Reviews from

Behind The Mask - Who I Am

a contest entry, biographical nonfiction

35 total reviews 
Comment from sibhus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, Dawn, this is pretty brave. I know I could never write anything like this on Fan. As for writing too much, what the hell is that? It's a writing site. That's what your suppose to do. Damn whiners, they really need to get a life, or at least concentrate on their on writing and stopped complaining so much. this is a very interesting piece and congratulations on have the guts to put it out there. good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Funny you should say that, sibus...I think those are just about the words I once said...LOL.

    Yes, I think it's kind of ridiculous too, but I also believe there are a number of reasons besides the ones that I mention that cause folks to say such a thing. The "being prolific means one can't be good" (or actually, the word used by one was "quality" writing ) is insulting/bogus. But as for not, then, having time to reply courteously to reviews - they have a point BUT, I should think as writers we'd understand, as long as the "business" gets done - by that I mean the return-review.

    No, it's not cool, in my opinion. Thanks for being so supportive, and for such a great review! It means a lot to me!
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Dawn. I found your essay interesting. It's difficult for any of us to reveal who we think we are to others. My view is that we don't see ourselves as others do. We can only share our own viewpoint of ourselves and that others, for better or worse, will see us through their own eyes. You gave your readers a glimpse into who you think you are, sharing where you are coming from--so to speak. That information is valid and necessary in getting to know someone.

You touch upon many points and I identify with many of them. One that struck me is your shyness. You don't come across as shy on FanStory, but rather as a woman of intelligence and strength--a "whim of iron." Perhaps rather than shyness it is more of a writer's observation of life that allows (us) to drink in all around us--those human gifts and failures that we enjoy writing about. I'll wrap up by saying--keep on writing and just keep on being true to yourself. Marilyn

 Comment Written 22-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Wow, Marilyn - so true. We do see ourselves quite differently than others see us, I think, and yes, it is very difficult (at least for me) to talk (or write) about myself. I also agree it is necessary in getting to know someone, but here is where my cautionary nature begins to take over - this isn't a social site, or at least it isn't for me. I am here to hone my craft.

    Now it's very true that we are bound to form some ties with some of the people we review and who review us, but there are varying levels of intimacy in all relationships. I believe in taking a LOT of time in getting to know anyone, and doing so over the internet isn't exactly my idea of 'information' I can trust. There is no body language, not even so much as the tone of voice, so I am very, very hesitant.

    But what an amazing compliment you have paid me, and it also gives me a very different perspective on shyness - yes, I do think that some of us prefer to melt into the background and observe (although I wasn't that way when I was younger so much).

    Thank you for a very astute and kind review. I am so pleased that you found this personal essay interesting! Warm wishes, Dawn
reply by BeasPeas on 22-Jun-2015
    Hi Dawn. I liked the point you made in your essay, too, about reading and responding to each and every review. That's important. I do that, also. Some reviewers (point earners) glance at our labors of love and I wonder if they even read them at all. Their comments seem to come from left field, make no sense. Others, contribute more of themselves and it becomes a two-way street. Those are the people I befriend on FS. (P.S.- I reveal myself through my poems. I'd never dare let it all hang out in a biographical essay. I think you are brave to do so.) Marilyn
reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Marilyn, I once said that I wouldn't/couldn't write a memoir or an autobiography either, but...*smile*...

    As for responding to reviews - that IS a problem for me because I post so much work. But I honestly do read each review I get carefully - what's the point of being here if we don't? And I honestly do my utmost to at least return-review if I can't reply.

    I do know what you mean about some reviews seeming as if the reviewer never even read the piece. I wrote one the first year I was here about one of the times I was 'kidnapped' (true story). It was a pretty lengthy piece, but the first few paragraphs made it very clear I was kidnapped by a woman and her child, and the boyfriend (or husband) hopped into the truck at the very last second. It was a bench seat, so I was trapped. It turned out that they really weren't kidnapping me (although the other time WAS a real kidnapping - man, THAT'S a story!) but my point is that all of that occurred clearly in the first few paragraphs, and she wrote that I had kidnapped a child. Yup. Pretty bad. LOL. I've had a few that were pretty obvious!

    Anyway, my friend, it is 9:30 a.m. and I have been up all night again, so I'm off to bed. But again, thank you for such kind support - I really and truly appreciate it! Hugs, Dawn
reply by BeasPeas on 22-Jun-2015
    OUCH! Staying up all night? I can't do that. I'm a morning person. Get some sleep.
reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Hmm, my system is so messed up after working shifts for a few years - I used to be so well-rested I could awaken inside a ten-minute window without an alarm clock. ...sigh... Anyway, I have had a rest and I'm determined to try again today to stay up so I might get back to some semblance of normalcy. LOL. I, too, am a morning person - I detest this 'shift'.
reply by BeasPeas on 22-Jun-2015
    So you are still working? What do you do? Thank God I'm retired and can play with my words and my art.
reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    No, I haven't worked in a few years - I just meant when I did, shifts messed up my c-rythms.
Comment from chasennov
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

a contest entry, biographical nonfiction. Behind The Mask - Who I Am.' Well. Okay. Now I know who you are. Now I know what you are. Now I know if you are. And now I also know how you are. You are a great person. You are a great writer. You are a great personality. You are also a very brave woman to do what you just did. Don't be afraid that you may have lost ANYBODY by telling us who you are. You are great, and I appreciate you very much. Well done, Dawn.

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 Comment Written 22-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    I am so very grateful for this wonderful review, Chas - you can't know how much it means to me. Thank you!
reply by chasennov on 22-Jun-2015
    You are most welcome, my dear friend.
Comment from giraffmang
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Dawn.

This was a superb write. I got a little bit emotional reading it. (Damn You!)

Some of this really resonated with me. Quite a few similarities but many differences too. Perspective plays such a big role in all our lives. From ourselves and from others. interpretation and misinterpretation. We all carry out baggage with us and need to step outside of ourselves sometimes, especially when reviewing and commentating. I know I don't always manage it - but then I am a seething ball of contradiction! Aren't we all? I don't know.

Anyway, a brave and emotional write.

My name is Gareth, fatherless, father, writer (I hope), and I admire and respect you.


 Comment Written 22-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    What an incredibly kind and generous review! I am deeply touched, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. And yes, I don't know about others, but I certainly am a 'seething ball of contradiction' - LOL - and THAT'S a description I am grinning over, for SURE, though true, probably, of many more!

    I know and look forward to your writing, and I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, so if that doesn't make you a writer, what does, my friend??? Seriously, Gareth - you have a rare talent, a lot of skill, and your work is polished and fresh, in my humble opinion...

    Thank you for calling this work brave - it means more than you could know. Warmest wishes, Dawn
reply by giraffmang on 22-Jun-2015
    Honestly Dawn, I look forward to reading your writing. You are very gracious in your assessment of mine! It truly is down to the help receive on the site. People like yourself, JP Duck, Dean and a few others, and what I pick up from great writers such as Indianairish, Jay Squires, Brooke and others really helps me learn all the time.

    This site has given me confidence, and friendships I never thought were possible on a website!

    All the best
reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Oh, me too, and you mention a few of the ones I would mention as well. Thank you for the compliment - right back attcha. :)
Comment from Walu Feral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

G'day Dawn. You are a star in my eyes mate and you always will be. When I returned to fanstory last December and you reviewed the first piece that I posted after not writing for over a year I was so excited that I called Delia in and introduced her to you. This is indeed a brave venture and I no exactly how it feels and it is brilliant without a word out of place. If anybody gives you a hard time you tell me and "I'll be the one to do it" as Delia would say. Can you remind me when this vote on so I can vote for you please. That is not you requesting it is me asking you to remind me becaue I will forget. Hang in the my friend, you are a star and a very bright one at that. Cheers Fez

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 Comment Written 22-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 22-Jun-2015
    Oh, Fez, this review means so much to me, as does your sweet offer to vote for me, and even better, to protect me (ya big teddy-bear.) But what you said about calling Delia in and introducing us is the highest honour you could pay me. I am truly thrilled and will never forget it.

    You can't vote in this one though, dear man - it's a site-sponsored contest. But thank you so much for your loyal and caring support and encouragement. You have no idea just HOW needed that is today...

    Big hugs,
reply by Walu Feral on 22-Jun-2015
    You are always welcome mate.