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Viewing comments for Chapter 24 "My Gift To You As I Shoot Thru. "
Fanstory Praises, Woes & Go's.

23 total reviews 
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is well-written--especially the dialect--lively, entertaining, and delightful! As for the money that's not funny, I think some spend a small fortune on here. Whatever makes them happy! I haven't spent a penny since I paid my membership dues!

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2019
    Thanks for the great review. I was pleased I learned how to read, review, post and promote without shelling out my own money. I don't t think we have met before, will look you up and perhaps fan you from the new FREE Pinny2 account. I did think this place was originally for amateurs, but professionals have taken over.
Comment from Joan E.
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am sorry the rate of exchange is making FanStory too costly for you. Thank you for planning to continue to read our posts. I enjoyed your "Lingo Australya" and your rhymes. I very much appreciated your salute to Michael Cahill and Dean. Take good care of yourself and Louise. Warm regards- Joan

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2019
    Thanks Joan. I know for a fact Michael was trying to get Tom to change some things and to restrict the number of contest wins for you know who they are and I believe Dean may have been also trying to influence changes. I am sure Tom has lost a lot of people because of his "favouritism" and I know for a fact that one of the regular Reviewers Of The Month winners left at one stage and someone actually paid for her to return. Lastly, we still have no idea who Tom's "Committee" consists of either. I know I am gonna be and have probably already been assassinated to death in the Forum's to which I have never been. I wanted to write a lot more in my poem and I must say I am touched there has been no negative comments. I am just sad I couldn't save up all the wonderful reviews and helpful ones from my pretty well seven years on Fanstory. Believe me, the cost is definitely only one reason I have wanted out for a long time but I kept meeting great people like yourself that made me stay much longer. There is another good place less than half the monthly cost of here I am going to. Can tell you privately as you know who runs it.
reply by Joan E. on 13-Nov-2019
    Thanks for sharing your concerns about the weaknesses of FanStory. I too have stuck with it because of the people, like yourself, that I have met over the years. My way of coping with the issues, is to limit myself to posting new work once a week and to rarely enter contests. I think you have my email address to let me know about the site you are going to join: Smiles- Joan
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't imagine FS without you. It won't be the same. I'll definitely miss you. Please keep us posted on how you're doing. I do follow you on FB but it's not the same.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thanks, Sis. I made a new friend on here today look for Susan Larson. Tootsie55 and sankey will still be here, just can't post or review through them even though some say you can, I don't believe that is true. Keep those chapters coming ok.
Comment from JudyE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'll be sorry to see you go but can understand your reasons. I haven't been here long but have already stopped entering site-sponsored contests. lol All the very best to you and Tootsie. And I love the photo.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thanks Judy, glad we are on the same wavelength. If we are all not entering, the same ones or ONE will win all the time. The same person that is plowing a LOT of money into promotion and stuff.
Comment from Susan Larson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm still new enough to fanstory to fully appreciate what all you have to say, but I did enjoy reading all the various slang. As a pretty regular reviewer I have to wonder at some of the writers who consistently have multiple posts in the featured section. I can't review that fast and have no intention of using real money. Wishing you well. G'day!

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Hi Susan I don't think we have met before. I will Fan you from Pinny2 the free account but I understand sankey and Tootsie55 (my wife's old account about our trips if you are real quick have a look sorry no rewards) - will still be on in basic just nothing to read after the 20th on my side I think that is 19th "Up Over." Will check your stuff and thanks again.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great picture. You really won't be the last of the troublemakers, I'm sure. Like any business, FS is about making money. Some members rake in hundreds of dollars because they win virtually every site-sponsored contest they enter. Those who aren't that fortunate (I won't say less talented) have to shell out. I can't review enough to keep in member dollars. I love the Australian lingo. Wishing Sankey and Tootsie the very best. You will be missed. judi

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thanks, Judi for your continual support even though I have not been as faithful in reviewing your stuff. Some are saying I can still post and review in Basic but I don't think that is true.
reply by judiverse on 13-Nov-2019
    You're welcome. You can try it and see if you're on. judi
reply by the author on 13-Nov-2019
    Will try.
reply by judiverse on 13-Nov-2019
    You may be able to post after all. judi
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The Aussie dollar is doing well and the pound is nose diving! This is a fun write filled with lots of Aussie humour and I enjoyed your upbeat write here, I have visited Australia twice and I always had a fun time, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    No Dolly Aussie Dollar is NOT doing well it might look good from Old Dart and I do sympathise if the Pound is slipping, as it never did for years. Appreciate the lovely review. See you on the other side.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Goodbye my Australian sweeties. I will miss you dearly for one small person. I wish you would stay. I understand the money thing as I am currently on blindness disability and my CEO pay has been cut back to a modest amount as I am a figurehead now due to my blindness. God is good, and has allowed me just what I need to promote my work. I review each day as much as possible and write. I post two to three things a week. It's important for my husband and me to give, so we do that too and God blesses us with good will, and in many other ways.
Love in Christ,
Sally xoxo

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thankyou sweet lady. I still look forward to more of your story and Andre and the ratbags. I still believe in Malachi 3:10 "Pressed down shaken together and running over shall God give to your bosom" God is no man's debtor for sure. Lord Bless
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Will be sorry to see you both leaving full membership of the site, but I can understand your reasons. I was amused by your poem, a nice touch of ocker oz to stimulate our transpacific cousins! Good luck and God bless.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thanks mate. See you around.Some are saying I can still post and review in Basic but I don't think that is true.
Comment from Melodie Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved your attitude and your background and the poem itself! Few have the guts to be so real and I love that about you
Thank you for sharing God bless you ...

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2019

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2019
    Thanks, Melodie have to look you up and fan you from the new FREE account although they say once the money runs out on Tootsie55 and sankey we can still keep going on basic just no more posts or reviews but I can message privately as I read your stuff. Nice to meet you even if it is at the end of paid accounts.