Reviews from

you don't know how

a contest entry

80 total reviews 
Comment from gazzagodbod
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

liked this one a lot yes very often the inner self is protected from those around with a show of arrogance but beneath is a different story great work my friend gazza

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2012
    Thanks for an excellent and understanding review.
Comment from mauial
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The message is clear that we can't read others from the outside, because who they are is on the inside. I know some gruff looking men that are the nicest people. Great job.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2012
    Yes, I know men like that as well. Thanks for a great review.
Comment from Gay394
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is thought provoking.
Inside every person,there are hidden secrets.
Good work.
'you look at my writing
with its careful vocabulary
and think I am pompous
you don't know how
I don't sleep at night
wondering if I can write'

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2012
    Less so nowadays, but it is 4 AM, and I just got up to check the site, and shall go back to bed. Thanks for an excellent review.
Comment from debskatz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Al,

Terrific poem! Beautifully conveys the vulnerable uncertain inside though the outside shows arrogant confidence. Very Good! If I had a 6, it be yours, my friend!

Thanks for sharing with us!



 Comment Written 24-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2012
    Thanks for an excellent review and the virtual six. I know I owe you some reviews.
Comment from AlexAX
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You show a vulnerability in your words. I don't know if this is about you but I think you know you can write lol But what you portray in your poem is what I don't like. How people only see what they want to see about a person, judging them, instead of getting to know them and finding out first-hand what they are really like. Good luck! Alex :)

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    Yes, this is actually I. I am very shy, but I repress it well. Extremely well. Thanks for a great review.
Comment from Adri7enne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah, Al. This would be funny if it weren't so revealing. You would be chased out of the Temple with that kind of attitude. You obviously admire your erudite vocabulary and your Brook Brothers suit. And if you wanted to slip under the wire with your charity work, you wouldn't include it in your poetry.
Looking at it from the outside, I'd say the gentleman doth protest too much!
However, you do convey your own beliefs, even if your actions speak louder than your words. Good show!

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    Ah, you caught me! I write the best way I know how and I wear my best clothes to church to honor God. I wrote this because I feel so many people don't know who I truly am. Is that not the reason many people write poetry? I am on record for my support of the poor and homeless against police brutality. That is public knowledge, so there's nothing revealing there. Thanks for an excellent review.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is a poem of a shy person, putting on an act. How many of us do that? Each of your stanzas show a vulnerability, a plea to see who you really are. I probably have all that wrong, but I see myself in those words. I think you have a winning contest entry here, so very good luck!xsx

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    No, you are quite right, although no one would believe I am shy. Thanks for an excellent review.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 24-Feb-2012
    You are most welcome! xsx
Comment from rjuselius
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i think every person is unsure of themselves when it comes to self-esteem. no one is perfect (sorry for the cliches:)). but i do value your opinions becaause you seem to know how to solve the problems.
thank you for sharing and thank you for caring!
and good luck in the contest with this wonderfully honest poem.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    Thanks for a great review and for becoming my fan. I am highly honored.
Comment from Janice Canerdy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem has effectively breathed new life into that old, OLD expression "You can't judge a book by its cover"!

Forgive this moment of rabbit-chasing! Your first stanza reminds me of actor Kevin Kostner's comment about the fabulous Whitney Houston: she wondered if she was good enough! Enjoyed

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    Yes, I think I know how she must have felt. Thanks for an excellent review.
Comment from playinaround
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The second verse is my favorite. It sounds like this character is very self conscious. Like he has a lot to offer, if others only knew. There is more to him than meets the eye. It sounds like he yearns for people to know who he really is. Nice write.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2012
    Thanks for an excellent review. The character is, indeed, I.