Reviews from

All Christians Are Scum!

Are we offended yet?

52 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is a lot of stuff written on Fan Story that offends me every day! I skip it. I believe in the Golden Rule and treat others the way I want to be treated. That doesn't always happen. I am always delighted to read about other religions and cultures. I didn't see the post you are talking about. We are all God's Children. Nancy

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thanks, Nancy. Normally I would agree with you, but occasionally someone needs to take a stand against such hateful stuff and say 'This is not acceptable!' Why do God's children have to abuse others just because they follow a different religion?

reply by nancy_e_davis on 22-Feb-2016
    I agree with you. I didn't make it clear I suppose. Nancy
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written post and we are certainly all entitled to our views in a ideal democratic world. I'm not a religious believer in any sense or form. I have spent a good deal of my time in the Muslim world and have been stoned, repeat stoned, because I am a Western woman. Good, we are all entitled to our believes, but don't kill me for it. Does the Jews not spring to mind? Have you read the Koran? I have. And I have also read the Old Testament. All best. Ulla

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Ulla, thank you for reviewing. Why should anyone be blamed for their religion?

Comment from William Ross
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very good there are hater and breeders of hate in all religions Christians were among some of the worst in the past. There will always be hate mongers in any religion even among Christians Catholics and protestants for example in ierland. it's the way of the world. great write. have a good day.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thanks for the kind review.

Comment from write hand blue
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Steve, I can see where you are coming from.

I think the trouble facing the west is the uncontrolled immigration flooding countries. This cannot be good for the people living there to have another society thrust upon them.

I believe there is a lot of fear about the country being taken over and I'm talking about the UK. Whilst the majority may be law abiding there will be that certain percentage that should not be polluting the country.

My point is...This integration is short sighted in the extreme. Nothing good can come of it. I pity the next generation and the violent society that is evolving due to an almost universally unwanted mixing of cultures.

In the UK Enoch Powel, was regarded in the 1960 -- 70s as a trouble making extremist by the establishment. But he has been so right in his predictions. I just hope he is wrong in his--'Rivers of Blood' speech.

I know you are having a rant Steve, but there is a sort of safety valve when you can express your true views. Over here you can't even make mildly racist jokes. By turning our backs to reality we are approaching wholesale anarchy.

I wonder if this writer is a Brit or European? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, applies to many facets of life we need to remember this. You line a continent up for trouble then you will get it.

Finally I partly share you lack of religious views. So I've little love for either side. Although Hate is a word that shouldn't be used... ~Mel~

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thanks for your thoughtful response to my rant. I certainly agree that it is fear that drives many people to their violent opposition to immigrants. I think it is a sign that terrorism is working - perhaps in a different way from what the terrorists intended. We see society becoming divided and people forgetting their values because of fear.

    Here in new Zealand, immigrants are generally well-received, and often become valuable members of the community. But then we do have fewer of them, so integration becomes easier.

reply by write hand blue on 22-Feb-2016
reply by write hand blue on 22-Feb-2016
    First of all when numbers reach the saturation levels mainland Britain have, then the scene becomes very different.
    Integration is not the intent of the vast communities that are changing our British culture and way of life. I visited my home town of Burnley last year and felt threatened walking down the street with burkas and large groups of Asians clogging the pavements. And they make you walk round them, they don't move to let you pass. I don't like how they have taken over most of the best paying jobs in Burnley.

    Cultures are divided to start with. Religious dogma does not mix. This is fine when each side stays in their own country.

    Mix them and you have the makings of a war. I think our government has a lot to answer for. There's a lot of covering up at the moment. But I wonder how long they can keep a lid on it. I have a relative in the police force and this person says it's shocking, won't give details of course. Just says 'you don't want to know'.

    I too am well travelled, I just wonder how you would feel if you had daughters and lived in a town where they were all regarded as worse than prostitutes by a large part of the community. And regarded as fair game to be raped at will by young first or second generation asians, or be groomed as worthless children for prostitution.

    I do hope immigration keeps to a low level in your country, then you will perhaps be able to maintain your opinion... (similar to the one I once had)... Mel.
Comment from Chrissy710
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow Steve, Now that is what I call a rant, phew you certainly expressed yourself explicitly and what or whoever wrote 'that poem' obviously had no idea (or did they) of what anger would be reproduced in response.
I personally do not have any religious affiliations and have always believed each to their own belief what ever that may be, as long as their views are not rammed down my throat. I believe that religion is a man made rhetoric and nothing to do with spirituality.
And it seems that over centuries or from time immemorial religion zealots from all persuasions have caused many if not most of the world troubles. So I would rather have nothing to do with it.
I have many friends and family who have their religious beliefs and we can still love one another as equals I don't have an issue with anyone's race, colour, political or religious views and I try to be tolerant of everyone/ No one is perfect.

You are well entitled to you opinion and good on you for having the courage to share it.
Cheers Christine

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Thanks, Chrissy.

    I get upset when someone lumps all members of a religion together.

Comment from JBCaine
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm guessing the mutton sammich you had for lunch didn't agree with you or something. You sound a bit miffed here.
Surely the site terms preclude one from reacting angrily to any post, no matter how outrageous. Don't they?
I'm guessing the "reviews" of this piece will be as entertaining as the rant itself. I can hardly wait.
Anyway, not that my opinion matters, but I did enjoy your rant. Points well made.

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Thank you.

    As I guessed, the site didn't like me referring to and quoting another member's work. My piece was disabled until I could edit out the offending parts. Part of my anger is down to the fact that pieces like this encourage other bigots to come out of their hidey-holes.

reply by JBCaine on 20-Feb-2016
    There is some merit to having them come out of their hidey-holes, so they can be recognized for who and what they are. Even if we can't wait outside the holes like Whack-a-Mole...
    Bottom line, hate is hate, regardless of source, and there are plenty of haters in any group. The only true control we each have over that is to not be one.
Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I applaude you for speaking your mind, in the case of religion, which is man fabricated. The Spiritual God has very little to do with it. I hope I can say God Bless you. with out offending you. LOL

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Thanks, Joann.

    I don't get offended easily and I have respect for everyone else's beliefs, even though I have none. I have zero respect for those who would lump peaceful followers of a religion in with extremists.

Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sure you know some decent westernized muslims who are nice people. But the majority of those in the mideast are trained from birth to hate Israel and us both, and their goal is to destroy us and make an Islamic caliphate wherever they can. They'll take over Europe soon, because those stupid leaders have let them in for decades, and there are already places in Europe where Europeans may not go since they are controlled by muslims.

Wake up, Steve. ISIS does not play nice. Have you read the KOran? I studied it for two years. A true muslim must follow it, and it's pretty damn clear about killing infidels and forcing Islam on others. The women in Islamic nations are miserable but eitehr accept the abuse or are afraid to complain. They may be raped by anyone, and if they complain, without FOUR male witnesses testifying to the rape, they will be blamed, stoned, or not allowed to marry since it is THEIR fault they are not virgins.

Religion of peace? Only a fool who didn't know what is really going on would say such a thing. Glad that poem is there. We need more voices shouting warnings, not that it will help with all the PC leftists embracing our worst enemy. Sheesh.

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Hi, Phyllis.

    Thanks for sharing your point of view - as long as you realise that that's all it is - a point of view, and no more valuable than anyone else's.And if you don't mind me saying so, a very condescending point of view - does your study of the Koran make you more qualified than someone who lived and worked amongst Muslims for eight years?. Not all Muslims live in Islamic nations - it doesn't mean they're westernised.

    The majority... are trained... No, they're not
    They'll take over Europe soon. No, they won't.
    There are places where Europeans may not go... Possibly, but it would be interesting to see your definition of Europeans. And aren't their places in many American cities where certain groups are afraid to go?

    I am not talking about ISIS so that is irrelevant. A true muslim must no more follow those extreme portions of the Koran than a true Christian has to follow the cruelties stated in parts of the Bible.
    Yes, some Islamic nations have a poor record where it comes to attitudes and behaviour towards women.

    I'm a fool? I'm glad to be the fool who stood up against the virulent rubbish spouted by this poor, disturbed woman.

reply by Phyllis Stewart on 20-Feb-2016
    As you said, this is just your opinion. But one based on knowing a handful of muslims doesn't compare to the facts, and there are a ton of them. Read the koran; then you'll have a right to criticize someone's opinion. Read some history of the Islamic people. Read what Europe is going thru and has. Read what muslim leaders themselves say. Knowing a few nice muslims isn't much to go on while you ignore the whole world.
reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    OK So first tell me exactly why you studied the Koran for two years. Why are you so clued up about what Muslim leaders say? What drives you to be the expert you say you are on this topic.

    And once again, I didn't just 'know a few nice Muslims' - I lived amongst them for 8 years. If you cant even read and take that in, then all the reading of the Koran won't help. Read the Bible as well and consider the atrocities suggested there.

    Have a nice day.
reply by Phyllis Stewart on 20-Feb-2016
    You must be assuming I'm a Christian. I'm quite familiar with their bible, however, and you are referring to atrocities in the Old Testament. Most Xians stick with the New Testament, since any rules, traditions, habits before Jesus might very well have changed, except those ten commandments and few basic things.

    Atrocities committed for Islam, accepted as following Muhammed's example and teachings, are still current for those folks in Islamic countries. You say you lived with muslims for eight years. Was that in an Islamic nation in the Middle East or SE Asia? Or in a westernized nation?

    There's no point in arguing over opinions unless both sides have the same set of data to work from, so we'll go on thinking as we do and the world won't care. :)
reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    I actually don't want to be an apologist for the religion of Islam. That wasn't the point of my post.

    I see now that having declared Muslims as hateful, you want to split them into groips.

    And you skipped my question about why you studied the Koran.

    No, I make no assumptions except that hating a 'people' - I'll use the term very loosely to cover all Muslims - is wrong. By all means attack the ideology and actions of the few. Don't stir up hatred by labelling them all.

    I used the Bible as a point of comparison because the author herself professes to be a Christian. Her words and actions on this site tell a different story. The falsehoods and hyperbole in her posts spread a hateful message.

    I'm sorry, but I don't really have time today to continue. In any case you seem to have a closed mind on the subject. You want to work from the same data, let me know why you studied the Koran.

reply by Phyllis Stewart on 20-Feb-2016
    I already told you. I was taking comparative religion classes.

    There are always exceptions, but if you go by what their guidebooks say, you may judge the religion by those rules and goals. I am speaking of REAL muslims, not the westernized MINO...muslims in name only. Those who follow their bible... the koran.
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was clearly and well written. I don't grade on content, you and the other poet should have the freedom of speech to voice your ideas, and I
to absorb or ignore them. I am pretty strong on freedom...

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Thank you. I respect your views on freedom to voice ideas.

    Are there any boundaries? Should I be allowed to advocate rape? How about child molestation? genocide? What if I am actively encouraging others to take part in these actions?

reply by LIJ Red on 20-Feb-2016
    You should have the freedom to do so and the good taste to refrain from doing so. Just as you should be able to own any weapon you wish, with the decency not to use it. your "rant" after all was a plea for good taste and decency...
Comment from Bananafish308
This work has reached the exceptional level

The six stars are not because I agree with every word in this piece (which I do); the six stars are for your brilliant and uncompromising use of hyperbole to make a very necessary point. The fact that the literary device known as hyperbole is lost on some of your reviewers, does not diminish the power of your post. I completely agree with your sentiment that it is long overdue for those of us who disagree with such vile hate speech to condemn it in the strongest terms possible. Bravo for this very brave post! Bill

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2016
    Bill, thank you for your review, the six stars, and the supportive words. As you may guess, reviews are split for this, so I appreciate the ones that come down on my side of the fence.

reply by Bananafish308 on 20-Feb-2016
    My pleasure, Steve, and thanks again for posting it.