Reviews from

The Interview

Fate visits two men in different ways.

137 total reviews 
Comment from frazzledauthor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your writing is always good--what can I say? I love the kind of meaningful surprise ending that you have here. You have great descriptions. I wonder how you decide when to move on from the description to either dialogue or action. I did find myself looking ahead to see what the story was going to be. I knew early on that this person was in a very high end office building and that he was ambitious and also nervous in his need to ace this interview. So my question is---how did you decide when to move into the "meat" of the story? I think I would have liked it if that had happened a little earlier in the story. But I have a lot of trouble making that decision for myself, so don't feel terribly qualified to make suggestions about it!

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2009
    Hi, Frazzle...The thing is, you have to establish, not only the protagonist but also, the setting to begin with..If I had simply had him go to the coffee shop and the interview, there would have been no dialogue (which you need to move the story along) and thus would have seemed to rushed. Pacing...I knoow you were eager to see where it was going, but if you remember, on 9-11 everything was just boppin along and then Wham!...Just like my story...Youshould have waited, I'm afraid..Otherwise it was sort of like walking in on "The Sixth Sense" at the end before seeing the whole movie..Pacing...Pacing...You know where you are going but sort of take your time getting there, but keep it intersting at the same time. You did realize that the boss was going to die on flight 93...right? Greg would have no job as he thought because the next day was 9/11...I hoped you would enjoy that more...Thanks for your time, Frazzle...Bob (Mastery)
reply by frazzledauthor on 02-Jun-2009
    Oh, I did enjoy it!! I tend to always overdo setting the scene and keep hearing that I need to skip all that and move it along! Maybe I have listened to that advice when I should have just been learning the balance!! I did enjoy this and it had a powerful ending that matched that awful day perfectly. I'm thinking your submissions here may help me learn that important balance of setting the scene and "moving it along". But quite honestly, I've never read anything of yours that I did not like.
reply by the author on 02-Jun-2009
    :) Thanks so much, Frazzled....Bob
Comment from isabella may
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It took me a while to locate this story, but I'm glad I made the effort. Your characters were all drawn so well, and yet I did wonder where the story was going. Having read your bio, I began to wonder whether he was being interviewed for a Santa. So your ending took me TOTALLY by surprise. it was a good read. roslyn

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2007

reply by the author on 20-Sep-2007
    Thanks so much, roslyn, I am rather proud of this one...You did realize that both men would be affected, right? I say this because soome readers, believe it or not, didn't get the part where Holcomb was going to be on the ill-fated fight 93. I appreciate you taking the time, again..Thanks, Bob
reply by isabella may on 20-Sep-2007
    OK, in my ignorance I was not aware that Holcomb was caught. I suppose my only defence is that the names of the cities are not as engraved on our consciences in the same way as for americans. i shall have to read the ending again. having read a few 9/11 stories recently, i am tempted to write about our experience at second hand of that night, which was horrific for everyone all over the world.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2007
    I am so sorry, really. Darn, I forgot you are from down under...Yes, that would explain it...Well, flight 93, which Holcomb is taking in the morning of 9/11 crashes with hijackers on board in Pennsylvania. The other guy, greg just won't show up of course per Holcumb's instruction, so he'll escape...Fate, eh? Let me know what you think after you read it again...Perhaps...LOL...Bob
Comment from Susan E. Pennycuff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Now I knew going into this that there was going to be a twist and so the entire read was excrucitatingly painful for me because I was determined not to let you fool me this time....roflmbo And I will be darned if you didn't almost pull it off again. However... I started figuring out the twist just prior to the end when he started asking when he wanted him to start. You almost got me though and this was certainly a good one. You have great talent when it comes to surprise endings. I can learn alot from you. No doubt about it! Thanks for directing me to this particular write, it is much appreciated! Suzi

 Comment Written 06-Aug-2007

reply by the author on 06-Aug-2007
    Thanks, Suzi. I wish I had gottennyou again, but close is stil good..LOL..thanks again, Bob (Another one is "The Faithful" LOL...bob
reply by Susan E. Pennycuff on 06-Aug-2007
    you probably would have, had I not known that it had a twist at the end, but because I was expecting it, I was looking for it, thus the difference.
Comment from Alexander3571
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Most clever story I've read on here yet! Very timely and very sneaky elements for this story! I'll have to read more of your work and maybe even become a fan!

 Comment Written 22-Dec-2006

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2006
    Thanks Alex...Hope you do...I am honored...Bob
Comment from rosered
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sure this has been said before but Awesome Awesome Awesome! 9/11 was seen as a whole group of horrid events, but it's the individual small stories that make it more real and tragic.

 Comment Written 16-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 16-Oct-2006
    Welcome aboard, rose! I know you'll like Fanstory. Thank you for your praise of this one from the archives...Bob
Comment from dawnsoulchild
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'll admit that I was wondering where the 'interview' was going. I thought as I was reading it, what possible scenario would come out of it that would be interesting? The writing was indeed very interesting and detailed. A vivid picture was created in my mind. I enjoyed the description of everyday people, emotions and behavior. The story has a realistic and believable quality. And the end was the best. I was totally surprised. I loved it. I enjoy stories with a twist that you don't see coming.
And I didn' t anticipate that one. Good short story.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2006
    Thanks so much, Dawn..I am a particular fan of surprise endings as you will see, if you read either, The Faithful or Letting Go...two other pieces in my portfolio...when you have the time...I do appreciate this so much...Bob (Welcome aboard!)
Comment from glo2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Here it is, 9/11, and I happen on to your rivetting story! It was SUCH a great story, from the first sentence to the final paragraphs with their chilling information. It cannot and should not be changed in any small way as far as I can see, and I look forward to reading more of your work. I wanted to fire six stars your way, but it seems that last one eludes me for whatever the reason-- I am not familiar enough with the site yet--it is a six-star piece!

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2006

reply by the author on 12-Sep-2006
    Hi, dlo. Welcome aboard Fanstory! I know you will like this site. You honor me with your review..I appreciate your comments very much...Look forward to reading your writes, too. Bob
reply by glo2 on 12-Sep-2006
    Hi Bob

    Just heard I have my first fan, and it is you! Thank you. I expect to be sharply critiqued-- I need to start pasting acceptance slips on my bulletin board instead of rejections! You might want to catch one of my most recent contriibutions 'DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS', which surprisingly has earned one of those neat blue ribbons. Thank you again!
Comment from greenje
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I really liked your story, The Interview. You really painted a picture in the reader's mind when you described the various sights and scenes that Greg experienced during his interview at the World Trade Center. Of course, the best part was the ending twist about September 11. I usually have lots of feedback when I do reviews--ways that I think the author could improve their work-- but I found The Interview well polished and I'm struggling to find any comments/criticisms for you. Good job. You deserved to win the contest.


 Comment Written 31-Aug-2006

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2006
    Thanks so much, greenje. Glad you liked this story. It is actually the first chapter of a novel I am working on...Bob
Comment from mrbsgirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well written, I related to the "Greg" character, that feeling you get going to an interview. Very down to earth and realistic, ending left a "gulp" in my throat and an OMG on my lips.

 Comment Written 21-Aug-2006

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2006
    Hi, mrbsgirl...Welcome aboard! Thanks for the fine review..Bob
Comment from The Guardian
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hadn't read this one before but it's hilarious in a "sad sack" sense. Yup, life sure changed significantly in this neck of the woods after Sept. 11. Really excellent story line. I love how you develop the stories and then hit the reader "wham" right between the eyes with the twist at the end. Your style reminds me a lot of O'Henry, and the irony sticks with the reader long after the screen grows cold.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2006

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2006
    Thank you,Merle...You are so encouraging...Bob