Reviews from

Winning's Easy

Who'll judge the judges?

37 total reviews 
Comment from janbar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Kudos to you! I'm pretty ticked myself. I'm beginning to wonder whether to continue to participate. It was such fun to begin with and I was enjoying all the other writes, so creative incorporating the various requirements. Then ... I feel better knowing someone else is as miffed as I am. I really liked the way you wrote this poem. THANKS! )o: grrrr janbar

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Thank you - I'm not really blaming the author - he acknowledged his poem didn't meet the requirements - just the dopey voters who chose his poem anyway. Best shut up now as mine is back in front!
reply by janbar on 18-Jun-2011
    I'm ticked at both.
Comment from Piggies Grandma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your poem and I thought it was cleverly written. Sometimes things don't seem fair but it usually all works out in the end.

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Thank you
    i can see your glass is always half full!
reply by Piggies Grandma on 18-Jun-2011
    Not always, but I try :0)
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't enter FS contests because I honestly believe the contests are rigged. It's a popularity contest. I know for fact people ask for votes. Not on FS where they will get caught, but on personal e-mails. I also really wonder who choose the story, book, or poem of the month contestants. Once in a while a real piece of crap is nominated.

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Well they certainly chose one worthwhile poem this month - I've just reported it to FS as being blatantly plagiarised from a well-known Australian poet. They've removed it from the list now...
    Know what you mean about the occasional piece of crap though...
Comment from jackpeg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is really humorous enough for children. I mean that as a compliment. They are the most difficult audience to get a rise out of. Last line a little rough. How about, "When there is no judge!"?

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Thank you - I think!
    Yes, it was a little rushed and I should revisit the last line.
Comment from the blue pixel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There are a lot of rumblings and discontent about contests and how they are won, who wins them. Good for you Steve in writing a poem about, let's call a spade a spade, cheating, though in the case of your contest, it could be more va voter's problem rather than the contestants. Your story reminds me of the woman who caught a bus for about half of the way when assumedly running the New York Marathon - she almost got away with it too. On the serious side, I hate cheating and have no respect whatsoever for cheats, whatsoever. I enjoyed this bit of fun Steve, with its serious inspiration. xx Pix

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    The contest I was referring to was one where rules were put in place to make the task more difficult. By sidestepping them, one contestant gained a huge advantage, although he did acknowledge his error in his notes. Despite that he continues to get votes so, yes, the fault lies with the voters - they may not have known the rules, but when it is written in black and white, why would they still choose this as the best poem. Anyway, I'd best shut up as my poem is now back in front and the author concerned has been in touch to apologize...

    PS since you mention cheating, I was a bit stunned when I started reading the Poem of the Month nominees and came across a poem that I'd just finished doing with my Year 10 English class! I had to dob the author in to FS and they've removed it from the list and closed her account I think...
    Actually, not the first time I've spotted this person posting something not her own - last time it was Wilfred Owen, and she apologised profusely and took the poem off when I picked her up on it...
reply by the blue pixel on 18-Jun-2011
    Good for you Steve.....for reporting the plaguarist. If that happened in a university, it is grounds for instantly being booted as well it should be. As for thes contest thing? I have always been very suspicious of how the winners, win. The rules MUST be taken into account of course and voters seem to vote for friends or something like that Steve. I am not the only one to think there is something untoward going on here. Best of luck to you my friend. xx Pix
Comment from DIS-illusioned
This work has reached the exceptional level

--"Who'll judge the judges?"
I've often wondered this myself ...???
--"The judges just won't tell."
I sincerely think the truth is 'they don't give a flying fuck'! It's the 'real' (subscription) dollars they're concerned with, not if A is lobbying for votes, or B reposted the same poem--thrice! Short of one of us reaching across the screen and strangling another, all's honky dory in FanStory contest land! Those 'warnings' (huh!) are there only to 'scare' us into doing what's right, but not to be actually enforced.
--"But could we know
If it did grow
In someone else's garden?"
Good metaphoric imagery for plagiarism.
--"We're all such fools
To follow rules
When no one us will judge!"
It's truly a farce. Ridiculous, how people get away with 'murder' in these contests--ludicrous!
--I'll go back and peruse the past voting booths to ascertain what you're alluding to in your author notes.
--Again, these contests are a fucking farce! Have you read some of the winning entries?! ... I wouldn't accept a copy, if it were given free!
May I know which contest you were referring to in your author notes? And perhaps, which particular entry? For my own private knowledge and edification. Thank you.

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    The contest I was referring to was the Princess one, where rules were put in place to make the task more difficult. By sidestepping them, one contestant gained a huge advantage, although he did acknowledge his error in his notes. Despite that he continues to get votes so the fault lies with the voters - they may not have known the rules, but when it is written in black and white, why would they still choose this as the best poem. Anyway, I'd best shut up as my poem is now back in front and the author concerned has been in touch to apologize...
Comment from moyramouse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I reviewed this person's poem and told her what was the point of entering a competition if she didn't keep to the rules. She had written an amusing poem and clearly had the ability to use the silly phrases we were asked to use. I shall probably be shipped off to the colonies in disgrace!! I now have discovered you have written this wonderful ditty to get rid of your pique. Perhaps I should have done the same instead of giving her a school marm rant. xxxxmouse

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Not sure we are referring to the same offender - I think my one is a man...
    Anyway, not really his/her fault that people continue to vote for the poem when it is stated clearly that it doesn't follow the rules. he has written and apologized and said he truly expected to come last.
    Anyway, my poem has its nose back in front now...

    PS on a more serious note, I uncovered a real cheat today with one of the Poem of the Month entries - just blatantly posted a poem by a well-known Australian poet as if it was their own. Strangely enough I had just 'done' the poem with my class yesterday.
    Did I see one of yours in the nominees?
Comment from tomprato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for this little set of verses.

I like the poem, its rhyming scheme and its sarcastic joking humour.

I like your honesty.

P.S. I felt bad recently when someone acted superior with reference to a little 'contribution' of mine. That someone actually didn't know what he/she was talking about. We have some pretty smug and stupid characters here on FanStory. The best thing is to avoid them.

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Thank you - yes, there are a few people I do avoid - for various reasons - mostly because they don't take criticism well.
Comment from amarherig14
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very funny.The way peple break the rules a still get votes and even win. The judges turn their faces the other way and in the case of you post in your author notes,Some do not care.Good picture. one little thing: last line in last poem between one and us > of?

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Thank you!
Comment from KiwiGal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Because people vote subjectively, not objectively. And because the bulk of them are not professional voters but 'friend supporters'. Some people NEED to win (thank goodness I don't, since I don't!)
It is also the fault of the person who sets up the contest and who doesn't default the poem out of contention.

Look at me: I'm giving you top marks because I agree with you, even if I think that some of your rhyming's a bit clumsy .. not up to your usual standard.
Is the colour significant.... like puke....? Heheh

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    The contest I was referring to was one where rules were put in place to make the task more difficult. By sidestepping them, one contestant gained a huge advantage, although he did acknowledge his error in his notes. Despite that he continues to get votes so the fault lies with the voters - they may not have known the rules, but when it is written in black and white, why would they still choose this as the best poem. Anyway, I'd best shut up as my poem is now back in front and the author concerned has been in touch to apologize...
    Don't think the organisers in these member-set contests can actually disqualify anyone - got to rely on voters being sensible.
reply by KiwiGal on 18-Jun-2011
    What's the point in setting up the Prompt rules then, if you can't control what happens to it after... I got a note back from my 1 star, asking me where he/she went wrong. I explained and will change the rating if it's acceptable to the Prompter.
    And now I'd better go to your contest and vote - perchance to keep you in front.. heheh (er, if I knew which one it was....)
reply by the author on 18-Jun-2011
    Well I wouldn't dream of telling you it was the Princess contest cos that might be breaking the rules...
reply by KiwiGal on 18-Jun-2011
    HEHEHEHEH - if it makes you feel any 'purer' because we do want to practise what we preach now, don't we... I actually guessed. And now I have to choose between you and Mouse.. Don't ask me which way I swang (?)