Reviews from

Llama's Lament

An animal A-Z with a literary allusion

99 total reviews 
Comment from Jendowoz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another great A-Z Brook. Fantastic effort and it does epitimise the Llama to a tee. Well done. The colour is bold but the writing clear. The picture is great.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    Glad you enjoyed this one - thank you,Brooke
Comment from Mischief's Momma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL - okay I have heard this too from our local Llama farmer. They can be the most stubborn creatures form what I hear. My farmer friend discovered that his Great White Pyrenese dogs can get the Llamas to co-operate and they are much easier to train!

i think my pound mutt is part Llama :)

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    You've gone and made me laugh out loud with your comments - I'm sure your mutt would laugh too if he knew the rumors you are spreading about him! LOL Thanks, Brooke
reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    You've gone and made me laugh out loud with your comments - I'm sure your mutt would laugh too if he knew the rumors you are spreading about him! LOL Thanks, Brooke
Comment from kassey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Absolutely wonderful piece of work. The author notes beforehand were very informative so we understood a lot about the llama before we read the poem. Excellent work Kay

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    Kay, thanks for your most thoughtful comments, Brooke
Comment from Donovan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Teenager in the 60's. You are very young...and as for "bearing" with you when you write about llamas...seems to me the bear would intimidate the llama...although bears do not like to be spit upon.....back the your youthful nature....

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    I'm 57 - when did that become young??? LOL Ah, I forget, you are quite old and decrepit. ;-) Your family must delight in you, either that or run the other way!! :-D Thank you, Brooke
reply by Donovan on 04-Dec-2008
    I am thinking running is closer.....
reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    I bet I'd get a far different story from them.
Comment from MWann27
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha ha! I liked this a lot. I found myself laughing at and rooting for the llama at the same time. I loved the last two lines. I'm also very impressed by the technique you used. You make it look easy!

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    I was also quite rooting for the llama! Thanks ever so much - I'm glad I make it look easy as it is far from it! Brooke
Comment from giftid3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another well worded and well expressed portrayal of the animal kingdom.
You have indeed captured the llama and his special characteristics well.
The beginning was a good informative piece that shared knowledge to the reader of this animal and its unique practices and to its stubborn rectitude. The words you have used to describe this graceful looking, yet kinda crude animal is well done. I enjoyed the read. Many blessings to you

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    Thank you for your most considered comments, Brooke
Comment from tteach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Choice clear:
desist -
damn deferent degradation

Wouldn't it be nice if, for humans, the choice was always clear? Then we could also decline, default, or even desist, without spitting or hissing. Let's skip the vomiting!

Again, another well written poem. Thanks for the great explanation. I would never have connected llamas to Bartleby.

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    Terry, thank you so very much for your thoughtful comments, Brooke
Comment from Lady & Louis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed both the poem and the introduction, Brooke! I like llamas, and their kin, alpacas. Actually they're all of the camel family, aren't they? Camels are pretty good at spitting and being generally obstreperous when the mood takes them.

Here's a bit of trivia for you: when Conan Doyle wrote about Sherlock Holmes visiting the High Lama in Tibet, he misspelled it as Llama. Somehow I now have an image of a llama, way out of his usual territory and wearing saffron robes as well!

Louise :)))

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    LOL - you are funny - thanks for sharing that with me! Brooke
reply by Lady & Louis on 04-Dec-2008
    Always a pleasure!

    Mind you, I reckon they overstated the case in calling the 70s "the decade that taste forgot". For me that was the 80s, and they've been well and truly overtaken by what passes for fashion now!

    Louise :D
reply by Lady & Louis on 04-Dec-2008
    Whoops! I just realised I answered our other reply thread then! LOL!
Comment from daysofdeath1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am amazed at the use of references in your poetry. Do things just pop into your head like that? To me titles pop into my head and I need to figure out what I want them to be about. But you can take nothing, like a llama, and use something that you had read before to give it a legitimate meaning and passion. Great job!

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    yeah, the poems themselves take lots and lots of work, but the ideas like this one just pop! LOL Thank you, Brooke
Comment from RapturedHeart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

ah, this is so cute. I loved the notes and information about the llama - very interesting. Had no idea they were such spoiled kids 'cria' babies!!lol.

Love the ending; to sum it all up he's simply saying, enough with the yokes! The yokes on you! Okay, I'm stopping this nonsense now. Thanks for the fun read, and, btw, I actually did read 'As I Lay Dying' and thank you very much for recommending it. It took me a while to get into, I have to be honest, but it was well worth the effort. Had a fantastic surprise ending! Just made you loathe the guy! Take care,

 Comment Written 04-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 04-Dec-2008
    The yoke's on you - I rather like your nonsense. LOL I'm thrilled you liked As I lay Dying, and yes, its ending is one of the best endings ever!!! Thanks, Brooke