Reviews from

Can One Be Over-Churched?

Religion is a two-edged sword

80 total reviews 
Comment from PatriciaLiteHickman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is true, plain and simple:

" Religious beliefs, when unpruned and unchallenged, warp the hearts and minds of otherwise good and kind people."
Good grief! I'm so thankful I was never directed to that book!
oh bravo for this!

California's Proposition Eight is only one of many mirrors reflecting this Bible-taught intolerance.

"...most people who use the Bible to create havoc, civil unrest or to support intolerance do not study the scriptures."

I have no constructive criticism to offer, i thought this is very well written; while I am a Chaplain, I have long since recovered from the organized Christian viewpoint; I attend Unity Church and the belief is that all are children of a loving God;

not a thing to correct! Best wishes in the voting booth; I would've just voted for adewpearl whose essay is very good; but I love this one too and think it is equally as good!

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thank you so much! To be in the running with adewpearl is really special to me -- and I don't mean that facetiously at all. She write some super stuff! I appreciate your encouragement and your views. A positive review on this essay from a Chaplain means much more than just a positive review. My church is now United Methodist and, while they are not the most liberal in the world, it is head and shoulders above the Southern Baptist one in which I was raised. Again, thank you. ann
Comment from Nordica93
This work has reached the exceptional level

Words cannot describe how much I agree with you. I have encountered people who preach that homosexuality is 'wrong' (not in their view, but just 'wrong' in general). I just wish such people would stop clinging to the few vague Bible verses that 'supposedly' say this, and actually try reading one of the billion times it says 'judge not, lest ye be judged,' or to 'love one another with your whole heart.' It is this sort of hate and ignorance that has alienated me from God, so your essay to me is a light of hope in an otherwise dark and prejudiced world. Thank you for a thought provoking and honest read.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    A thousand thanks. Sixes always make my head spin, but even more so when the subject is one dear to my heart. I appreciate your thoughts and your time. Please don't allow bigots to get between you and your spiritual growth; they don't deserve that power. I'm so glad you stopped by and, again, thanks for the sixer! ann
Comment from yachtworknz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Annmuma-Good piece with a message.
Now you ask about the ultimate evil. How about the the two basic forms in the universe. Order and di order. Order, or complication in a life system, such as the earth then becomes good, while dis order, like the randomess of space becomes evil as this is where god is not at work so much. So every time we make another species extinct we are pushing toward disorder and thus evil. Hmm this could be a story in and of itself.
See you piece got me thinking. That is the sign of good work.


 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    YES -- that is a story in and of itself! Please write it and enter the contest. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I learn so much for my fellow fanstorians. I appreciate the generous review, but much more the ideas shared. ann
Comment from O Randell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was well organized and the thinking was lucid and clear. I had no trouble reading it. You have written a good argument for tolerance. The only problem I have with this, is the title. It is a question that you really didn't address. If you feel the intolerance is the result of people being "overchurched," then you really didn't make that point.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thanks for making that point. My intention was to connect the church to religion, rather than religion to the person. In other words, going to church does not make one a Christian anymore than going to a garage makes one a car. It is the church that usually twists and turns the scriptures into things that can become evil. It is the church where we can lose our ability to see other sides of a story. It is not the scriptures that lead us astray, but rather the interpretation made by some churches. Apparently, I did not succeed in reaching that goal! thanks for letting me know. appreciate your stopping by and offering helpful criticisms. ann
reply by O Randell on 20-Nov-2008
    I may not have been sufficiently clear in my suggestion. What I'm suggesting is that you have a good essay as it is written; making excellent points. If I were you, I would just change the title.
reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thanks. Guess my brain's a little foggy! ann
Comment from E. W. Crowe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, Ann, good essay. It's written well and clear and you have many points to back up what you say. On that alone makes this a good article.

Just for wondering:

What one scripture are you talking about addressing homosexulality?

Tidbit for you:

Mark Twain once said, "If Jesus Christ were here today, I can tell you one thing he would not be . . . a Christian."

I agree wholeheartedly that some Christians bring black eyes to the religion. Abortion doctor killings, comes to mind. Even though I have my personal opinion on the matter, I know that God does not want me to kill. That's a Commandment.

Anyway, good job.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    I love Mark Twain's quote!! The passages I remember to be used to condemn homosexuality are: Genesis 2:21-25, The Creation Story, Genesis 19:1-14, Story of Sodom, Leviticus 18:6 & 22 and 20:13 (Most prominently used, and the one uppermost in my mind when writing the essay, but in reality has a much different history and interpretation), Romans 1:26-27, I Corinthians 6:9, I Timothy 1:10 and there may be others.

    I agree with the Thou Shalt Not Kill commandment. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing thoughts. ann
Comment from wazzo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found this article interesting and I was surprised that your Father believed the book that he gave to you regarding Noah and his sons. I read the Genesis account again and discovered a son of Ham was named Cush and Cush bore a son who was called Nimrod and it is said of him that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord, 'interesting Daddy.'I wonder if Jesus because of where he came from might have been less than white 'o dear pops.'I could go on. Regarding the other and main question. We cannot judge a situation from that of the silence of the Lord Jesus. I think there is a lot of ignorance about sexual orientation even among Christians, but none should be in the business of condemnation of individuals. I think both the Old and New Testament condemn the act whilst not condemning the actors. I am quite blunt about the act and say I do not think God designed the human rectum to receive the male sexual organ. I mark your article for it's presentation and your willingness to share where you are at. We may have to agree to disagree. Feel free to continue debate.Blessings Albert.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thanks so much for the excellent review and your ability to separate the content from the presentation.

    I believe every man's spiritual journey must be an individual, and unique unto him, trip. Beginning from where we are placed in our starting gate -in my case, a Christian home in central Louisiana- we should use the tools provided in search of our own peace. Although I am happy with where I am right now, I pray for and work toward continued growth and enlightment. With that thought in mind, I appreciate your comments and thank you for sharing them.

Comment from Perp Ihebom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very educative, enlightening and thought-provoking write-up. Religious craze is the in -thing now. The real terrorists in many parts of the world who draw blood with impunity are religious bigots and zealots. Kudos.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thanks for the excellent review and your comments. I'm glad you stopped by. ann
Comment from Wilder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Extremely well written. Brilliantly explained. Use of words again, brilliant. It flowed from one idea to the next with efficiency. *clapping loudly*

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thank You!!
Comment from EllieKaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ann,
I am so very, very glad to have you back!

You have said in these thousand (or so) words what has always been in my head and heart. You've found the way to voice the feeling. Very well articulated.


 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    Thanks for reading and for the welcome back! It's good to be back and to find time to chat here on fanstory. I appreciate your encouraging words. ann
Comment from SunlitWhisper
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am in disagreement with what you have penned. That's all I'll say to avoid an argument...

May the veil be lifted from blind eyes and God will be just in His truth and Laws. Matthew 5: 17-19

If we think that God won't get angry about unrighteousness (Sin and defiant of His Laws), we are doomed.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2008
    We'll just pray for each other, okay? I do respect feelings and beliefs; I just don't share them.

    For the record, ratings on fanstory should be directed toward the writers' abilities and technical precision --not whether or not the reviewer agrees with the content or piece. That is unfair and not in keeping with the spirit of fanstory's purpose, i.e. to help each other improve our writing skills. For the future, you may want to consider the responsibilities of a reviewer before you rate a piece. ann