Reviews from

Cinnamon Bread

a bit of whimsy

109 total reviews 
Comment from redrider6612
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have a hard time believing you ever have no poetry dancing through your head. Is there anything you can't write a poem about? :) This was great, nice rhymes, good rythmn, pleasing form. Nice job

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    I'm pretty darned sure there are many things I can't write poetry about - this morning bread was about the only thing I had! LOL Thanks, brooke
Comment from judiblaze
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice. Generally I'm not a fan of rhyming poetry, but yours is an exception. Love the picture too. You can almost smell the cinnamon bread. Good job

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Thank so much - I know rhyming poetry isn't everyone's cup of tea (LOL), but I do try to make mine the kind one does not groan over :-) Brooke
Comment from Sixteezkid
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awwww! Might heart is breaking. Poor Brooke couldn't find a few words for about 2 hours! Ha!!! (Had to add a tad bit of sarcasm to sprinkle on top of the cinnamon toast!)

Really liked this:
"no insights churning in her mind,
no words in rhyming pair?"

You've got words churning all day, Brooke. (and in your dreams, too)!!
Thanks so much for this charming little ditty!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Sue, hey, I am insecure, what can I say? I looked through about 50 paintings and nothing was coming to me about any. LOL Thanks so much for your slightly sarcastic review, Brooke ;-)
Comment from perunest
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Cinnamon bread sounds like a very reasonable alternative to writing poetry when the poetry muse is out to lunch, so to speak. Even the title of your poem got my mouth watering. You may have opened a Pandora's box...
I loved this poem you've crafted about a delightful interlude! Carolyn

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    I've gotten a lot of people eating sweets today! LOL Thanks, Carolyn Brooke
Comment from KYPollard/El Gato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely "non-poem" here, brooke. Wow, I wonder how your "real" poems sound! LOL.The pleasure was mine to read. I found no errors.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Thank you for enjoying my bit of fluff :-) Brooke
Comment from Jo52800
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You know this poem has a comforting feel, perfect for waking up and finding 8 inches of snow outside my door. It inspired me to bake cinnamon bread and have it for my hubby when he came in from shovelling. That and a cup of hot chocolate. So I guess he thanks you!

The rhythm here is fine, but it kind of staggered a little with the "plaintive plea" in my opinion. I think it was the alliteration that kind of detracted from the warmth of this poem. Perhaps it's just me and I just loved the comforting feel of a lazy Saturday morning, finally alone in my own house--had a 9 month old here all week and a 21 yr old mother who didn't have any maternal instinct.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    a mom without maternal instinct - how sad a statement is that?
    Hope you're enjoying a warm day safely inside with all that snow outside your door. We just received a light coating. Thank you, Brooke
reply by Jo52800 on 10-Jan-2009
    it is sad...worse that she already has 2 other kids (her mom has custody of one and the father has the custody of the other). I love little kids, but I like returning them. Still, I was the one who took the baby and rocked him to sleep. They never gave him a nap all during the funeral and took him in and out of the cold all day. I finally just took him and let him sleep on my shoulder. He was there while I read your poem at the funeral. Thank you so much for that. Everyone asked me where they could find the poem and if you were published. :-) You have fans in the outside world now.
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    thank you for sharing that with me - I'm sorry the occasion was a funeral, but pleased nonetheless
    In this day and age, has this young woman no idea about birth control?
reply by Jo52800 on 10-Jan-2009
    I have no idea. She's kind of self-involved. Her husband is 34 years older than her. I think she was just looking for a father figure. She's really just a baby herself. I just can't understand how you can let others take your baby and hear him cry and not even bother to look for him. Between me and my husband's aunts, we were all appalled and never once during the entire week did we see that baby in her arms--it was always one of us. There's a story in there somewhere that I'll get to after I've had it all settle in my brain.

    They kept telling me I should have kids, but I started with a 15 yr old and I work too much and I like my writing too much. I just borrow them and return them. :) As a teacher, I'm sure you've seen lots of parents who should be taught a fw lessons in parenting.
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    just borrow them and return them - love that line
Comment from rmdelta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This was well written, simple enough for me to understand. I is flled with descriptives which allow us to easily see what you say. Terrific. Thanks


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Reggie, yes, you can't say I'm being esoteric when speaking of cinnamon bread! LOL Thank you, friend, Brooke
Comment from babylonia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

cinnamen toast ... yummo! LOL i may have to make some later as you have set up a craving. giggle.
i like it. LOL sometimes this is all we have. easy to read and follow. no spaggies do i see. imagery is excellent. made me smile. keep up the good work~

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    I seem to have made quite a few people hungry today LOL
    thank you, Brooke
reply by babylonia on 10-Jan-2009
    the power of suggestion is very strong.
Comment from Rachon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Brooke,
I loved it. Cute as can be. I think a cup of tea sounds good.
I liked the colors and art work too. Great choices, I think.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Rachon, thank you!! Brooke
Comment from raimie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

uhm, sounds like a great start to a great morning. Sweet little poem with a very nice picture. Almost cartoonish. Thanks for sharing, going for a spot of tea myself, black currant yum!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2009

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2009
    Yes, just a piece of fluff - thank you, Brooke