. etc. and, as if she had the authority, sent them all to Hell. Preaching is cyclic here and under normal circumstances, based on what I considered both manic and illiterate, I wouldn't have reacted at all but I made the mistake of reading her reviews. good writer, even great writers were awarding her five and six stars along with their Amen.

    I actually considered the reviews an act of cowardice, calling the reviewers wimps for being intimidated the minute someone invoked the name Jesus. It got ugly. One guy actually figured out how to manipulate the hits on the piece shooting the number of reads with no reviews from an astonishing 400 to over 2,000 to force my ratios to drop. A fun time. this was what I learned from my suspension. New words--'I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again.' It seems the rule is she can say anything she wants, but I referenced her essay and called her by name...I may actually have called her a blazing idiot or some such names in passing, but truthfully I don't recall.

    Thanks for all the stars. I'm not at all concerned about the latest riff-raff or gossip circulating around the site. More than anything I thought my experience might help some people who are new and haven't figured out how to get their stories read or hit the rating ladder.

    I do appreciate the review, the stars and support.
reply by debskatz on 23-Jan-2014
    Ooooo... sounds like fun!! I'd have quite probably gotten riled up with you and have been put on suspension also. Yeah, there's a few more fundamentalists than I care to see, but usually they stay away from me. Thank God!! lol

    However, I appreciate you striking a note for the relatively sane folks.

Comment from comanalbert
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Around here just to take the 27 cents to round up my earnings. Also I will be your fan for such good payments and because you have a higher rank which I intend to steal from you.Soon!

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    I'm more than happy to watch new members and writers run ahead and leave me in the dirt. Good luck in 2014.
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This seems to be a common theme these past few days, discussing contest validity, fairness, cheating, whining, pouting, etc etc.
Where did it all stem from? Sure, I have my opinions on rankings, contests, results on contests, blind vs open and do forth, but this site is currently built that way. It easy to buy ones way into the #1 position, it doesn't take a genious to figure out how to manipulate the system, or to secretly email, Skype or smartphone your way into contest victories. But those people are only cheating themselves. I for one do not do contests, for that very reason.

Me, I ended up #5 in last years finally tally for short works. I worked my tail off in order to do so. To date in 2014, I've posted one piece. I'm now working on another. Many things have left a bad taste in my mouth, especially being accused of plagiarism last July. Ironic how people who NEVER REVIEWED me before suddenly popped up into the scene. I nearly quit.

My goal this year, is to write the story I've been wanting to write for some time. The hell with, contests and ranks. I just want honest reviews.

Ice ranted enough. You had a great post... Well done and said. John

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    When I got my trophy last year, I spent one day revelling in a piece of hardware that somehow acknowledged my efforts. Not for one minute did I think 'Look at me. I'm so much better than the others." The only person I showed it to was my grandson--who bless his soul was so impressed he did everything I asked that day.

    The only competitive spirit that works is when you challenge yourself, rise to a level of self-appreciation.

    I'm going to fan you and based on your request to get honest reviews, I'll do just that; stand beside you and tell you where I think it works and where it might go soft.
Comment from Curly Girly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a bit long and rambling, especially for 27c! But you made your point regarding the 2c payouts.
So far, I consider this to be the most informative piece of writing being promoted with regard to contests.
Well done, Spiritual Echo.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    As I really use this site for my own reasons and set private goals, I'm not usually interested in the gossip or the snits that members get into, but as a public service I wrote it all out--once. Long, yes, rambling no. There was a consistent flow from one point to the next. I'm pleased that you got information that works for you.

    I rarely pay big bucks for any review and the two cent 'tongue in cheek' was half serious. I didn't write this for me so paying out 27 cents was like offering a 25 cent bonus. LOL. Good luck in 2014 in achieving your personal goals.
reply by Curly Girly on 23-Jan-2014
    Okay, not 'rambling' but rather long-winded. It could have been more concise.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A six if I had one. Well written, well organized. Good opening with a different but recognizable situation. FS for me is a force that makes me get up and write, but what good is it without an audience. I just wish we could be more honest in our ratings and give fours to the pieces that don't move us. Because that is what excellent writing does.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2014
    Perhaps there comes a point where groups are established pitting writers of equivalent skill levels against each other.

    Personally I'd like to know who judges in the committee votes and what their qualifications are, but I don't dwell on this. Fs is a force in my life as well, but only because my membership shifted over the years from 'Do you really think I can write?" to "When are you going to get off your ass and do something serious about your writing"

    Thanks very much for stopping by and sharing thoughts.
reply by Spitfire on 23-Jan-2014
    Yes, my NY resolution is to get rid of my addiction to FS but never to writing. Love your shift in thinking.