Reviews from

I Don't Know Why

A Non-Fiction in about 800 words.Why it happens.............

88 total reviews 
Comment from MelReyn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Perhaps I'm tired. Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe this is a style that is just not to my liking.

In the beginning, I laughed... 40 member cent pumps for 60 reviews! It's a dream we all have. ;)

In the middle, my mind wandered. Alright, I get it. You want the impossible and the best of things and as much of things as humanly possible. We all dream right?

The last quarter, my eyes went crossed (literally!) and I skipped ahead to the note (which sounds combative to me.) I do think that anyone who has the courage to post their work for others to read is someone who deserves respect, whatever my opinion may be. You have mine.

And many thanks for the high payout. That takes a lot of work in reviewing.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2013

Comment from Razz
Needs Improvement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Every night while I watch television on bed, I think I shall watch all the programmes, serials, series, entries, stories, films, competitions etc on all the channels on television, get to read all emails minutely and respond to each email or letter or message or communication, enjoy all videos, video films, video clips and read or revise all the books on ethics, morality, religion and philosophy published since the dawn of the human civilization."

I have no idea what you were writing about.
What was the point?
So many SPAGS.
Run on sentences.
Incomplete sentences and incomprehensible sentences.
So much more, no time to get into it.

Who are you?
Maybe you are testing us.

Have a good day.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2013

Comment from LeMuseNoir
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Does not lack bravado - but a bit convoluted for all that. I'm all for stream of consciousness - as long as the current is taking you somewhere. You make some good points and present a certain amount of wit in your piece- but ultimately it comes off more as a literary masturbatory exercise. And the genius of it is that after you try to tie a reviewers hands in you authors notes- you give yourself the out to dismiss us. That said - I didn't necessarily dislike it so much as it( as Shakespeare said ) it is a tale told by a madman full of sound and fury but signifying nothing - I think that it may have a certain power as a spoken monologue that it lacks as an essay, But thanks for an unusual and provocative read.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from justmarly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You think to write 2400 words, publish 2 postings, write 60 reviews, and get to earn 40 Member Cent Pump Certificates, 10 Leprechaun Certificates, 1 Seal of Quality, 51 certificates for bonus reviewing and 60 member dollars by reviewing works a day. You want to do a lot and you can do it.. Just be sure you get to know Jesus before it is too late. Achieve your golds but with Christ in mind.
Good work MJ

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from Shelby~thePoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, I wish I won a million dollars so I could travel every country in the world, you create an image of a dream for all of us here, I enjoyed this!

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from justatuna
Needs Improvement
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Honestly, the only reason I'm reviewing this is for the money. Just like you wrote. I could not even get through the first few lines without becoming frustrated. So many people will give you five stars out of fear. It seems you think you have something to say. Then say it.

You last author's notes invited the opinions of other peoples POV on faith. This time, you don't want them. It seems that if someone else's truth doesn't match your own a problem is given life.

I don't see how I can review your work again. It would make me a liar.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from garrymc5
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

live life fully, omit 'life' --- 'live' is stronger, and sufficient'
'so I wish to', omit all. Replace with a comma
Second paragraph: omit 'think to'
I could continue, but you must read and edit your own work much better, From your writing, it seems you go for quantity, and always, quality will suffer.
This also seems almost a rorting of the system. Already so many people who 'review', review on the basis of sympathy, or sentiment, reluctant to give anything less than five stars. This i, sadly, aan abuse of five stars. More people should be getting three stars. Don't you think?

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from david bell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My goodness you demand a lot from yourself. All I really want is to help people with my writing. Everything else is just stuff, I want to plant a glass garden of love and let it harvest in heaven.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from donaldww
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

After reading your prose, I have an idea for your to ponder.

You jump from idea to idea, sentence by sentence. In order to achieve success, you need focus. Lack of focus is the root cause of failure. It will stop you from achieving your goals.

If you go out of your way to ignore advice based on your "Author's License", as you author notes state--refusing to listen to others or make changes--then your results will never improve.

Furthermore, if that is your intention, why bother posting anything?


 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013

Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Al perhaps you are trying too hard. Perhraps it is a case of overworked brain power. Try taking some tie away from all be one o two of those and see.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2013