Reviews from

Breakfast at the Shelter

a reflective naani about acts of kindness

98 total reviews 
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is absolutely awesome. What a beautiful poem and deeply touching and heart warming message it conveys too. This is a perfect entry for the contest and in my opinion, even without reading the other entries is a definite contender. Very, very nice!

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Thank you, Valerie, for this most encouraging review :-) Lydia was quite an inspiration. Brooke
Comment from colin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely Naani that is wonderfully written with your choice of picture reflecting the whole poem.It says to me that a warm natural smile is more emotionally nourishing than food is physically nourishing.
A smile fills your heart with joy,food fills your belly!
Exceptional,love and peace Colin.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Colin, thank you - I appreciate your thoughtful review :-)
Comment from Winslow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Brooke,

Lydia sounds like she is a caring child. A warm meal with a smile is indeed a treat, hopefully it can help defeat, the sense of hopelessness for awhile, a meal served by a child without guile.

Good luck in the contest.

Warm regards,


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Winslow, thank you for your thoughtful and encouraging review - this is the first time I met Lydia, but yes, I feel she is quite exceptional :-) Brooke
Comment from EllenV
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brooke, this is such a lovely Naani poem. I loved the description of cute Lydia in the first two lines, and I loved the message of the last two.

I also loved your observation of Lydia's help in your notes:
strangers or friends, she served everyone with a quiet smile. It is a lovely sight to see grown men become gentler and calmer in the presence of a child. Lydia was my favorite helper ever. Never underestimate the power of an act of kindness or the power of a smile.

A very meaningful and uplifting read at the end of the day.


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Ellen, thank you! She really made my morning :-) I'm so glad you found this poem meaningful! Brooke
Comment from Belinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I immediately fall in love with Lydia. And what a wonderful way to spend summer vacations. Your naani poem tells a lot, and become even more so after I read the author note.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Belinda, thank you. I fell in love with her right away too! Brooke :-)
Comment from IndianaIrish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great poem and a beautiful message, Brooke. I hope Lydia continues to volunteer and realizes how much joy she brings to the people she sees in the shelter.
Excellent poem and good luck in the contest.
Indy :>)

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Karyn, thank you - I hope she continues too as she is a natural! Brooke :-)
Comment from Soulester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem stikes a chord in your readers, and the naani form seems to be a good vehicle for social awareness issues. The simplest of gifts truly can be the best. Maybe you should complile a book of your poems about Breakfast on Tuesdays. Thanks for another stirring poem. Mary

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Yes, it is my favorite form for social awareness issues :-) Thanks so much, Mary. Brooke
Comment from nora arjuna
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hi brooke, this was a sweet and caring entry, making the readers feel good about what's happening somewhere in this world. thanks for sharing your day with us. good luck!

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Good things happen wherever you find volunteers - and that is in every corner of the globe :-) Thanks, Brooke
reply by nora arjuna on 16-Jun-2009
    last night i reserved a spot for this contest just for the sake of posting something. the deadline's a few hours away and i still haven't an idea what to write. i need to go to work now! hopefully something materialises while I'm on my way! :)
Comment from EddieB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem left me feeling warm inside although I found it a little too 'cutesish.' I have a suggestion for the author. She is clearly an excellent poet and quite prolific to boot, but because the poems are so short I find they often lack the depth they could reach if the subject matter were delved into with greater detail. So, for example, in this poem, how do the homeless lines of people affect the author while she dishes food out to them? What do their faces reveal? What does such shelters say about the nature of the country in which this occurs, the 'richest' country in the world? I don't know if a poem is the form of communication that can do justice to such questions, so maybe writing in the form of an essay or story is more appropriate. Maybe I'm just not a real connoisseur of poetry!?

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Eddie, it's a naani contest - I used up all 25 syllables. The naani is meant to be a condensed way to say something about the human condition but obviously was never intended to be an indepth essay as it is limited to a very short number of words. I am also an essayist but am simply focusing on poetry this year. I agree that one can write in a whole different way with detailed essays though I'm not as certain as you that one way is so much superior to the other :-) Thanks, Brooke
reply by EddieB on 16-Jun-2009
    No, I don't feel one way is superior to another. If that is what came across then my communication skills must be errant. I'm probably just going completely inane!
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

it is wonderful to read about a child taking part in community service. And what you say here is true, she brings happiness and calmness. I see this when children come into the nursing home where I work. An inspirational read.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2009
    Yes, kids contribute something unique no matter where they go to help and spread cheer - I used to take my kids trick or treating at a local nursing home that invited kids to come on Halloween afternoon - the folks just lit up! Thanks, Brooke :-)