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Racist Stereotypes live on

A response to an awful image circulating today.

151 total reviews 
Comment from Leigh May
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very interesting and emotive, thankyou.
This is particularly interesting to me as a NZer, to compare and contrast with the situation we have between 'white' NZers and Maori NZers. We like to think as NZers that we are very PC and 'accepting' of Maori culture, but one never has to scratch far beneath the surface to find a simmering resentment that occasionally spills out into the public arena. I must say though, this resentment is never (to my knowledge) so obviously and maliciously realized as the situation you describe in your essay.
I watch the Presidential election race with much interest.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    We all watch this race with much interest! Thanks for sharing about NZ culture and your parallels to here. And Thank you for your supportive review! Brooke :-)
Comment from AbigailDavid
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, I have never thought of chicken this way ... not in my wildest dreams, but I am an Aussie, so perhaps we have different connonations. I think of chicken as a very kosher meat, and use a lot of it.

I read this earlier on in the day, and found it very interesting, but the phone rang and that was the end of any reviewing, lol

It is quite illuminating. I must say that I have seen very stereotypical things done with Jews also. We all know about those ones. I would like to see a world without prejudice, but I am not holding my breath. I guess at the end of the day, a democratic electorate gets the Government they deserve.

The hard part is trying to get overwieght Americans, who are glued to their TV sets, to care enough to get off the sofa and vote...did you like that little stereotype there?? I think we all do that from time to time hehehe ^_^

Entertaining read and one I would recommend. I have no suggestions for improvement, but am guessing you have done a bit of editing already, abby

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    Oh, chicken is my favorite meat. Yes, in collecting black stereotypes in humor magazines, postcards, etc, I also ended up seeing vile and disgusting images of Jews - it is very sad, and we all know how those sorts of images contributed to unspeakable things for Jewish peoples. Yes, I did get your bit of stereotyping for effect ;-) Thanks so very much for your kind review, and no, I've edited nothing as I wanted this one to stand, flaws and all, as the way I wrote it when angry. :-) Peace, Brooke
Comment from mmichelle97219
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is one of the most contoled rants I have read in a while. You handle your outrage with grace and a lady-like anger. no I am not making fun of you. This is smartly written, and I will join you in a protest anytime.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    I did not think any making fun was intended - I have always been a political person and an activist, but even when a teenager protesting the Vietnam War, I was for doing it with a certain degree of civility. I was embarrassed when fellow protestors tried to drown Nixon out with booing when he campaigned near my home - I wanted to be a presence with signs and leaflets to make our point known, not someone preventing him from speaking. Thanks so much for your perceptiveness. Peace, Brooke :-)
Comment from margyl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi adewpearl,
It's very unfortunate that racism still exists among us.
I see it, too, although I didn't see what you saw on CNN.
Your story is well written and I commend you for writing it. Maybe you can post it in places where it will get the deserved attention.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    thanks so very much for your support! peace, Brooke
Comment from grassroots08
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was well penned! Having spent a great deal of time in a Black and White congregation, I knew where you were headed with this piece. We had a Black Pastor and a White one at the same time. I preferred going to the Black pastor for advice , since he happened to be a bit more level headed. His last name was McCoy , so we all called him the Real McCoy, 'cause he could really preach!!! He was also a Federal meat inspector.

We spent personal time with their family and one time He came over to my place with his son, Greg. My son suggested that we could play a game of horseshoes, and it could be black against white. The pastor and I just howled. Kids are so special and they are the best in their innocence. We need to view all of life through the honest eyes of a child!

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    Kids are great, aren't they, before the adult world gets hold of them! Thanks so very much for sharing this great story and for your generous review! Peace, Brooke :-)
reply by grassroots08 on 20-Oct-2008
    Be reminded that there is stupid stuff going on across both fences... Sarah Palin has really taken some hits lately, like her or not. I think she is a fresh breath of air, and won't be bought out by the money interests in Washington. She did a marvelous job on Saturday Night Live. At least I thought so. And because my faith dictates my choices, I know this woman prays. There is a scripture that says "if the Righteous reign , the people prosper." If she is looking to God for this once 'Under God' nation, we will all do better. Believers, athiests, and agnostics alike will prosper.

    There is a rumor floating about that if Obama is sworn in to office, he may ask for a book other than the Bible. Hopefully it won't come to that. Quite frankly his past association(s) scare the Bejebers out of me. I have to vote my conscience, and wellbeing of my family as well. The fact that his skin is a bit darker than mine has no bearing on my choice, whatsoever.

    Catch you later, Don
reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    the man has been a Christian his entire adult - those rumors scare the bejeebers out of me.
reply by grassroots08 on 20-Oct-2008
    Actually since I was 15. Not much has changed except God and I have gotten closer. I'd rather believe in a Living breathing God who hears and answers me, than a stone or wood replica of my god who could be blown to pieces by a motor shell. Keep what I have shared with you under your hat, someday I believe it will come in handy for you. I really mean that! Peace. Don
Comment from brightside1099
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this year's Presidential campaign has been a disgrace to the people who are running and "approving" the ads that each of us is force-fed every time we turn on our television. I live in SC where's it's not uncommon to hear horrible comments made when the election is discussed. My husband is disabled and watches CNN 24/7. Their biased reporting has been the cause of a number arguments in our household. In a time when our nation teeters on the brink of financial disaster ... when families are losing their homes, teens are losing their college funds, and seniors are losing the money they've worked hard to accumulate during their lifetimes, I think it's a disgrace that the people who seek the office that will oversee a long and difficult recovery can only resort to petty name-calling and mud-slinging. The things that are being done in the name of "winning" this election are fanning the flames of fires that should have died years ago. I think most of us are outraged. I'm glad you had the courage to say something about it.


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2008
    thanks so very much - yes, would it not be great simply to have honest debate over issues! You are most perceptive.
    Peace, Brooke :-)
Comment from EllenV
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was very interesting, Adewpearl. I was completely unaware of the chicken watermelon stereotypes. I am a Republican and I am a woman, but I have great respect for Barak Obama. I may even vote for him. I am still undecided. To insult such a bright, capable, intellectual and caring man is a disgrace.

Thank you for sharing your research and insight with me.

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 19-Oct-2008
    One of the women in the Republican ladies' group this newsletter went out to was an African American - it is she who blew the whistle. Can you imagine a group of suburban Republican women sending this cartoon to a black member - I'm sure you would be horrified!! And if you need reasons to vote for him, I'll be happy to provide a bucket load. :-)
    Thanks for your most thoughtful review. Peace, Brooke :-)
Comment from starkat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Brooke...It's hard to believe that anyone would not be aware of the stereotypes you describe in this well written essay. I didn't see the newsletter or hear the CNN report. These news agencies are always trying to be 'the first with the worst' to get attention, ratings, and reactions similar to the one you had. Especially since you did graduate work in African American Studies centering on the racial sterotyping of blacks,1880-1920, I can truly understand why you would be especially outraged.

Thanks for the detailed explanation of those images which have been around for decades, and continue to perpetuate negative sterotyping of the black race. Throughout history, our psyche is constantly filled with symbols and images. The key to the future racial relations will involve education. Children from all over the world only know what they're taught by the society into which they are born. That knowledge is ingrained into the fabric of that society and will get passed down through the generations unless there is an intervention or fundamental change. Perhaps the new age of technology will help in communicating facts and dispelling myths. So, the roots of this problem are deep, and world wide, and what we are witnessing is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

This particular election is bringing our societies racial issues and problems to the forefront. I predict there will be more outrageous images and statements, from both sides, before this election is over. Ultimately, our country will be stronger by facing and overcoming these issues that have been shoved under the rug for far too long.

In one of your sentences you use the words 'got to be reminded'...which also could be written 'must be reminded' (no need to change anything...I just never have liked the word "got")

Enjoyed your essay. I can understand why you felt compelled to write it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Be well...Art

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 19-Oct-2008
    I wrote this essay when I was super-pissed. I am not at all surprised I said something ungrammatical, which I usually never do. Anger temporarily takes away IQ points. LOL Thanks so much for your most thoughtful review! Peace, Brooke
Comment from EllieKaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very powerful essay. I am ashamed of any human who would do such a thing. Politics are so ugly-- and the worst comes out in people during political races. Especially when they know it will rile up the masses. I am not ashamed of my race, but I am ashamed of a few ugly people with ugly agendas. As you said, not all whites feel that way. I can also assure you that my family is mixed in politics, some Republicans and some Democrats. None of us are racist, prejudiced or hateful. Hateful people grab hold of things they see as empowering them, and fortunately now, we as a nation have more people willing to speak out against injustices. This country has a long, long way to go, and standing up for right is how we will overcome. Your essay is a small step in solving a huge problem that unfortunately still exists.

I saw Secret Life of Bees this weekend and weeped my eyes out! Change is too slow sometimes, but we are getting there. I have to believe that we are moving forward.

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 19-Oct-2008
    I have read the book and loved it but have not yet seen the movie -I really must this week. Thanks for reminding me it is now out. And thank you very much for your most thoughtful review! I'm not really ashamed of my whole race either - I was just super-pissed when I was writing. LOL
    Thanks. Peace, Brooke :-)
reply by EllieKaye on 20-Oct-2008
    Hi Brooke,
    I thought about your posting until I fell asleep last night.
    I am so thankful to have had parents who literally halted the acceptance of bigotry from continuing into theirs and their children's generations.Your essay was passionate and spoke volumes. I do sometimes see the glass too full though, when it is really only 1/4 full. I wanted to make sure you know that I feel as you do, and that I was sincerely moved by your words.

    Keep writing those essays... the words find their way...

Comment from JSDuke
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you so much. I am appalled by this kind of behavior, and even though I am ashamed that this kind of bigotry still exists in our country, I am encouraged to know that it is not given a pass, but rather incites the kind of obloquy that it deserves.

Thank you, too, for providing excellent and knowledgeable historical context, and for furthering our communities efforts to move away from stereotypes and towards a more honest understanding of the value of a diverse culture.

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 19-Oct-2008
    You are most thoughtful, and I truly appreciate your supportive review :-)