Reviews from

Lights Out

The Rogue...nuff said.

59 total reviews 
Comment from closetpoetjester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And here I was thinking I was the B to your A...hmmm looks I'm ACTUALLY the S to your X along with every other feathered female here that likes to get a little clucky with her cockhe...whoops, I mean cock. Hah! Take that you devilish heathen This was an attempt at sausery...VERY cute but you better leave the dressings to the jester mate. I think I proved in my last post I have the tongue to match I've done the division on all your sex missions and simply divided by three. Hmmm, your stats aren't so great mate are they. Time to cum clean. Got anything to tell your Closet? Just close the door behind you. Always here to listen, you can tell me everything, including what a friggin libertine dasher is. WTF? LMAO Kidding. I'm not lazy I'll toddle over to the online thesaurus...ooh only a digit away. And speaking of digits bet yours were on fire as you penned this culinary delight...why culinary delight you say? Because the fowls are fed up with the yolks and all we wanna do is eat you. Yep, next meal is those scrawning chicken legs. I like the thigh region...mmmm.
Cute notes you byronic bard tryhard. Are you getting sick of me telling you that you give good pentameter? How's about giving me a little what for with some kind of anatesti...oops, I mean anapestical arrangement. Forget the previous, I already know we've singed them and they've shrunk back inside...LOL
Always a pleasure to give you shit + sauce equalling a dynamic review. God I'm good to you.
Nahh...I treat EVERYONE like this...aren't THEY lucky.
See? Your NOT so special...your the V to my D...haha
Thanks for the fun...Cheers P
BTW Could we try the cable car next time. I have a fear of heights but I don't plan on using that adrenalin rush to look out the window. I have a penchant for suspended copulation! LOL Grrrrrrr

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Keep coming, P...I mean, keep it coming. This one was penned as a catch-all, but I think it's time to give you all some individual attention rather than the group rate. You no doubt have the tongue to match, but do you have the sexual dexterity to keep it up? ;-) I'm not sure why the hens are so sure they've done anything but warmed the Rogue up, but keep thinking that. And do please keep giving me the sauce. I like it spicy, just as you serve it. As for the cable car, as you like it, m'lady, and that suspended copulation is always good because of the tingle of heights with the tingle of the mingle. Carry on...and you ARE special. :-)

    Thank YOU for the fun, too.
reply by closetpoetjester on 07-Feb-2014
    Yeah yeah mate.
    Special shmecial...LOL

    We're ALL sisters in the dark.

    Anyway speaking of beds, why ain't you in yours? Are you getting it u...oops I mean getting up or going down?

    I'm booking the SanFranny trip.
reply by closetpoetjester on 07-Feb-2014
    BTW I think you have your tingle confoosed with your angle and your mingle with your dangle.
    Shit. Now I'M confoosed.
    You're special too honey...just so long as you keep believing it...teehee
    I'm SO cruel right. Nup. Just onto you mate and you've obviously worked out I won't take it laying down.
    I like it upright against vertical surfaces. Take THAT to the memory BANK.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Vertical, horizontal makes no never mind to me. There's no dangle no matter the angle, so I'll treat you straight up if you like it that way. :-)
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Going down soon, and getting up early, just the way I like it. :)
reply by closetpoetjester on 07-Feb-2014
    Fancy a nightcap? LMAO

    I'm kidding.
    I don't drink.

    I'm clean for 362 days of the year.
    Then binge drink on 3 very select days...or nights.

    I'm actually really f**kin boring.

    Nighty anyway.
    If you feel your balls getting warm in your sleep, it's the basting I'm giving you.

    Enjoy my next piece.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, marillion, you did an excellent job writing this quatrain poem about the different ways the rogue likes his women, lol. I enjoyed reading it

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thank you, my friend, for checking in on the rogue. :)
Comment from Angel Blessings
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

WOW What a great read! good rhythm, such good imagery to your words, excellent presentation. I enjoyed it, so much, I shared it with my spouse! Angel Blessings

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Angel Blessings. I really appreciate the great review, and I hope your spouse liked it, too! David
Comment from Tatarka2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You know all the words (assonance, etc.) for the alliteration and types of rhymes you use. I'm not crazy about the message here, but I have to admit it's wonderful, lyrical, rollicking poetry. Well done.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thank you, Tatarka. I hope you do realize it's a satirical look at the attitudes of men like this, and not my own philosophies. I appreciate your review, as always. :)
Comment from Just Pete
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A humorous look at the ways of the rogue yet it carries a warning for the na•ve. Iambic pentameter make it a pleasure to read and the internal rhyme fits in perfectly like a change of step.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Pete. I really appreciate it, my friend.
Comment from A Jesterstear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lights dimmed, popcorn out... bring on the rascal... and he didn't disappoint. What another great humorous poem big M. The end of the third stanza had me in fits of laughter. Have to go now, got to see if you have dug yourself an even bigger hole. AJ.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much, my friend. So glad you liked it. Next Friday I think I'll address some of the hens personally now that I know who is coming to play. :)
Comment from Acquired Taste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very, very good. I liked the cadence on this one particularly well.

A snorting, sporting stallion with a wild, cavorting style - my favorite of your lines. Get some rest - you have a week to regain your strength!


 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thank you, my friend. I'll look forward to addressing some of you personally in the next installment. Have a great weekend.
Comment from paulah60
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear rogue, with your God-complex. And a god you are indeed, but that would be the god, "Thor". You see, the problem with repetitive, unidirectional movement is that you end up with RSI (as in, "I'm Thor" LMAO)!
Now. OK, so you've presented us with a variety of places where the jerkyll will play hyde the salami, but...COME ON!! It's still really JUST a variation of the same thing: the ins and outs and ups and downs in the life of a rogue. Someone (or something) is flagging, and it's NOT the sisterhood! Looks like we are starting to come out on top (and don't give me that "I love a woman on top" crap!)
All that said, your rhythm is still spot on (I'm talking about your writing!), and as always, a super entertaining read. Particularly love (and simultaneously, a tad grossed out by) 'Where flowing with the motion, all my seamen come to float.' You m'lord have to find OUR Achilles heel. Good luck with that!

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Actually, I nixed the first one I wrote because it was too mean-spirited, so I released a gentler one that concentrated more on the demigod qualities than the shortcomings of women outside of the fact that they bore the rogue once he gets what he wants. Also please remember that you're answering one person while I have about seven or eight who are building off of my poems. Of course, you just hit on the last kind of comeback I foresaw with the gay accusations, which came after the too short, too quick, too sloppy type ripostes, so perhaps I'll have to address you all in one poem, or at least the ones who posted this week (minus one who took it all too seriously). Thanks for keeping it fun. I'll have to take stock of those who posted retorts this week, and get cracking on some ass-smacking for next Friday. And, m'lady, it ain't your heel I'll be digging in. ;-) Nothing's flagging here; the pole is upright, and the flag is stiff in the wind, so don't get too sure of yourself. I'll metrically and diametrically destroy you all, even if I have to do it one at a time (though I wouldn't mind a threesome, so I may take the saucy Aussie toxic twins on at once. ;-)

    Thanks, my friend. Hope you're having a great weekend.

reply by paulah60 on 07-Feb-2014
    All I can say to you m'lord is ... don't get too cocky!!! You couldn't handle the two Aussie toxic ball-breaking twins!!
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    That's fine, I was hoping the two of you would handle me...;-) It'll take both of you.
reply by paulah60 on 07-Feb-2014
    Oh, flattering yourself are you?! 'Stallion' is ONLY a metaphor!! LMAO
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Yes, but metaphors are based on something, and this one wasn't based on the mane, m'lady. ;-)

    God, I'm getting so bad I'm becoming a caricature of my caricature. Even I hope you ladies take the rogue down.
reply by paulah60 on 07-Feb-2014
    LOL, well then...WORK WITH ME/US HERE!
    And metaphor, I think, was the wrong term. What is the poetic device that makes something appear SOOOOOO much larger than what it is? Oh yeah....a magnifying glass LMAO
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Also, the rear-view mirror, which is all you see after the hit-and-run. No, you'll know when the rogue finally goes down for the count. I already wrote his eulogy to be used at the appropriate time. ;-)
reply by paulah60 on 07-Feb-2014
    Yep stallion or not, it's gotta be hard work taking on all us chickies at once. But I hope you don't kill him off. It's been fun. Maybe just semi-retirement or something?
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Not for awhile. Despite a few killjoys today, this is too much fun to end, and people who don't like it can stay the fuck away. :-)
reply by paulah60 on 07-Feb-2014
    Oh gosh, I just had a better look at your response to my review. I so hope you weren't offended! the comment about the unidirectional movement was just about, well you know, the in and out movement. Wasn't meant to be about lack of variety in your poems, cos that's SO not the case.
Comment from queenv
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! What a ride. The poem speaks volume. The verses are so well written. Pity the women who gets either ride. The poem flows well and has rhythm

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much, queenv. I really appreciate it.
Comment from Kenneth Schaal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is good, an excellent follow up to the previous events. What's to say about the read that hasn't already been said? Another exceptional write. Go man go. Kenny

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Thanks, my friend. By the way, I happened to catch that ridiculous review someone gave you. WTF?

    Anyway, always appreciate you stopping by, Kenny.
reply by Kenneth Schaal on 07-Feb-2014
    I don't know what fathered that one in--a shot from the blue, and it's not the first time. I complained and was told I broke the rules with my response, and probably did--it wouldn't be the first time. I have learned now, how to block the standards; something I should have learned eons ago. Thanks.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Probably a good idea. That was a strange one.
reply by Kenneth Schaal on 07-Feb-2014
    Yes, but I need to curtail my anger; haul it in. I seem to forget sometimes I'm no longer operating on a construction site.
reply by Kenneth Schaal on 07-Feb-2014
    He's young, located in Madison WI. and trying unsuccessfully to write 5/7/5s--if he's attending the U he's wasting ma and pa's money.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    My last stint I was here, I'd lose my religion quite often, especially when I knew they were off base. I get it, brother. I actually thought your response was on target, though? Holy as one syllable? Jeez.
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2014
    Definitely, and what's with the Reagan-era bombastic patriotism?
reply by Kenneth Schaal on 07-Feb-2014
    As the red film departs from my eye, I see a disturbed young man. That's my reading.