Reviews from

Steve's Story-Poems

Viewing comments for Chapter 18 "The Old Man's Secret"
A collection of my poems

17 total reviews 
Comment from juliaSjames
This work has reached the exceptional level

I don't know the original joke. But this is a genuinely funny, well structured poem. Excellent rhyme and slant rhyme - I thought "schnapps/lapse" was brilliant. Fantastic meter allows this verse to swing to its engaging twist finale.

Excellent write!

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2011
    Thank you - Six stars! Much appreciated.
    For some reason this hasn't gone down well when I've read it to people - punchline not signalled well enough perhaps....
reply by juliaSjames on 09-Jun-2011

    More effective absorbed silently, I imagine. Or could be that I have a warped sense of humour, nurtured by Fawlty Towers and the British version of The office. :-))
Comment from jehanned
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I admit I do not know the joke, but find the poem amusing just the same. The things we can learn from others are plentiful, but someone still learns it the hard way.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Thank you - I am not sure which of the two old men you think learned a lesson here....
reply by jehanned on 08-Jun-2011
    Er, maybe I missed something. I thought that the younger man learned that lesson through watching his father...
Comment from Inge_Meldgaard
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

:D I haven't heard the joke, so enjoyed this as a fresh piece of humour. Very, very well done! Wish my brain could think along these lines!!

Typo: port."
You don't need the " here :}

No gin, no beer, no rum, no schnapps;
* Suggest: ..... nor schnapps;

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Thanks for the review, Inge, and the spag alert.
Comment from the blue pixel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Now I know what barking dog (Ellen) was talking about when she reviewed my poem The Hypochondriac in which a man lives to 100 and being a hypo-has "I told you I was sick" on his tombstone (an old joke). She thought we must be in cahoots but I hadn't read this poem yet. Very funny Steve. Love your list of drinks and I hope you are right as I don't drink at all. I'll let you know when I reach my 100th birthday. xx Pix

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Only slightly in cahoots, because I may have been looking at your poem when the idea came for this one - not sure if I reviewed yours yet.
    And you may wish to take up drinking again so you can live to be as old as the drunk old father!
reply by the blue pixel on 08-Jun-2011
    I NEVER drank. When I was singing for a living and saw some of the biggest names stoned and drunk just to be able to get on stage, it must have turned me right off. Good night Steve.
Comment from KiwiGal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank goodness I found the time for a quick look-see in my Messages (HUGELY busy this week with the house I look after preparing for the son's wedding). "Ah', I said to myself: 'Let's pick Steve's - I need a laugh'.
And so I did.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Thanks. Thought I hadn't seen you around.
    This was just a sudden impulse, as I saw someone else's poem based around an old joke - could be a rich source of material I suppose
Comment from writerwish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is funny and did not expect such a funny ending. I liked the phrase: Geriatric glow. Great rhyme too even with the unusual words to do it with.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Thank you. I tried reading it to someone today and they just looked blank when I got to the punchline - maybe it's better on paper...
Comment from WilliamDeen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Cute wonderful poem. Great rhyming! I liked the ending; how funny is that?
I like when poems tell stories and yours told a great one! Thanks, Pamela

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2011
    Yes, it's a nice joke, and it fell into place nicely as a poem, but I read it to a couple of people today and they just looked blank at the punchline - not sure why it doesn't seem to work...
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love how you work the names of various alcoholic beverages into the meter and rhyme of your poem :-)
Oh, the punch line is just hysterical! A fun poem in strong rhyming copulets :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2011
    Thanks, brooke.
    I can't take too much credit for the punchline unfortunately. I;ll have to see if I can remember any more old jokes to 'poemise'...
    'Copulets' - weren't they those guys fighting with the Montages? :o)
reply by adewpearl on 07-Jun-2011
    well, of course that's who the copulets were! And then they went and copulated with the wrong family and all hell broke loose. LOL :-)
Comment from moyramouse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have done this old joke proud and given it a fabulous face lift. It reads so well aloud, in fact it is begging to be performed rather than read silently.
Good Old George- happy birthday and it looks like there may be many more if he follows in his father's footsteps ( or is dad well and truly pickled!) xxmouse

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2011
    Thanks, mouse.
    I think I know who's had the most fun in his life!
reply by moyramouse on 07-Jun-2011
    DAD!!!!!! I'm with him too, let's have another glass of wine.xx
reply by moyramouse on 07-Jun-2011
    DAD!!!!!! I'm with him too, let's have another glass of wine.xx
Comment from jackpeg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderfully humorous! Way too little of it found on this site. I had a slight interpretation problem with line one. "One hundred years Old George achieved." The first four words reads like a complete phrase, when actually you mean to say, "One hundred years," and the word "Old" is part of George's title. Not difficult to fix if you think it worth the effort. The rhyming pair, "Schnapps/lapse" does not rhyme here in the U.S., but I can see how it would work in Australia or N.Z. Your story line and use of relevant vocabulary is terrific.

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2011
    You Americans are a weird mob (my in-joke there - 'They're a Weird Mob' is a well known book here - Italian immigrant's take on Aussie life) - how can you possibly not rhyme lapse/Schnapps???
    I will shove a comma in the first line, thanks.
    Do I detect that you grow weary of what I call the 'Praise-the-Lords'?
reply by jackpeg on 07-Jun-2011
    The reason we cannot rhyme lapse/Schnapps is because we pronounce the former with a short "a" like the "a" in "sap." We pronounce the German beer with a broad "a" as in SchnAWpps. All very correct in the right places, you know, ol' chap. I have yet to "grow weary" over anything you written and I don't remember any "Praise-the-Lords." Besides, why would I mind praise for Him who made heaven and earth and paid for my sins? Maybe your detector is out of whack.